A. Abdul Aziz, Sri Lanka Correspondent
On 24 November 2024, Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka held its ijtema at the Baitul Basit Mosque in Pasyala, with the theme “Importance of Salat.” The sports competition had been held on the previous day. The ijtema started at 9:30 am with the flag-hoisting ceremony, followed by a silent prayer led by S. Nizam Khan Sahib, National President of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka. The formal proceedings commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran.
N. Nasir Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka, read out the Ansar pledge. After an Urdu poem, the inaugural speech was delivered by the National President of Jamaat Sri Lanka, who emphasised the importance of observing daily prayers and prayers in congregation with full attention, quoting from the writings of Promised Messiahas. Missionary-in-Charge and National Vice President, Javed Rahim Sahib, addressed in Sinhala on the topic of the blessings of connection with Khilafat. A. B. Musthaq Sahib, T. A. Tahir Sahib and a few others also addressed. The programme included academic competitions as well. The annual report was read out by I. A. Masood Ahmad Sahib, General Secretary of Majlis Ansarullah Sri Lanka. A vote of thanks was given by Arshad Sahib, Officer Ijtema, and the daylong programme concluded with silent prayer. In total, 222 members attended.