Two Mosques in Two Days


Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa was on a two-day tour of the West- and East-Midlands regions of England on 12 and 13 May 2018. 

This tour saw the inauguration of two mosques in the two regions – Baitul Muqeet Mosque in Walsall and Baitul Hafeez Mosque in Nottingham.


Baitul Muqeet Mosque, Walsall | AMA UK

With the inauguration of these two mosques, the number of purpose-built mosques of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in the UK has now reached 22 – a grand total of around 40 if Salat Centres and Community Centres of the Jamaat are included in the count.

Right from the very onset of the Khilafat of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, Huzooraa has paid special attention to the building of mosques in the Western world. The wisdom behind this initiative is now beginning to dawn upon the world as these mosques serve as hubs of Islamic teachings reaching the general Western society.

The early members of Jamaat Walsall settled around fifty years ago. Starting off with only a few families, the total number continued to increase with 269 members in the current census. The building, when purchased in 2009 for a price of £250,000, was a derelict warehouse. But being in the heart of the town centre, it was seen as a promising location for a mosque. 

From purchase to planning permissions, every step was met with bitter opposition by residents of the town – Muslims and non-Muslims alike. This mosque, named Baitul Muqeet, was formally inaugurated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on Saturday 12 May 2018.

The event was naturally a great source of pleasure and joy for the local members of the Walsall Jamaat; years of fundraising, hard work, patience produced a very satisfying reward at the end. 

Hundreds of Ahmadis from Walsall and other parts of the UK, were part of this historic event. Huzooraa unveiled the plaque and led the congregation in silent prayer. Huzooraa then led the Asr prayer in the newly inaugurated mosque after which he addressed the Ahmadis in attendance. Before Huzoor’s address, Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib, Amir Jamaat UK conveyed brief facts-and-figures of mosque. 

Huzooraa, in his address, reminded the local Jamaat that while it was a moment of joy, it also brought along a whole range of responsibilities with it. The eyes of the local community would now turn to them more keenly which meant that excellent examples of character had to be demonstrated by all local Ahmadis. With the presence of their mosque in the town, there would now be no excuse to hold any Ahmadi back from tabligh. 

Later that evening, Huzooraa addressed a reception where dignitaries, local residents and people with various interests were invited to attend. Among the dignitaries were the Vice Lord-Lieutenant for the West Midlands, Dr Beverly Lindsay OBE OD, Eleanor Smith MP, Steve McCabe MP and Bill Etheridge MEP. Expressing their thoughts after the event, guests and dignitaries openly expressed how beautiful a version of Islam they had been shown through the address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa

Not very far, in the city of Nottingham, was another mosque to be inaugurated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. This happened the following day on Sunday, 13 May 2018, when Huzoor arrived at the Baitul Hafeez Mosque. 


Baitul Hafeez Mosque, Nottingham | AMA UK

As the first Ahmadi family settled in Nottingham in 2001, the Jamaat there is fairly new. Over the years, it has grown from only four families to around two-hundred members. 

The mosque has come as a great reward for the local Ahmadis who would previously assemble in houses, community centres and schools to offer Salat in congregation. It was in the same year that the Nottingham Jamaat started to rapidly grow in number and had to plan for a local mosque. A property – formerly St Bernadette’s School and later a Catholic Church – was acquired on 26 May 2001 at a cost of £360,000.

After unveiling the plaque and leading Zuhr and Asr prayers, Huzooraa addressed the local Jamaat and other members of the UK Jamaat who had travelled to attend the blessed event. 

To benefit from the addresses of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on these occasions, please visit

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