Uruguay Outreach Campaign


Yousuf Khan

Missionary, Uruguay

In the month of June, Asif Khan and Zahid Sardar Khan who are recent graduates from Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada joined me in Uruguay to distribute 30,000 flyers in 30 days. 

Uruguay is a small country with very few places of concentrated population, which means that finding a crowd to give a large amount of leaflets can be an arduous task. 

Knowing the scarce results from previous flyer distributions, we prayed for our mission to be successful and that the Promised Messiah’sas mission would reach fortunate souls on this soil also. 

Allah heard our prayers and sent us a journalist who decided that our Jamaat would make an interesting article, and it indeed was. The journalist was from the largest national newspaper in Uruguay which reaches over 200,000 people. This newspaper – el Pais – has eluded me in the past as I have visited their office and tried to invite them to attend our Jalsa, however, I never made it past the reception desk. This time, Allah brought their journalist to us. 

The journalist attended our Friday Prayers, came to my apartment to interview my family and the Jamaat. She also visited our book stall at a well-known market. The article was met with great enthusiasm and some people have written to me that they want to join the community after reading the article. We intended to serve the mission of the Promised Messiahas with 30,000 flyers but Allah caused a much more detailed message to reach over 200,000 people. 

The article contained also the blessed picture of the Promised Messiahas and a picture of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa with two politicians from Uruguay who attended Jalsa Salana UK in 2017. Allah is true in His promises, He helps those who intend to help the Promised Messiahas and He alone is the One Who carries the message of the Promised Messiah to the corners of the world.

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