Al Hakam, 14 February 1919
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] went to Lahore for a few days to seek medical assistance.
On behalf of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, Maulvi Sher Ali Sahib, Nazir-e-Ala (Chief Administrator) has published an announcement in which the dates of Jalsa Salana have been determined as 15, 16 and 17 March 1919 – Saturday, Sunday and Monday respectively. [Due to reasons already mentioned in a previous issue of Al Hakam, the 1918 Jalsa Salana was not held in December and was postponed for a few months.]
Members of the Jamaat will indeed make efforts to increase the grandeur of Jalsa Salana.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihdelivered a short address after the Asr prayer, prior to leaving Qadian. The outline of that address in simple words is that the Holy Prophetsa used to appoint amirs(interim heads) in his absence when he would leave for journeys.
“At times, very simple looking companions were appointed amirs over the likes of Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Umarra. Similarly, I [Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih IIra] have appointed amirs before departing on previous journeys and have appointed a different amir in the following journey. The previous amir was not changed because of his ignorance or any weakness, but in fact, it was done so to increase the spirit of obedience in the Jamaat.
“Once, I appointed Khalifa Rashiduddin Sahib as amir whilst on a journey, and on other occasions I appointed Maulvi Sher Ali Sahib or Maulvi Sarwar Shah Sahib as amirs. Likewise, as I am leaving for Lahore to seek medical assistance, in my absence, I appoint Qazi Syed Amir Hussein Sahib as the amir of Qadian.
“During my absence every task will be performed as usual. For instance, if a task is performed under the supervision of Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, it will be carried out by their officers, and if a matter falls under the jurisdiction of Umur-e-Ama [Department of General Affairs], it will be carried out by the director of General Affairs.
“Similarly other departmental heads shall perform their duties as usual. As for the Jamaat in Qadian, if there is an urgent matter that has to be dealt with immediately, Qazi Syed Amir Hussein Sahib’s instructions must be followed, provided he gives specific instructions regarding that matter. Whereas if he hands that matter over to somebody else, then that is his responsibility.
“Certain people expect from the amir to do the work of a Khalifa. However, there is a difference between a Khalifa and an amir. The Holy Prophetsa would even appoint an amir between two people departing on a journey. The authority of Qadian’s amir is similar to the amir appointed for Sialkot, as he would only be the amir of that local Jamaat. Similar is the case of Qadian’s amir, but as Qadian is the Markaz as well, there is a preference, in that if an urgent requirement is made from external Jamaats, it is managed by the Markaz. This preference is due to the Markaz, otherwise the amir is not the Khalifa.
“Certain people are of the view that freedom is compromised due to the appointment of an amir. I believe that freedom is granted with the appointment of an amir. Where do you find that freedom that has been granted in England, France and America? In Germany, where every person is attempting to destroy the other person, do you see freedom? Freedom is with an amir. A person is free to practice their rights under the guardianship of the government and the law, thus the amir does not end that freedom, in fact, freedom is with an amir.
“I repeat the announcement in the end that Qazi Syed Amir Hussein Sahib shall be the Amir of Qadian’s Jamaat in my absence while I travel.”
On the instructions of Hazrat Sahib, the editor of Al Hakam went to Jammu, then to Batala, and after returning to Qadian, he has travelled to Hoshiarpur. This newspaper is being published in his absence.
The committee responsible for Jalsa management has started to perform its duty.
(Translated by Al Hakam)
Be positive behaviour and love for all, hatered none anyone