100 Years Ago… – Ahmadiyyat in America and sincere Ahmadis in the UK


Al Fazl, 27 May 1920

Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra

This news has reached respected members of the Jamaat that Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib has finally been allowed to enter America after encountering certain obstructions by the American authorities.

This occasion is not insignificant, but a very important event in the history of Islam and it is a great victory, which the true Islam, i.e. Ahmadiyyat, has achieved in the New World.

It is a seed that has been sown by the grace of God Almighty. It is a foundation, whose stone has been laid with the prayers of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra]. Insha-Allah, indeed in this country, as I saw in a divine vision after biding farewell to Mufti Sahib when he departed from Liverpool, “The tree of Islam will thrive, prosper and spread to the corners of the world.”

As the UK Jamaat has a significant role in the case of Mufti Sahib entering America, therefore, I believe it is pertinent to inform my friends about it. The esteemed friend, Mr M Rosanthal, who signed the bail papers and travelled from New York to Philadelphia with two respectable ladies, is the brother-in-law of the Faith brothers and the ladies are their sisters.

Moreover, other respected associates, especially Mr J Scott, the officer in-charge of the passport department, deserve thanks for the compassionate assistance. Having said that, Allah the Almighty provided the means and the Ahmadiyya Mission has been established in America, for which the Ahmadiyya Community is worthy of congratulation.

Letter of an English Ahmadi

Reverend brother Jacques Abdullah Bottomley is one of the noble gentlemen whose hearts have been enlightened by the light of Ahmadiyyat. The last time brother Abdullah came to meet me, he said, “Governmental documents require the registration of religion. What should I register in place of Christianity? I did not find any better expression than the comprehensive word of ‘Ahmadi’. Thus, I suggested it.” So, respected Abdullah Sahib registered the word Ahmadi in official documents.

Furthermore, as his wife has converted to Islam by the grace of God Almighty, expressing happiness, brother Abdullah wrote to me:

Assalamo alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

“I hope Mrs Bottomley would have presented the excuse for my absence. I am sorry that I did not come and I humbly apologise for it.

“I have recorded the word ‘Ahmadi’ in the official papers and everything is fine now. I am very grateful for the wonderful kindness you have been showing to Mrs Bottomley and little Bashir. Consequently, you have been rewarded for this because my wife, Omela has written to me that she has sent a request for Bai‘at and by the grace of Allah, she is sincerely praying so that her Bai‘at may be accepted.

“God has filled my goblet of happiness and now we (husband and wife) will live with more unity and love in the future because we both believe that Allah is the true God and Muhammadsa is the Prophet of God.

“I am keenly engaged in acquiring knowledge and striving to be a good servant of Allah.

“Your sincere associate, Abdullah Jacques Bottomley”


A lecture of Maulvi Fateh Muhammad Sayal on the subject of agriculture was held at the Society of Philology. Before addressing this topic, the eminent speaker stated that Muslims have taken beneficial steps for God’s creation in every country they entered.

In India, attention was paid to [the construction of] canals etc. and the means of developing agriculture were considered. That was the effect of the teachings of Islam. Thereafter, the speaker read out a very interesting paper on the subject of agriculture in Punjab. There is a place in the suburbs of London called Bench, where there is a women’s society by name of Cooperative Guild.

A lecture on “The era of Muslims in India” was organised in this society through the secretary of British and India Society.

On 22 April, Maulvi Fateh Muhammad Sahib delivered a speech on the said subject for about an hour with great efficiency. Highlighting the reform movements among the Muslims, he mentioned the coming of the Promised Messiah and his message of harmony.

During the interesting exchange of questions and answers, a very remarkable speech on the status of “Women in Islam” was also delivered.

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