100 Years Ago… – Ahmadiyyat’s global expansion and progress across continents


Al Fazl, 22 April & 6 May 1924

Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Dinra (1881-1983)


During the compilation of this report, this humble one, [Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Dinra] delivered several lectures in various societies. In particular, lectures were given in some psychological societies, and many misunderstandings by the listeners about Islam were eliminated. Apart from objections on the Jihad of SwordPolygamy, and Slavery [in Islam], a new allegation was raised [as to why the Holy Quran is translated] when Prophet Muhammadsa warned against its translation.

An exceptional lecture was delivered in a church by our brother Chaudhry Abdul Hameed Sahib. Although he is engaged in his studies, he sometimes delivers lectures in our mosque on Sundays, and also helps me in every way possible. Likewise, Muhammad Yusuf Khan Sahib also provides his assistance.  Moreover, the respected Fazl Karim Khan Sahib Durrani has arrived at our mosque, and he also assists me in speech and writing work to the best of his abilities. May Allah the Almighty grant them the best of rewards.


Divorces are on the rise here [in America]. As a matter of fact, this happened because Christianity forsook the natural need [of mankind]. Divorces are taking place on petty excuses. For example, a husband came home with mud on his boots, and his wife filed for a divorce. In another incident, a man came home tired, and for some reason, he couldn’t converse with a smile on his face, so it resulted in a divorce. I don’t know why priests are going to India and China. They should focus their energies on their own homeland. Here, people are openly abandoning Christianity. Furthermore, scores of priests are denying the divinity of Messiah, his virgin birth, miracles, death on the cross and bodily ascension to heaven. The general state of common people is also becoming like that of the ancient Romans and Greeks. Some people are so oblivious to Christianity that they don’t even know who Jesus was or to which country he belonged.

Teaching of Christianity

As far as the teaching of Christianity is concerned, it is quite apparent as to how much it can meet the needs of the world. Recently, while debating in the Parliament on naval preparedness, Admiral Sveter said, “If we are to rely for self-defence upon the sermon on the mount, [then] God help us.”

The Moslem Sunrise

Many Indian friends need to pay their dues to the magazine, The Moslem Sunrise. It is not possible for me to send letters [reminding our friends in India]. On the other hand, I can’t afford to hire a clerk for the time being. Meanwhile, apart from the magazine, there is so much work that it is impossible for me to find any spare time. In fact, preparing the articles for the magazine and then its dispatching is rather a significant task in itself. Therefore, the friends [in India] are requested not only to pay their dues without waiting for any notice or reminder, but in fact, they should lend their additional support. The actual expenses of The Moslem Sunrise are much more than the amount collected through contributions and many of its copies have to be sent free of charge. Hazrat Mufti [Muhammad Sadiqra] was also continuing it on the same monetary assistance. Moreover, assistance can be rendered in another form as well, and that is, more and more subscribers are provided. However, the friends have not paid any attention to it. It is hoped that every member of the Jamaat will participate in this beneficial work to the fullest possible extent, and attain the fair share of their reward from God Himself.

– Muhammad Din

Al Fazl, 6 May 1924

Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra (1883-1948)
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West Africa

Allah the Almighty is now fulfilling His promise of spreading the name of the Promised Messiahas to the corners of the world. By the grace of God, remarkable work is underway in West Africa. The readers will find reports of Ahmadi missionaries from two countries under the title, “Nigerian Letter” and “Letter from Gold Coast,” in the latest publications of Al Fazl [1924]. As this humble one is currently the permanent missionary to West Africa, besides reports of missionaries and workers from different parts of these countries, letters are also being exchanged. Keeping them in view, I am pleased to inform the Jamaat with a heart full of praise to Allah the Almighty that the seed sown with absolute sincerity, as a result of the prayers of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra], is now growing into a flourishing tree. The Lagos Jamaat, in particular, is working with great zeal and effort, and making huge sacrifices. May Allah bless their efforts, Amin.


Muhammad Ismail Sheta, former deputy imam of Lagos Jamaat and headmaster of the Talim-ul-Islam School Lagos, who is going to Egypt for the completion of his Arabic education, along with Bakare Oshodi, former guard of Nigerian Railways, left Lagos with another distinguished non-Ahmadi friend with the intention of performing Hajj-e-Baitullah [pilgrimage to the House of Allah, the Holy Ka‘ba]. They are travelling to their desired destination via the London route. All three friends are staying at the Dar at-Tabligh Ahmadiyya. Those who have witnessed them are appreciating their sincerity and friendliness. Ismail Sheta is the grandson of the famous elder of Lagos “Sheta Bey” and the son of the famous cleric of Lagos “Haji Isa Sheta Ibn Sheta Bey”. The late Sheta Bey was given the title of “Bey” by Sultan Abdul Hameed. Sheikh Abdullah Quilliam was sent to Lagos by the Sultan to inaugurate their mosque. Bakare Oshodi belongs to the famous Oshodi family of Lagos and is the descendant of the King’s General Oshodi. Hence, both of them are the pride of esteemed families of Lagos and, by the grace of God, their influence will be very beneficial in the future progress of Islam and the spread of Ahmadiyyat in West Africa, insha-Allah. The third friend is from the royal family of Lagos and possesses great love for Ahmadiyyat.


An Englishman asked Sheta and Oshodi if they liked London. In response, they said, “What is there to like here? We are facing freezing cold temperatures. In fact, we have spent more on our journey and haven’t had much comfort. We [endured all this] just to visit our maulvi, (this humble servant of Mahmud[ra]), [Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra]. If it were not for him, we would have gone straight [to Mecca].”

May Allah the Almighty grant them a long life, increase their sincerity, and make them a true servant of [Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas] of Qadian.

Another Ahmadi friend has departed from Kano on foot with the intention of performing Hajj. He will meet Oshodi in Mecca, insha-Allah.


Brothers, Mubarak Ali Sahib and Ghulam Farid Sahib, have published a treatise in response to those non-Ahmadis who wanted to spit in the wind and throw dust on the sun. These people, by hiding facts, began spreading this propaganda that [God forbid], the missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat were spies and agents of the British Government. In this treatise, Ahmadi missionaries have substantially clarified their position. A sufficient number of its copies will also be distributed here as this misinformation is spreading among the non-Ahmadi students in London as well.


Brother Anderson writes that the copies of the French translation of the book, [The Philosophy of] the Teachings of Islam, which were sent to him earlier, have been distributed, and more copies are required. He is distributing these copies to various societies and placing them in libraries. May Allah the Almighty grant him the best of rewards.


A large gathering was held last Sunday morning at Hyde Park, with discussions being carried out on the Truthfulness of IslamTawhid [Oneness] of God, the Existence of Allah, and the Advent of the Promised Messiah. People eagerly request for literature, and we present them with all the available [matter].

The seeds are being scattered, and we are hopeful to Allah the Almighty that one day, they will bear fruit. On Sunday evening, as per usual, a lecture was held on the Rites of Hajj at Dar at-Tabligh Ahmadiyya, and our newly arrived African friends also attended it.

East India Association

The retired English officers of [British] India have established an association by the name of “East India” in London. I am also a member of this association. Mr French of the Indian Civil Service spoke on the subject of Indian Industry. Sir Hung Hestand was the president of the gathering. Since the lecture contained repeated phrases like, “the devastating flood of Muslim attack,” I called the attention [of the audience] to this speech, and apart from other things, I said [to the speaker], “You are referring to the Muslim attacks in the same breath as destructive, and then also amplifying your discourse with it. Weren’t the Mughal Muslims?” I expressed that responsible English speakers should take great care in voicing their opinions, etc. With this speech, besides defending Islam, I intended to make people aware of our presence. Consequently, some people shook hands after the speech and also invited us for tea.

We are doing everything possible to [spread the message of Islam]. May Allah accept [our humble efforts].

– Abdur Rahim Nayyar

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 22 April and 6 May 1924 issue of Al Fazl)

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