The Review of Religions (Urdu), March 1920
In the previous issue, we mentioned Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s journey to Lahore and Amritsar. Alhamdolillah! This journey has concluded with abundant blessings and success. Five lectures of Huzoor were held in Lahore, of which two are specifically worth mentioning owing to their significant impact. His first lecture began on 15 February 1920 at 3pm in Bradlaugh Hall, Lahore. Khan Zulfiqar Ali Khan was the president of the conference. The subject [of the lecture] was whether, as the prime minister of Hindustan has declared, the foundation of peace and order of the world should be laid on the principles of Christianity or [should it be laid] on [the doctrines of] Islam.
Huzoor spoke on this subject for about two and a half hours. He compared the teachings of Islam and Christianity and proved, historically, that the doctrines of Christianity are not at all worthy for the foundation of world peace and that Islam is the only religion on which this foundation can be laid. The number of attendees is estimated at around three and a half to four thousand. Among them were Ahmadis, non-Ahmadis, Sikhs, Hindus and Christians etc. People listened to Huzoor’s speech with utmost satisfaction and comfort, and returned with a positive impact.
The second public lecture was held on the evening of 17 February 1920 after Maghrib prayer at the Habibia Hall, Islamia College. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Sahib (Barrister) of Lahore was the president of the gathering. The subject of the lecture was about the conflicts that occurred in the early era of Islam.
In fact, this was the second part of that lecture which he delivered last year at the same place. This lecture was given on the request of the Islamia College Historical Society, of which Huzoorra is also a member. The hall was full of attendees and many could not find a place to sit. Huzoorra spoke on this subject for about two and a half hours and historically demonstrated the causes of those earlier dissentions among the Muslims and [explained] under what compulsions and misunderstandings they had to step into those conflicts. After the conclusion of the speech, the president was very appreciative of the lecture and even remarked:
ایں سعادت بزورِ بازو نیست
تا نہ بخشَد خدائے بخشندہ
[Only if the Benevolent God grants it to someone, otherwise this gift cannot be attained by one’s own wits.]
These words are not ordinary as they came from the mouth of a non-Ahmadi. Apart from these two lectures, a public lecture of Huzoorra took place at the Ahmadiyya hostel on the subject of religion and its need. It also included all kinds of participants. Especially the professors and students of the colleges showed up in great numbers and by the grace of God, it concluded very successfully.
After the lecture, several attendees also asked some questions. One of Huzoor’s lectures took place on the occasion of a person’s marriage ceremony which was purely about the promulgation of Ahmadiyyat and it proved very effective. Prior to his return, another lecture was delivered before the Ahmadis of Lahore, which was a kind of a sermon. Besides these lectures, Huzoorra also had discussions with those people who came to visit him in Lahore. Mr Richard, Principal of Islamia College, also attended and highly praised the Ahmadi students of the college in front of him.
On 22 February 1920, Huzoor went to Amritsar and delivered a lecture at Vande Mataram Hall. The subject of this lecture was “Truthfulness of Islam.” Huzoor selected this place and this subject with great prudence because the Promised Messiahas had wished to make a speech at this very place, on the same topic, about 16 years ago and even went through with it but could not complete it due the mischief of Amritsar people.
Thus, Huzoor chose to fulfill this desire of the Promised Messiahas. The number of attendees was estimated to be around two and a half thousand. The lecture was very successful, and by the grace of God, tabligh of Ahmadiyyat was carried out in a very good and effective way. The number of Ahmadis was also considerably high as many of the members from Qadian left for Amritsar to listen to the lecture.
During the lecture, some mischief-makers threw stones at the hall but praise be to Allah, the lecture concluded peacefully and successfully. The president of the gathering was respected Khan Zulfiqar Ali Khan Sahib. After the lecture, Huzoor remained in Amritsar for only two to four hours and then returned by night train to Lahore. And aft er two or three days’ stay in Lahore, he went to Qadian on 26 February.
According to the custom, the Khuddam of Qadian came two miles [out of city] to welcome him. As Huzoor had to work very hard and speak extensively during his visits, he deemed it necessary after taking medical advice to stopover for some days at the shores of Bias for recreation. So, after four to five days’ stay at Qadian, Huzoor travelled to the village of Phero Chechi, which is on the banks of the Bias River. He stayed there for a few days and then went to Gurdaspur and from there to Pathankot.
As for now, Huzoor is still residing in Pathankot and news has been received that he will probably return to Qadian by 27 March. Four to five delegations have been dispatched from Qadian under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra for the funding and appeal of certain special chandas. They shall visit different districts of Punjab. Hopefully, members [of the Jamaat] will assist them in their work in every way. Regular classes have been opened for the students of Ceylon, Mauritius and Nigeria. Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali also spares some time for these [classes].
Satisfactory work of tabligh is under way in the UK. Babu Azizuddin Sahib has also reached the UK. There have been over 30 new Muslims since our last report and one of the latest good news is that a person has embraced Islam in the country of Netherlands. Over 125,000 rupees chanda for the mosque of London have been deposited in the bank in the form of pounds.
By the grace of God, donations are still pouring in. God willing, the construction of the Ahmadiyya Mosque in London will prove to be the beginning of a new era of Ahmadiyyat in the UK. Chaudhry Fateh Muhammad Sahib MA and Maulvi Abdul Rahim Sahib Nayyar are performing their responsibilities with diligence, passion and attention. Members [of the Jamaat] are requested to especially pray for them and for their families from whom they are separated and are engaged in this religious work thousands of miles away.
Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq has reached America. The telegram [confirming this news] has arrived. However, he has not yet been able to establish his own centre to carry out tabligh. There are also some difficulties. Members of the Jamaat are requested to pray exclusively for Hazrat Mufti Sahib and for the success of the Ahmadiyya mission in America. Also pray that Allah removes all difficulties by His grace.
The case of a mosque is still under proceeding in Mauritius. Opposition is in full swing. May Allah help our brothers.
Opposition by non-Ahmadis in Ceylon is at its peak. In fact, as it has been reported earlier, a newspaper has been issued relative to the [Ahmadiyya newspaper], Message in our opposition. May God accept the prayers of this sincere Jamaat and an erudite missionary can be sent to them from the markaz. There is a desperate need for it. The condition of the Jamaat as a whole is good by the grace of God.
We have no permanent missionary in Nigeria. However, by the grace of God, the seed of Ahmadiyyat has been sown there and it is growing. Millions of people have become Christians in this country. In the recent past, a party of several hundred educated men from these Christians formed a proper organisation. The purpose of this [organisation] was to conduct religious research and enquiries.
It has been reported that the secretary of this organisation has become a Muslim by the grace of God, Alhamdolillah. The need for a missionary in Nigeria is being deeply felt.
By the grace of God, our men are working in almost every country of the world. A Jamaat has been established in Egypt. The process of Jamaat formation has begun in Iraq and Iran. We have a missionary in Australia. By the blessings of God, there is a shift everywhere in the religious world. A proposal to set up a mission in Arabia has been presented. We are looking forward to send a missionary to Japan as well.
Similarly, means for the promulgation of Ahmadiyyat in South America are being created. May Allah grant us many more [victories]. This work belongs to God. He is doing it, otherwise, we are nothing and we have no power.