Al Fazl, 27 May 1919
Mufti Sahib and Khawaja Sahib

A missionary of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat, Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib, delivered a scholarly lecture on Comparison of the Arabic and Hebrew Languages before the Société de Philologieon 3 December 1917. It has been published in the society’s journal, The Philomath. The very first page of that journal possesses an awe-inspiring portrait of Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib, a servant of the Promised Messiahas and a warrior for the cause of Islam. Hazrat Mufti Sahib can be seen sitting in that photograph with his compelling face, wearing a turban and a cloak, representing a momin [true believer].
The simultaneous appearance of Mufti Sahib’s photograph and the appearance of Khawaja Kamaluddin Sahib in India triggers a thread of thoughts in the hearts of Khawaja Sahib’s associates and draws our attention to review the motives behind both gentlemen’s departure to the UK.
Considering all the circumstances and analysing all the results, we are compelled to draw this conclusion that although Khawaja Sahib still receives wealth from non-Ahmadis in exchange for which he sold the name of the Promised Messiahas, the practice of publishing the lists of former Muslims depicted as new converts came to end with the departure of Mufti Sahib to the UK and thus far it has not resumed.
Regardless of the Woking Mosque’s glory and strong ties with non-Ahmadis, Khawaja Khamaluddin Sahib of Lahore returned unsuccessfully as compared with Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib Philo BM, RAS, ASP, FPC of Qadian, a servant of Mahmud[ra]. All of this resulted from breaking ties with Qadian. If only Khawaja Sahib could learn a lesson from this.
Qazi Sahib
Qazi Abdullah Sahib, BA BT, who is a missionary of Islam, delivered a lecture on the subject of Ahmadas – The Promised Messenger of the Age at Trades Union Hall, 40 [name illegible] Road, London. The audience members were atheists and deniers of God’s existence. Qazi Sahib delivered a 40-minute lecture and highlighted the fact that each day of Hazrat Ahmad’sas life presented a manifest proof of God’s existence with fresh and bright signs. Once the lecture was finished, a lot of questions were asked to which satisfactory answers were given. It was hailed a successful lecture.
Recent Bai‘at
Below is a request of Bai‘at received in the previous batch of post from the UK to be presented before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih:
“To Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II of Qadian. Huzoor, learning about Islam Ahmadiyyat through the guidance and tabligh of Mufti Muhammad Sadiq Sahib, I humbly request Huzoor to kindly admit me into the religion of Islam and Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and pray for me. I am His Holiness’ loyal servant. Miss Daisy Morris Diyanat.”

The members of Ceylon Jamaat are earnestly engaged in carrying out tabligh. The Ahmadiyya Tract Society, Colombo has republished verses of the Promised Messiahas, originally published in 1907, highlighting the revolt in India in the form of a tract on a remarkably fine paper. It clearly shows that the servants of Mahmud[ra] within and outside of India hold a special association and loyalty towards the British government.
The members of Ceylon Jamaat are facing a rising sea of hostility like the strong rocky shores of Lanka. A false case was filed against one of our brothers which was dismissed by the authorities upon discovering the truth. A devoted brother of Negombo Jamaat, Mr Abdul Rahman was attacked and injured. Our brothers are bearing everything with steadfastness and firmly believe that the future is ours, Insha-Allah.
Recent converts of Ceylon and Malaya include TA Karim of Colombo, Ceylon; AV Aziz of Negombo, Ceylon; GB Khan of Galle, Ceylon and … who Maulvi Ibrahim Sahib has named Nasiruddin. This brother is a resident of Kochi. May Allah grant him steadfastness. Sheik Asghar Ali of Singapore, Malaya has also accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Al Fazl, 31 May 1919
A new convert wrote to Syedna Hazrat Khalifatul Masih in French:
“Il n’y a pas de dieu que Dieu, et Muhammad est l’apôtre de Dieu.”
The translation is:
“There is no God except God and Muhammadsa is His Messenger.”
I will hopefully reach India in a few months and my heart will be pleased to see you. I have told Abdul Hayy Arab Sahib how delightful that day will be for me when I offer prayers behind Hazrat Khalifatul Masih in Qadian and listen to his sermons with my own ears.
Surely, God can do whatever He wills. I praise Allah the Almighty in front of everybody I happen to have a conversation with here. In fact, what better work could a person perform than to engage his tongue in praising his Lord.
Yesterday I went to the famous Hyde Park of London for a walk. There, I conveyed the message of Hazrat Ahmadas with full enthusiasm. I request Huzoor to pray before Allah the Almighty for a friend of mine that God bless him with a child. A few years have passed since their marriage but still they have no offspring. Their hearts yearn for a child. Though I have also prayed before Allah the Almighty with humility to fulfill their desire, but as the impact of Huzoor’s prayer before Allah is greater, therefore I request Huzoor to pray for them as well.
Tomorrow, when I meet Mrs Cliff, I will lend her Huzoor’s lecture on “How prayers may be accepted”.Her heart will surely be pleased to hear that I have requested Huzoor to pray for her. The hearts of people are softening towards Islam. In fact, it is the result of the blessings of Allah the Almighty. The Promised Messiahas has stated:

“If He [Allah the Almighty] displays a miracle, hardened hearts, which resemble mountain rocks, will soften instantly.
“The hearts are in God’s control. If He so wishes, He can turn them to me. Then they shall come without hesitation.”
I have a special desire in my heart but how can I express it? However, Allah the Almighty, Who reads every heart like a book, Himself knows about that wish. As He is Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim, therefore being Merciful, He will surely fulfill this wish of His servant. Thus, I request Huzoor to pray for me during Salat for several days so that Allah the Almighty make this servant successful, and bless Mr and Mrs Cliff with a child and mercifully fulfill that wish present in the heart of this servant, should He not dislike it.
I desire that this humble one serves Huzoor in any way possible. Hence, I will be extremely happy if Huzoor could let me know in writing how I can be of any help for you. I request Huzoor to send a photograph of himself through Master Abdul Rahim Nayyar Sahib.
I have handed over the story highlighting the need of the appearance of the Promised Messiah in the present age written by a famous French author, Gabe Honoré, to Mr Bashir Koreo’s daughter Roxanna for translation. As soon as its translation is completed, it will be sent to the editor of the Review of Religions in Qadian.
In order to demonstrate before the readers of Al Fazl the immense love of members of Ceylon Jamaat for Ahmadiyyat and their true belief in the Promised Messiah, we translate below a few lines from tract number 10 of Anjuman Ceylon.
Brother Muhammad BW Lai states:
“In every century, a person is born in Islam who is blessed to receive divine revelations from Allah the Almighty. Hence, according to the promise, a person appeared in the latter days at that time when the world was suffering from worry and distress. He is a manifestation of the attributes of earlier prophets. Surely, he has appeared who fulfilled the second coming of every prophet.
“Behold! He has come who was long awaited by all religions. He who is the teacher of the entire world has been born in the land of India which is the meeting place of every religion. He has awakened the world to enter into a new world.
“He is the Mahdi. He is the Messiah. He is Jesus son of Mary. He is the Promised Reformer of Islam. He is the coming of Jesus, though he is not that Jesus who happened to escape from the cross 2,000 years ago and reached Kashmir where he died a natural death. O friends! He is the Promised Hindu Avatar [one who is sent by God] of Kali Yuga [last age] … He is Hoshdar (warner) for the Parsees. In fact, it is he who is the hope of every nation.
“He is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who appeared in Qadian, Punjab, India at the promised hour. Heaven showered a rain of signs and the earth presented countless proofs of his truth. He is the Prophet of this age who foretold great universal spiritual victories of Islam.
“Make use of your wisdom. Ponder over it, O people, and reflect.”