Al Fazl, 13 November 1923
Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra (1883-1948)

In Western countries, an array of discussions take place at the time of dinner and even the preoccupied people take advantage of this opportunity to perform the double task of having food and conversation. The name of this discourse is “Table Talk”.
At the markaz [centre] of the divinely founded Ahmadiyya Jamaat in London, people from various nationalities and diverse views are invited to the “Ahmadiyya Table” from time to time. Satisfying them with insightful words and nourishment, the spiritually sick are healed, and diligent efforts are also made to strengthen the [faith of] steadfast.
Table talks
Last Sunday, the subject of our discussion took a turn towards tabligh [preaching] in London. For the information of our friends, a short summary of this talk is as follows:
Nayyar: A healthy crowd was gathered in the [Hyde] Park today, and many people have expressed their assent to our sermon and shared warm words about Islam. They have also requested for the address of the [Ahmadiyya] Mosque.
I was very concerned, as I couldn’t see many results for the last few weeks. However, now I witness that some seekers after truth are taking keen interest [in Islam Ahmadiyyat] and certain people, abandoning all other religious speakers, keep listening to me for hours.
Fatimah: Certainly, Maulvi Sahib! People come in droves and many of them have accepted the truth of Islam in their hearts. One Sunday, when you were giving a speech and some people were asking harsh questions, I saw that some wise people were answering their objections on your behalf. Moreover, when I started explaining certain matters to some women, many other people supported me.
Amatullah: Yes, you are right. I have also noticed that when we come to assist [our speakers], where some people oppose us, there are also many individuals who understand and often support us.
Martin: Insha-Allah, our efforts will not go to waste. Apparently, our tabligh endeavours are not yielding the anticipated results, but with the grace and blessings of God Almighty, the seed is sown, and it will surely grow into a fruitful tree one day.
Ali: The prophecy of the Promised Messiahas that our Jamaat will eventually prevail is very inspiring and encouraging for us, and hopefully, our efforts will bear fruit in due time, insha-Allah.
The Ahmadi missionary, Maulvi Mubarak Ali Sahib, is in London these days for certain affairs of the Jamaat. Last Sunday, he delivered a speech on the Ahmadiyya Mission in Berlin. A brief summary of this lecture is as follows:
“I went to Berlin on the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] to examine the situation on the ground and give recommendations regarding the proposal to establish a mission there [in Germany].
“Arriving in Berlin, I observed that the capital of Germany is 100 times more beautiful than London, and besides being the centre of Europe, it is also the centre of Muslims. The people of Germany are knowledge-friendly and very hard-working. They don’t just work, but in fact, love to work. After being defeated in the war and the apparent loss of power, they are now desirous of salvation through spirituality and are abandoning Christianity.
“Faith in the Supreme Being of Allah the Almighty is on the decline.
“The coming of the very many Russians to Berlin is connecting it with Moscow. Since the purpose of the appearance of the Promised Messiahas is to bring people closer to God Almighty and enlighten unbelieving hearts with the light of faith, and as the wealth of faith in Russia is fast diminishing compared to anywhere else, it was deemed fit to set up the flag of Ahmadiyyat in Berlin. This fortification in the centre of Europe, among the Muslims of every nation, and at the gates of Bolshevist Moscow, was considered apt.
“By the grace of God Almighty, Ahmadiyya Mosque is going to be built. After its completion, our four-story Ahmadiyya Mosque in Berlin will be a sight to behold.”
After the aforementioned speech, a German friend named Mr Christiane gave a speech and expressed hope for the success of Islam.
Imam Qasim R Ajose, missionary in-charge of Lagos, writes:
“No action has been taken yet regarding the new case filed by the apostates against the chief imam. However, when their barrister was coming out of the court after submitting a request for change of date for the case against us, a Christian criminal fired three shots at him and he passed away on the spot. I will share more information as the situation unfolds.
“Alhamdulillah, an influential non-Ahmadi has joined our Jamaat. The name of this new convert is Zaid Ajitun Mali. The announcement of his bai‘at was made last Friday. He never opposed the Jamaat and is a very wise and sincere gentleman. After the Jumuah prayer, we went to his house with the chief imam to congratulate him.”
Mr Syedi writes:
“Our Jamaat is growing in the city of Bedaguli, [Africa]. A 66-year-old man has recently joined Islam Ahmadiyyat and is steadfast in his faith despite great opposition. Many other individuals are following in his footsteps.”
– Abdur Rahim Nayyar,
11 October 1923.
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 13 November 1923 issue of Al Fazl)