13-19 March


A selection of brief incidents from the first and second era of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya

13 March 1914: Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, may Allah be pleased with him, delivered a Friday Sermon and led the congregation in Jumuah prayer, which happened to be the final Friday in the blessed era of the first Khilafat. Upon the instructions of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih I, may Allah be pleased with him, the young Sahibzada Mirza Mahmud Ahmad Sahibra was assigned to lead prayers during the final ailment of Khalifatul Masih Ira. On the same day, Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddin, Khalifatul Masih Ira departed for his eternal Master at around noon, while he was saying his prayer.

13 March 1923: Missionary Muhammad Amin Khan Sahib established the Jamaat’s chapter in Bukhara, an ancient city of Uzbekistan, located on the famous Silk route. Local Jamaat members started offering prayers in congregation and paying Chanda regularly.

14 March 1909: The wedding of Hazrat Nawab Mubaraka Begumra and Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra took place in Qadian, which could be labeled as a most modest and simple ceremony. The announcement of nikah between this blessed couple had been made in the life of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him.

14 March 1914: After the sad demise of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, the election for Khilafat was held on this date after Asr prayer in Masjid Nur, Qadian. After due process, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra was elected as the second head of the Jamaat and second Khalifa of the Promised Messiahas. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra accepted Bai‘at of the Ahmadis present and made a short speech. Then Huzoorra proceeded to the lawn of Talim-ul-Islam High School to lead the funeral prayer of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, which was attended by more than 2,000 people. On the same date, after six o’clock in the evening, the burial of Hazrat Maulvi Nuruddinra commenced in Bahishti Maqbara Qadian beside the sacred tomb of the Promised Messiahas.

14 March 1915: Hazrat Sufi Ghulam Muhammadra arrived at Colombo, Sri Lanka and during his three-month stay here, he managed to establish a local chapter of the Jamaat.

14 March 1936: A companion of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Maula Bakhshra passed away.

14 March 1945: A companion of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mian Abdur Rahimra passed away.

14 March 1948: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered his keynote address about the stability of Pakistan in the renowned Khaliq Deena Hall, Karachi. Chief Justice of Sindh High Court presided over this largely attended session. Huzoorra had also shed light on this much needed topic earlier in Sialkot and Jhelum for the general benefit of this newly founded country.

14 March 1963: Sheikh Amri Ubaidi Sahib from Tanzania was fortunate enough to serve both the Jamaat as its missionary and his homeland in various esteemed capacities. On this date, he assumed the portfolio of minister for justice in the central cabinet. Before this, he served his nation as mayor of Dar es Salaam and minister for cultural affairs.

14 March 1964: Upon the completion of a successful and blessed 50 years of the Khilafat of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, the worldwide Jamaat arranged humble celebrations of gratitude, where the main focus remained on fervent supplications for the Jamaat and its leadership.

15 March 1919: The three-day Jalsa Salana proceedings were held in Qadian on these dates. Owing to the global situation of World War I, Jalsa was not able to be held on its due dates in December 1918. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered his speech on Irfan-e-Ilahi (recognition of the Divine), which was listened to carefully by around 5,000 Ahmadis.

15 March 1946: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was an ardent supporter of education within the Jamaat. He drew the attention of Jamaat members towards donating 200,000 rupees so that he could initiate the extension project of Talim-ul-Islam College in Qadian. This new phase was to accommodate new bachelor of art and science classes.

15 March 1947: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived in Kunri during the course of his Sindh tour. On the same evening, Huzoorra departed for Mahmudabad state for inspections.

15 March 1948: Hazrat Mirza Waseem Ahmad, son of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived in Qadian along with 14 other Ahmadis from Pakistan. This was the start of a new era, which is known as Daur-e-Darweshi (the era of Darweshes).

15 March 1954: After the year-long forced closure of Al Fazl, it resumed its publication. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra penned a special message in this connection. For the printing of Al Fazl, initially, Dastakari Press in Lahore was requested. Later, the printing of Al Fazl was shifted to Pakistan Times Press.

15 March 1955: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra issued his second message for the Jamaat members from Lahore.

15 March 1957: Hazrat Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad inaugurated the Baitus Salam Mosque in Tanganyika, Tanzania.

16 March 1947: The Peace Committee held its meeting in Qadian under the presidency of Hazrat Hafiz Mirza Nasir Ahmadrh. This group of different religions was formed in the backdrop of violence and disturbance following the political and communal tensions fueling in those times.

16 March 1956: Hazrat Chaudhry Allah Bakhshra passed away. This companion of the Promised Messiahas performed Bai‘at in 1906.

16 March 1957: Hazrat Dr Muhammad Umarra of Lucknow passed away. This companion of the Promised Messiahas performed Bai‘at in 1905.

16 March 1957: The Jamaat in Kerala, India convened its two-day provincial conference.

17 March 1914: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra started delivering his dars of the Holy Quran in Masjid Aqsa Qadian. Huzoorra started with explaining the commentary of Surah al-Mujadalah, which was being published in Al Fazl from 8 April. This valuable deliberation was later published in book form, titled Haqaiq-ul-Quran. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra initiated the dars of the Holy Quran for the ladies too, in accordance with the will of his predecessor, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira. After being elected as Khalifa, the daily activities of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra multiplied, as Huzoorra began gracing question and answer sessions daily after Maghrib prayers. Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Ismael Halalpurira was assigned to assist Huzoorra in daily correspondence and arrange Huzoor’sra daily official and personal mulaqat schedule.

17 March 1925: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra established Madrasatul Khawatin to enhance the education of ladies of the Jamaat. Huzoorra himself spared time to lecture the classes for a considerable amount of time, until his tight schedule made it impossible for him to continue this teaching.

17 March 1928: Hazrat Maulana Jalaluddin Shams established the Jamaat mission in Haifa, Palestine.

17 March 1944: Renowned scholar and untiring servant of the Jamaat, Hazrat Mir Muhammad Ishaqra passed away. This companion of the Promised Messiahas was also his brother-in-law. His remarkable career was exemplary for missionaries to come. No matter the responsibility assigned to him, he set the best example of work ethics and execution.

17 March 1949: Hazrat Mian Khairuddin Sekhwanira passed away in Jhelum at the age of 80. This companion of the Promised Messiahas accepted him in the very early days of the Jamaat on 23 September 1889. He was the father of Maulvi Qamaruddin Sahib, the first Sadr of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya.

17 March 1949: The history of potable water and its availability in Rabwah is always a faith-inspiring story. After tireless efforts, water gushed forth from a pumping site near Chenab River, which was finally declared healthy and safe for human and agricultural consumption. Later on, this site was utilised to install a tube-well, which streamlined the water supply scheme for different neighbourhoods of Rabwah.

17 March 1949: Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahimra passed away. This companion of the Promised Messiahas was from Baqapur, India.

17 March 1964: Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian had a piece of land on the western side of Reti Challa, a central and known neighborhood of Qadian. On this date, the foundation stone for some commercial buildings was laid.

18 March 1921: On this date, after the tabligh of Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyarra, members of the Fante Community converted en masse, giving immediate rise to the number of Ahmadis in Ghana.

18 March 1924: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the expulsion of some members of the Jamaat on this date, after it was established that those men were being used as handlers of Bahai faith and trying to spread their views to the Jamaat members secretly.

18 March 1939: Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya employed its first ever paid clerk in their central offices. Syed Abdul Basit Sahib was appointed to this post, where he served for the next 28 years.

18 March 1946: Talim-ul-Islam College’s history shows us that it was not merely an educational institute, but a momentous source of religious and secular knowledge and inspiration for its staff and students. On this date, 41 companions of the Promised Messiahas were hosted at Fazl-e-Umar Hostel in a unique ceremony, where they introduced themselves to the younger generation. To mark this historic moment, the noble guests graciously signed a piece of paper individually and a group photo was taken.

18 March 1947: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived at Ahmadabad, Sindh. On the same evening, Huzoorra left for Mahmudabad. For the next three days, Huzoorra graciously inspected the agricultural farms located in Roshan Nagar, Latif Nagar, Karim Nagar and Nur Nagar.

18 March 1948: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered his speech in Theosophical Hall, Karachi, in front of a gathering of women. Around 600 people attended this session.

18 March 1949: An Ahmadi, Muhammad Khan Sahib was martyred in Kashmir.

18 March 1953: Governor of Punjab, Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar issued a strict warning addressing Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, subjecting Huzoor’sra message in which Huzoorra guided Jamaat members regarding the ongoing systematic agitation, written on 3 March. On 19 March, the deputy superintendent of police travelled all the way from Jhang to Rabwah to serve the above mentioned order. This police official personally visited Huzoorra and conveyed the word of the governor. Upon this unjust call, Huzoorra spontaneously said, “It is true that I live under the protectorate of the governor, but this governor’s powers are under the firm grip of my Lord.” As a clear sign, within days, the federal government removed him for many reasons. Moreover, his successor, M Aminuddin withdrew the above-mentioned cruel notice served to Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra.

18 March 1962: Ahmadiyya Muslim Hospital Kanu, Nigeria was inaugurated.

19 March 1908: Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra established a literary circle in Qadian under the title of Majma-ul-Ikhwan.

19 March 1944: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra announced the extension project of Masjid Mubarak in Qadian.

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