15th ijtema of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Liberia

Farrukh Shabbir Lodhi, Missionary, Liberia

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Liberia held its 15th annual ijtema on 19-20 October 2024.

The inaugural session was presided over by Nasir Ahmad Kahloon Sahib, a missionary, followed by academic and sports competitions. In the evening, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa address was played, which he delivered on the occasion of the Centenary of the Fazl Mosque in London. The concluding session was presided over by Naveed Ahmad Adil Sahib, Amir Jamaat Liberia, who addressed the attendees. He emphasised that khuddam and atfal should fully participate in the tarbiyat classes to gain maximum benefit. The total attendance was 428.

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