Muhammad Jamal, Niger Correspondent

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger held its 17th Jalsa Salana on 27-29 December 2024 at Mohamadabad (Guidan Rumji). Mahamane Bello Sahib served as the officer in charge of the Jalsa Salana. A core team was established to oversee preparations. Delegations began arriving on 26 December and were warmly welcomed.
The first day of Jalsa Salana began with the congregational Tahajjud prayer, followed by Fajr prayer and dars. After the Jumuah prayer, the participants listened to the live Friday sermon, delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, via MTA. This was followed by the flag-hoisting ceremony, led by Asad Majeeb Sahib, Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger.
Each day began with Tahajjud prayer, followed by Fajr prayer, Dars-ul-Quran and insightful sessions. The Jalsa provided an opportunity for members to strengthen their connection with Khilafat and deepen their understanding of faith through speeches and question-and-answer sessions. The Jalsa also featured inspiring addresses on key topics such as human rights and the significance of Jalsa Salana.

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger, being a relatively new Jamaat, achieved a significant milestone during this Jalsa through the historic privilege of sharing a live screen with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for the very first time in Niger’s history. Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Niger had the honour of attending the concluding session of the Jalsa Salana Qadian, featuring Huzoor’saa address. Niger was included in the live transmission alongside other African countries, making this event a source of great joy for the Jamaat members. It further strengthened their bond with the blessed institution of Khilafat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa also granted permission to the khuddam of Niger to recite a poem.
The Jalsa Salana was covered by ORTN, the national TV channel, which presented a report about Jalsa Salana during prime time. In addition, Anfani and Sarounia extensively covered the Jalsa Salana, broadcasting detailed reports on their respective channels. The radios of these three channels, along with the Radio of Guidan Roumdji city, also provided extensive media coverage of Jalsa Salana.