In this third year of Al Hakam, we will present a selection of incidents from the blessed life of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, this time, with some more details
20 November 1883: On this day, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Mir Abbas Ali Sahib. In the letter, the Promised Messiahas prayed for him. The Promised Messiahas further stated that he received the revelation:
قل لضیفک اِنِّیۡ مُتَوَفِّیۡکَ قل لاخیک اِنِّیۡ مُتَوَفِّیۡکَ
Alluding to this, the Promised Messiahas said that he had received this revelation numerous times. Huzooras said that the meaning of this revelation was two-fold. The first meaning was to “tell your beneficiary or your brother, ‘I shall complete My favour upon you.’ The second meaning is, ‘I shall cause [you] to die.’”
The Promised Messiahas expressed that he was unaware as to who this might relate to as there were several people who could be categorised as such. Huzooras added that he often received such revelations or visions in which news was conveyed with regard to ease, hardship, accidents or age concerning himself or some friends. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 1, pp. 582-583)
20 November 1895: The Promised Messiahas published an announcement, titled Laaiq-e-Tawajuh Government, in which he wrote an introduction to his book, Sat Bachan, as some Sikh newspapers misunderstood the book and stated that it was written with evil intentions and to insult the Sikh community. Huzooras stated that he desired to inform the government that this book was written with pure intentions and after conducting thorough research. The main objective was to remove and eradicate the false allegations of Pandit Diyanand which he raised in his book, Satiarath Parakash, against Guru Baba Nanak.
Huzooras further added that the belief of Guru Baba Nanak having accepted Islam was not unique to him alone as many distinguished Western researchers wrote the same point and expressed the same view. Huzooras said that such books were published in British India well before his book, Sat Bachan was published. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 2, pp. 184-186)
20 November 1897: On this date, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Mian Abdullah Sanaurira in which he mentioned the poor health of his father. Huzooras, whilst replying to the letter, prayed for his father’s health. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 3, p. 231)
20 November 1898: The Promised Messiahas penned his book, Najm-ul-Huda, in a very short space of time and it was also published in a very short period. The Promised Messiahas began writing on 19 November 1898 and completed writing this book by the next day, which was a Friday.

21 November 1898: The Promised Messiahas published 1,400 copies of an ishtihar (announcement) titled:
ہم خدا پر فیصلہ چھوڑتے ہیں اور مبارک وہ جو خدا کے فیصلہ کو عزت کی نظر سے دیکھے
“We leave the decision of this matter to God and blessed is he who honours God’s verdict.”
The backdrop of this is that Sheikh Muhammad Hussain of Batala left no stone unturned in attempting to humiliate the Promised Messiahas. Huzooras stated that those who had read Muhammad Hussain Batalvi’s magazine, Ishaatus Sunnah, during the recent years were witness to the fact that he had used every way to malign and ridicule Huzooras. Huzooras further stated that the magazine declared that person an infidel and Dajjal who recited the Kalima [Islamic creed], who believed that the Holy Prophetsa is Khatam-ul-Anbiya and believed in all pillars of Islam. Huzooras added that some of his friends had suggested to Sheikh Sahib that as his edicts of infidelity had caused great unrest within the Muslims, it was better to agree upon a mubahala so that the matter could be resolved. Sheikh Muhammad Hussain, instead of accepting the mubahala, published an announcement full of abuse and vile language and had it published in the names of Muhammad Bakhsh Jafar Zatalli and Abul-Hasan Tibbeti.
The Promised Messiahas said that having the announcement before him, he supplicated to God Almighty that He should decide between Sheikh Muhammad Hussain and himself. The supplication was as follows:
“My Lord of glory, if I am in Your estimation so base and a liar and an impostor as Muhammad Hussain of Batala has repeatedly declared in his magazine, Ishaatus Sunnah – calling me a liar, Antichrist, impostor – and as he and Muhammad Bakhsh Jafar Zatalli and Abul-Hasan Tibbeti have tried their utmost to humiliate me in their announcement of 10 November 1898, then, my Lord, if, in Your estimation, I am as they have represented me, disgrace and humiliate me within 13 months, that is to say, between 15 December 1898 and 15 January 1900 and proclaim the honour and high-standing of these people and thus put an end to this daily squabble.
“If, on the other hand, my Lord and my Master, my Bountiful One, the Bestower of all those bounties that are within Your knowledge and my knowledge, I have a position of honour in Your presence, then I humbly beseech You, that within the said 13 months, which will be counted from 15 December 1898 to 15 January 1900, humiliate in the eyes of the world the said Sheikh Muhammad Hussain, Muhammad Bakhsh Jafar Zatalli and Abul-Hasan Tibbeti who have published this announcement in order to humiliate me.
“In short, if these people are truthful and pious and righteous in Your estimation and I am a liar and impostor, then bring about my humiliation and ruin within these 13 months; but if in Your presence, I have standing and honour, then manifest this sign that all three might be abased, humiliated and worthy of being named as ضُرِبَتۡ عَلَیۡھِمُ الذِّلَّۃُ [those who have been humiliated]. Amin; again, Amin.”
Huzooras says that in answer to this supplication, he received the revelation:
میں ظالم کو ذلیل اور رسوا کروں گا اور وہ اپنے ہاتھ کاٹے گا
“I shall humiliate and disgrace the unjust one and he will bite his hands.”
Thus, as history testifies, alluding to this incident, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra stated that with just one threat from the magistrate, Muhammad Hussain pledged that he would never call the Promised Messiahas by the names infidel, Antichrist and liar, despite the fact that he had written in his magazine, Ishaatus Sunnah, that he would continue to do so till the end of his life. Likewise, the same happened to Abul-Hasan Tibbeti and Jafar Zatalli. Their pens were so broken that their name was not heard again. (Majmua Ishtiharat, Vol. 3, Edition 1989, pp. 57-67)
21 November 1902: On this day, the Promised Messiahas had a discussion with his companion, Hazrat Sheikh Rahmatullah who had returned from London. He shared some of his experiences with the Promised Messiahas. The Promised Messiahas came to know that a baby boy was born to him from his European wife. Huzooras named the child Abdullah. After enquiring more information, the Promised Messiahas declared this baby as “the first son of an Ahmadi Muslim in London.” (Malfuzat [Urdu], Vol. 2, p. 537)
22 November 1898: On this day, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra. In the reply, Huzooras prayed for him and expressed his gratitude for sending musk. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 378)
23 November 1888: The Promised Messiahas received a letter from Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira about a certain matter. On this day, the Promised Messiahas replied to the letter and stated that one must exhibit patience and remain steadfast in the way of the Almighty God. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 552)
24 November 1904: On this day, the Promised Messiahas saw a dream, about which he said the following:
“I was wearing a white loin cloth but it was not quite white and was a little soiled. Then Maulvi Sahib [Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra] led the Prayer and recited Surah al-Hamd [i.e. Surah al-Fatihah] aloud and thereafter recited:
الفارق وما ادراک ماالفارق
[A distinguishing Sign, and how would you know what the distinguishing Sign will be?]
“At that time, I felt that this was from the Holy Quran.” (Al-Badr, Vol. 3, No. 44-45, 24 November & 1 December 1904, p. 3)
25 November 1886: The Promised Messiahas arrived back in Qadian from Ambala after staying there for more than two months.
25 November 1895: The Promised Messiahas published an announcement, in which he wrote about a few subjects from his book Sat Bachan, so that the Sikh brothers know of the reality and contents of the book. Huzooras also mentioned in great detail how Christian priests were opposing Guru Baba Nanak and were writing articles against him and the Sikh community. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 2, pp. 186-191)
25 November 1904: The Promised Messiahas received a revelation on this day:
غلام قادر آگئے۔ گھر نور اور برکت سے بھر گیا۔ رَدَّ اللہُ اِلَیَّ
“Ghulam Qadir came and the house became filled with light and blessing. Allah sent him back to me.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh said that the martyrdom of Mirza Ghulam Qadir Sahib, son of Mirza Majeed Ahmad Sahib, in Rabwah on 14 April 1999 fulfilled these divine words.

26 November 1891: The Promised Messiahas wrote a reply to a letter of Hazrat Pir Siraj-ul-Haq Numanira and expressed that he hoped he was passionately preaching in the area where he was residing in those days. Huzooras mentioned that an inspector, to whom Numani Sahibra sent a book of the Promised Messiahas, returned the book whilst displaying disrespect. Huzooras advised that whenever someone wished to read his books, the person’s intentions should be noted and it should be clear whether they truly desire to read it or not. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 3, p. 118)
26 November 1897: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra. Huzooras, in the letter, prayed and advised him to remain patient and steadfast. Huzooras quoted the verse of the Holy Quran:
اِنَّہٗ لَا یَایۡـَٔسُ مِنۡ رَّوۡحِ اللہِ اِلَّا الۡقَوۡمُ الۡکٰفِرُوۡنَ
“No one despairs of Allah’s mercy save the unbelieving people.” (Surah Yusuf, Ch.12: V.88) (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 356)
26 November 1898: The Promised Messiahas wrote to Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra and informed him that he had received 50 rupees from Arab Sahib Baghdadi. Huzooras advised Seith Sahibra to write a letter of appreciation and receipt of the amount on his behalf as Huzooras did not remember the address. Huzooras then asked Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra for an update on whether there were any new cases of the plague in Madras (now Chennai). Further, Huzooras informed him that he had received 100 rupees from Lal Ji Dal Ji Sahib and advised Seith Sahibra to write a letter of thanks and receipt of the amount on his behalf. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 381)