Flag Hoisting Ceremony
The 33rd Jalsa Salana of Jamaat Australia was held from 30 March to 1 April in Masjid Baitul Huda, Sydney.
Hard work, time and dedication went into the preparation for Jalsa Salana Australia 2018. Marquees were erected, signs were put in place, and fresh grass was laid, beautifying the House of God for the guests of the Promised Messiahas.
Over 3,300 members from across Australia – including over 100 guests from 18 countries – participated. It had the second largest attendance since Jalsa Salana 2013.
Jamaat Australia’s Amir and Missionary In-Charge, Inamul Haq Kausar sahib, conducted the inspection preceding the Jalsa Salana on 28 March.
After Jumu’ah prayers on the first day of Jalsa Salana, as per tradition, the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat (Flag of Ahmadiyyat) was hoisted, which was followed by the opening session of Jalsa. In his opening address, Amir Sahib conveyed Huzoor-e-Anwar’saa message and prayers for the participants of Jalsa Salana.

Over 3,300 attendees at Australia Jalsa Salana
Over the three days, various speakers delivered insightful speeches on a range of topics, including: “The Unity of God”, “Noble character of the Holy Prophetsa”, “The Promised Messiah’sas love for the Holy Prophetsa”, “Khilafat – a Divine source of unity”, “Peace through the Messiah” and “Obedience”. The recitation of the Quran was presented in melodious voices which inspired the audience, as well as Urdu poems of the Promised Messiahas that raised heartfelt slogans for Islam Ahmadiyyat, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas.
The Jalsa Bazar was setup with different food stalls. Various Jamaat departments such as Humanity First, Ta‘lim, Tabligh, Wasiyyat and Rishta Nata were also present and had marquees setup. Bookstalls and exhibitions were also another highlight of the Jalsa.
The Lord Mayor of Blacktown Council, many other Members of Parliament and guests from different walks of life also participated in different sessions of the Jalsa and appreciated the volunteer work of the Jamaat and its contributions to the broader Australia Community.
The weather was hot over the three days but volunteers did an excellent job in serving the guests of the Promised Messiahas. The Jalsa concluded on the third day with silent prayer.