Jariullah Ahmad
Malaysia Correspondent
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malaysia successfully held their 33rd Jalsa Salana from 21 to 23 December 2018. The theme was The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa as Rahmatun-lil-Alamin (Mercy for Mankind).
The Jalsa was inaugurated by Amir Jamaate-Ahmadiyya Malaysia, Saripudin Bujing Sahib. During his opening address, he read out a special message and prayer from Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa for the success of this Jalsa.
The total attendance for this year’s Jalsa was 5,084 comprising of guests from Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia and Germany. The continent of Africa was represented by guests from Nigeria and Benin.
The Jalsa was filled with various discourses delivered by missionaries from Malaysia, Indonesia and Cambodia, all of which increased the spirituality of the participants.
A number of invited guests were also present who were deeply touched by the efforts carried out by the Jamaat to spread the message of love and peace. They were also impressed with the flawless organisation of the Jalsa, the orderly manner of the whole programme as well as the high standard of cleanliness throughout the 3-day event.
Quite a number of the participants were of the view that the standard of Jalsa this year was on par with other countries such as the UK.
Over all the Jalsa was very successful and the guests were all satisfied as was the desire of the Promised Messiahas.
Assalamu alekum
Mera naam Azeem hai, Kuala lampur Malaysia me rehta ho
Me ahmadi Islam k baray me mazeed janna chahta ho