Amen Aqeel Haider, Mexico Correspondent
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Mexico held its 4th Jalsa Salana on 18 and 19 August 2023, at the headquarters of the Jamaat in the Baitul Afiyat Mosque. The theme for this year’s Jalsa Salana was “Islam – the Religion of Peace”. 86 people attended the Jalsa Salana this year. There were also guests present from the United States of America.
Along with the five daily prayers, congregational Tahajjud prayers were also offered each morning throughout the Jalsa Salana.
Jalsa Salana proceedings commenced as usual on Friday, 18 August, however, before any speech, a letter from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa with a special message for all attendees was read out in Spanish. As Mexico Jamaat consists primarily of new converts, out of three sessions, two concluded with an open question-and-answer session for all guests, which was greatly beneficial and appreciated.
On Saturday, Lajna Imaillah Mexico held their own separate programme focused on the topics of the rights and responsibilities of Ahmadi Muslim women and the importance of purdah.
Saturday afternoon concluded with a guest session, in which various government officials, religious leaders and educators were present. A few guests also shared their thoughts and sentiments during the concluding session and expressed that they were delighted to be invited to a Muslim gathering, as they had never had this kind of opportunity before. Jalsa Salana Mexico was also streamed live on various platforms.
The event concluded with a silent prayer.