Tawheed Joolfoo, Mauritius Correspondent
The 57th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Mauritius was held from Friday 28 through to Sunday 30 September 2018 at the SVICC in Pailles. The special and distinctive feature this year was the presence of Maulana Hamid Kareem Mahmud Sahib, Missionary Holland Jamaat who was the Special Representative delegated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa. The theme of the Jalsa this year was Khilafat. Sadr, Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya India, Maulana Jalaluddin Nayar Sahib attended the Jalsa. Delegates from Comoros, Mayotte and Rodrigues Jamaat also attended the convention.
Friday 28 September
Jalsa Salana started with the Friday prayer followed by the opening speech of Maulana Hamid Kareem Mahmud Sahib in which he outlined ten characteristics of Jalsa Salana. These include: display the true face of Islam, effective way for tabligh, the opportunity to do moral and religious education, promote Islamic brotherhood, preparations for traveling to the next life, a cradle for peace, mehman nawazi [hospitality], an extraordinary example of voluntary service, Jalsa of duas [prayers] and a proof of the truth of Hazrat Ahmadas. He elaborated on each of the points.This was followed by the live transmission of the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih from London via MTA. In his sermon, Huzooraa spoke about the exemplary lives of some of the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.The session ended thereafter with a collective dinner.
Saturday 29 September
The day started with Tahajjud prayer followed by Fajr prayer, Dars-ul-Quran by missionary Ahmad Ali Khudurun Sahib on tabligh. He related inspiring anecdotes of Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Rasul Rajekira and his endeavors for tabligh.
The main session started at 10:15am with recitation of the Holy Quran followed by three speeches on topics such as The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa – A Mercy for all Mankind by Mukthar Din Taujoo, Secretary Umur-e-Ama; Unconditional Obedience to Khilafat by Maulana Soodhun Sahib and The Role and Responsibilities of Parents in the Upbringing of Children by Ameen Jowahir, Secretary Tarbiyat & Sadr Majlis Ansarullah.After lunch break, there were two speeches: Nations Cannot be Reformed Without the Reformation of their Youth by missionary Shameem Jamal Ahmad, Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and The Blessed Gift of Khilafat and our Responsibilities as Ahmadis by Aniff Muslun.The special session for guests started at 4pm. The Honorable Mrs Leela Devi Dookhun, Minister of Education, Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research was the Chief Guest. The Mayoress of Quatre Bornes, the Mayor of Vacoas Phoenix and other dignitaries were also present. In her speech, the minister spoke about the objectives of Jalsa Salana, the true sense of harmony in our society and the role of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in contributing to bringing peace and love in our country.Amir Jamaat Mauritius, Moussa Taujoo Sahib concluded the session, giving an inspiring insight of the true teachings of Islam and the role of Ahmadiyyat in reviving the authentic teachings of Islam. He shed light on the prophecy of the advent of Promised Messiahas, the spiritual decline of the Muslims, the defensive wars undertaken at the dawn of Islam to protect religion and the role played by the Promised Messiahas to bring back the authentic teachings of Islam.After dua led by Markazi delegate, Hamid Kareem Mahmud Sahib, the 25 guests present were invited for a guided tour of the Holy Quran Exhibition set up in the Jalsa Gah and to participate in the collective dinner.
Sunday 30 September
After Tahajjud and Fajr prayers, there was a Dars-ul-Quran on Obedience to Khilafat by missionary Labeed Goolamally SahibThe first speech of the session on this day was delivered by Missionary In-charge and Naib Amir, Maulana Mujeeb Ahmad Munir Sahib. The topic of his speech was Successful Family Life. Maulana Sahib gave various examples from the lives of Hazrat Muhammadsa, Hazrat Ahmadas and the Khulafa. The second speech of the day was delivered by Amir Jamaat Mauritius, Moussa Taujoo Sahib. Amir Sahib explained the need of members of the Jamaat to live in harmony with each other. Amir Sahib gave various examples of how the Sahabara [companions] of Hazrat Muhammadsa lived like brothers and sisters. Amir Sahib also explained the need to keep a very strong and solid relationship with Khilafat. He then gave a brief account of the progress of the Jamaat of Mauritius and the surrounding islands. He mentioned about MTA Mauritius studio, Mauritius forming part of the 18 countries which have the AIMS system, the blessed scheme of Wasiyyat and extension of a Mosque and the building of a new Mosque. Amir Sahib also talked about progress made in Madagascar, Comoros Islands, Seychelles, Reunion and Mayotte.Amir Sahib ended his speech thanking all volunteers who had worked tirelessly to make the Jalsa Salana a success.
Thereafter there was an award ceremony. The National Talim Secretary, Mr Noor Sookia, read out the names of 32 girls and 23 boys who had excelled in their respective field of education. A special prize was awarded to Zaafir Ahmad Koossa for having memorised the whole Qaseeda written by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas.The concluding speech was delivered by Markazi representative, Maulana Hamid Karim Mahmud Sahib.Hamid Karim Mahmud Sahib gave a detailed explanation on the importance of Bai‘at we take every year at the UK Jalsa Salana at the hand of the Khalifa. He explained that when we take Bai‘at at the hand of Huzoor, we are in fact taking Bai‘at at the hand of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas because Huzooraa is his representative. When we are taking Bai‘at at the hand of the Promised Messiahas we are in fact taking Bai‘at at the hand of Hazrat Muhammadsa because the Promised Messiahas is his representative. When we are taking Bai‘at at the hand of Hazrat Muhammadsa we are in fact taking Bai‘at at the hand of Allah as Hazrat Muhammadsa is the representative of Allah.Hamid Karim Mahmud Sahib also explained the responsibilities of all Ahmadis to be humble and obedient servants of the Khalifa. He also explained that all of our successes depend on obedience to Khilafat.After having thanked all members of the Jamaat for their hospitality and respect showed to him, he ended the session with dua.The members were then served the traditional Mauritian beef biryani. After lunch, Zuhr and Asr prayers were led by missionary Khedarun Sahib.The attendance recorded on the last day of the Jalsa Salana was 965 men and 1168 women. The Jalsa was a success by the grace of Allah the Almighty. All praise belongs to Allah the Almighty, Lord of all the worlds.