7 February 1921: Hazrat Syed Sarwar Shahra announced the third nikah of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, which was settled with Hazrat Syeda Maryam Begumra, daughter of Hazrat Syed Abdus Sattar Shahra.
7 February 1941: Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad Sahib, a missionary in Africa, laid the foundation stone of a mosque in Tabora, Tanzania. Observing this progress of the Jamaat, some opponents tried to stop the process and attempts were even made on Sheikh Sahib’s life. Witnessing the hate, the authorities ordered the project to be closed.
7 February 1941: Hazrat Sheikh Abdur Rashidra of Patiala passed away. He was a companion of the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him.
7 February 1952: A newly built Ahmadiyya Mosque in Ghana was inaugurated by Hazrat Maulana Nazir Ahmad Mubashar. The cost of the project was around £5,000.
7 February 1956: On the eve of the All India Congress Committee’s meeting, the Jamaat began to distribute around 150,000 booklets that introduced the Jamaat and its works.
8 February 1914: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira announced that he had received glade tidings from God regarding the spread of the Jamaat’s message in Africa.
8 February 1938: Hazrat Sufi Muhammad Yusufra of Malerkotla passed away. He was a companion of the Promised Messiahas.
8 February 1955: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra invited people with different skills, such as doctors, businessmen and industrialists, to come forward and join hands with Sadr Anjuman in its diverse operations.
9 February 1921: Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahim Nayyarra departed from England to go to Africa, where he established the Jamaat’s first mission in Africa.
9 February 1945: National College Lahore hosted an event highlighting the importance and the need of unity between Sikhs and Muslims. An Ahmadi speaker, Giani Wahid Hussain Sahib raised important points to be considered on the subject matter.
9 February 1951: The International Islamic conference held its annual meeting in Karachi, which was attended by a delegation of the Jamaat led by Hazrat Syed Zain-ul-Abidin Waliullah Shahra. This conference continued until 13 February.
9 February 1957: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra set out for his tour of Sindh, which continued until 5 March. Huzoorra boarded a train from Lahore station to reach his destination.

10 February 1925: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra initiated a special fund for the expansion of tabligh in Europe and invited Jamaat members to donate 100,000 rupees towards this cause. The Jamaat members deposited the required amount within three months.
10 February 1933: A missionary was ill-treated by some members of the Jamaat. Upon learning this, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra ordered that these members should not be spoken to, due to their conduct against the missionary.
10 February 1943: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra expressed his displeasure towards debates that were held for mere practice and training. Instead, Huzoorra promoted the importance of academic and intellectual discussions that were not debates.
10 February 1945: Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra passed away. This companion of the Promised Messiah was also his eldest son-in-law who took Bai‘at on 19 November 1890.
10 February 1956: A barrister from the Baha’i faith said that as Islamic teachings and the Shariah were now redundant, the new constitution of Pakistan was made from Baha’i teachings that filled the gap of Islam’s inability to construct a constitution. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra strongly condemned this false and baseless claim through logical and irrefutable arguments. Moreover, Huzoorra challenged members of the Bah‘ai faith to show the teachings that were supposedly not present in the Holy Quran and were found in the Baha’i faith and the teachings of the Holy Quran that were not applicable in this age according to them.
10 February 1957: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived at Hyderabad, Sindh. For his journey towards his next destination, Bashir Abad, Huzoorra boarded a motor car.
10 February 1958: Hazrat Chaudhry Sheikh Ahmad Darveshra passed away. He was a companion of the Promised Messiahas.
11 February 1955: A delegation representing Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK met the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka and presented a copy of the English translation of the Holy Quran to him.
11 February 1956: The All India Congress Committee arranged its annual session in Amritsar. The Jamaat attended the event, displaying and distributing its literature to many people.
11 February 1956: Students of Talim-ul-Islam College were given an opportunity to have audience with the successful journalist, writer and poet; Abdul Majeed Salik.
11 February 1957: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived at Mirpur Khas during his tour of Sindh, Pakistan.
12 February 1919: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra started his journey of Lahore, which concluded on 27 February.
12 February 1946: The Arya Samaj’s Delhi chapter convened an interfaith conference where an Ahmadi scholar, Maulana Abul Ata Jalandhari delivered a speech.
12 February 1955: An earthquake hit parts of Balochistan which caused widespread destruction. A series of aftershocks terrified the affected locals for next many days. The Jamaat began extensive relief efforts that were applauded by many.
12 February 1957: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra travelled from Mirpur Khas to Nasir Abad during his tour of Sindh. Huzoorra stayed in Nasir Abad for two days and reviewed cultivation of agricultural property.
13 February 1901: Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra had to travel to Sialkot, where he was needed in a court proceeding for a witness statement. On his way to Sialkot, he delivered speeches in Lahore.
13 February 1920: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra set out for his 10-day tour of Lahore and Amritsar.
13 February 1925: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra urged the need to spread the message of the Jamaat across the world and encouraged every member of the Jamaat to take part in this effort.
13 February 1944: Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Bakhshra passed away. This companion was a renowned landlord from Karianwala district in Gujarat and entered the Jamaat in 1890. Once, he was facing severe financial hardships and requested the Promised Messiahas for prayers. Upon this, the Promised Messiahas composed his famous poem titled “Riddance from difficulties”, the opening verse of which is given below. As a result of this prayer, God removed Hazrat Muhammad Baksh Sahib’s difficulties.
اِک نہ اِک دن پیش ہوگا تُو فنا کے سامنے
چل نہیں سکتی کسی کی کچھ قضا کے سامنے
“Surely, one day you will face your fate; No one holds power against that which is decreed.”
13 February 1953: During his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra discoursed upon pre-emptive measures for the establishment of peace during the violent anti-Ahmadiyya agitations in Pakistan. Huzoorra said that if the opponents won, then Ahmadis would be proved as liars, but as they were truthful, Ahmadiyyat would prevail. Huzoorra also instructed all Ahmadis to remain where they were during the agitations.
13 February 1955: A famous Italian academic and linguistic visited Rabwah and enjoyed the blessed audience of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra during his short stay.