Sali Beja, MKA Albania

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaats of Kosovo and Albania held their 7th annual Ijtema of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya on 7 and 8 September in Tirana, Albania.
This has become an annual practice which aims to encourage Khuddam to compete in good deeds. With about 60 participants in total, nearly 40 Khuddam took part in the academic and sports competitions.
By the grace of Allah, this year, a good number of tabligh contacts also took part from both Kosovo and Albania.
The Ijtema began with the flag hoisting ceremony of Liwa-e-Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and the Albanian flag. Immediately after, the opening session started which was chaired by Jinahuddin Saif Sahib, Missionary & Sadr Jamaat Kosovo.
Recitation of the Holy Quran with Albanian translation was done by Sali Beja Sahib. This was followed by a speech by Samad Ahmed Ghori Sahib, missionary & Sadr Jamaat Albania, who spoke about the aims of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, the institution of Khilafat and obedience. In his speech, he explained the difference between worldly leadership and Khilafat. He further explained the importance of obedience from the writings of the Promised Messiahas.
After the inaugural session, academic competitions started, which consisted of recitation of the Holy Quran, Azan, Salat, speeches, mushahida wa mu‘ainah (observation test), and paigham rasani (Chinese whispers).
After the Zuhr and Asr prayers, sports were held that included volleyball, tug of war and table tennis. After Maghrib and Isha, dinner was served.
The first day concluded with the quiz competition. It challenged Khuddam on their religious knowledge and also the key events that took place in 2018.

The second day of activities began with Fajr prayer. Later, at around 7:30am, members had breakfast and set off for the sports fields where the football championship match was held.
After the final, the Khuddam returned to Baitul Awwal mosque to offer Zuhr and Asr prayers, after which they were served lunch.
The prize distribution ceremony was held thereafter, in which prizes were given to the best performances for all competitions held.

The event closed with the speech of Bujar Ramaj Sahib, Vice President of Albania Jamaat. Referring to the system of the universe which Allah has created without any flaw, he explained how Allah has also established the spiritual system without any flaw and today, we are fortunate enough to have Khilafat.
He also said that youth in today’s world have very little direction and it is a sheer blessing of God on us that under the guidance of Khilafat, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya has enabled us to develop our spiritual and physical abilities. From the writings of the Promised Messiahas, he also elaborated the profound meaning of the Quranic verse:
“And everyone has a goal which dominates him; vie, then, with one another in good works.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.149)
Before the silent prayer led by Bujar Ramaj Sahib, Samad Ahmed Ghori Sahib, President Jamaat Albania thanked all the guests who attended from Kosovo and different parts of Albania and also the volunteers for their selfless and remarkable efforts making the Ijtema successful.
He also thanked Sadr Lajna Imaillah Albania and her team who prepared food for the three days with great effort.
The Ijtema ended at 4pm, leaving lots of good impressions and emotions, Alhamdolillah.