Mansoor Ahmad Mubashir, France Correspondent

The 9th national refresher course of the national amila, presidents of the local Jamaats and their amila was held on 15 February 2020 at the national headquarters of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya France.
The inaugural session was chaired by Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya France, Ashfaq Rabbani Sahib. After tilawat and its French translation, Amir Sahib presented the opening speech after which the national General Secretary presented the agenda of the Refresher Course.
The first presentation was delivered by the Missionary-in-Charge France, Naseer Ahmad Shahid Sahib. In his presentation, he read some extracts of the Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat about the responsibilities of office bearers, both at national and local levels.
Thereafter, National Secretary Tahrik-eJadid and National Secretary Waqf-e-Jadid presented their presentations and informed the audience about their progress and work. There are total 20 local Jamaats in France, which were divided in 4 groups. Each group was headed by a missionary and the missionaries were told to brief their groups in Tarbiyyat, Maal and Tabligh.
After the group session, there was an open audience in which all missionaries spoke one by one about their session. There were some questions raised about different issues and many suggestions were also presented.
A seminar on the theme of Nizaam-eJamaat was also held. There were 2 presentations, one presented by Mansoor Ahmad Mubashir Sahib, missionary of Jamaat Strasbourg, France on the administrative system of the Jamaat.
The other was presented by Bilal Akbar Sahib, missionary of Jamaat Epernay, on the topic of respect of the nizam. The total attendance of this event was 61.