Mr Mott (Abdullah Din Muhammad) is an enthusiastic Ahmadi Muslim convert residing in New Orleans, America. Below are excerpts from his recent letter, shared for the readers’ benefit:
“To the best of my understanding and knowledge, I continue to preach the message of Islam [Ahmadiyyat] to the people [of America] and convey to them the glad tidings of the advent of the Promised Messiah[as]. Many individuals have become receptive to the message. If Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] were to visit America personally, a significant group would be ready to repent, embrace Islam, and pledge allegiance at his hands. As the Khalifa was not able to visit, the arrival of a scholar for a short period could yield remarkable success. I bring people closer to Islam, but I lack the strength to bring them fully into its fold.
“Nevertheless, by the grace of God, a young African woman named Mrs Mabel has accepted Islam. I have sent her signed form to Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra]. I have named her ‘Aisha’ because this name, being that of the beloved wife of the Holy Prophetsa, holds great affection for me. Despite severe challenges, this young lady remains steadfast in her faith. Her parents have completely barred her from meeting me or other Muslims, but she conveys messages affirming her commitment to prioritising faith over worldly matters. Friends are requested to pray for her steadfastness.
“Another young woman who has converted to Islam is Mrs Bruno, whom I have named ‘Jamila’ in honour of the pious daughter of my dear friend Miraj-ud-Din Sahib of Bareilly. There are several other individuals who, God willing, will accept Islam in due course.
“When Hazrat Khalifatul Masih [IIra] arrived in Europe, I wrote him the following detailed letter:
“To Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II[ra], London, England
“Your Holiness, assalamu alaikum!
“I am not in a position to personally appear before Huzoor[ra] at this time to renew my pledge of obedience and loyalty at his blessed hands. Therefore, I pray that his arrival in the capital of Great Britain, accompanied by his companions, may be marked by health, safety, and success.
“May this occasion draw the attention of the distinguished individuals and scholars of this country toward the religion of Islam, and may it establish a solid and enduring foundation for [Islam] Ahmadiyyat in this land.
“In addition, I extend a heartfelt invitation to Huzoor[ra] to visit the great nation of America. The remarkable and grand mission established here by our venerable elder and distinguished scholar, Dr Mufti Muhammad Sadiq[ra], and now being continued by the esteemed Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra], would gain new vitality and explosive energy through his visit.
“Specifically, if Huzoor[ra] were to grace our city of New Orleans, I am confident that numerous individuals, who are currently being preached to and are inclined toward Islam, would, divinely inspired by the blessings of his presence, humbly submit themselves at the threshold of Islam.
“I was deeply grieved to learn from Brother Yusuf Khan’s letter about the tyranny inflicted by the Amir of Kabul upon our dear brother, Nematullah Khan[rh]. I firmly believe that such a cruel oppressor will not escape divine punishment for long. Kindly convey heartfelt condolences to the family of the martyred brother on my behalf.
“[I have also learned that] a council is being convened in Egypt or Medina regarding the matter of Khilafat. My heart yearns to be present there to guide these individuals toward the divinely appointed Khalifa so that they do not waste their time in futility.
“Whatever means possible should be employed to continue publishing The Moslem Sunrise. Its benefits have proven to be innumerable. [I would also like to bring to your attention that], at the request of a gentleman named Mr De Witt, Mr Holt has published an article on Islam in the Adventure magazine. I am enclosing the addresses of both individuals for the reference. They should be conveyed the message of Islam [Ahmadiyyat], and some literature should also be sent to them.
“Waswalam, [Abdullah Din Muhammad].”
American mission and progress of Islam Ahmadiyyat
By the mercy and grace of Allah the Almighty, the people of America are steadily drawing closer to Islam. This rapid progress of Islam is soon to manifest the authenticity of the blessed prophecies made by the Chief of Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, over 1,300 years ago, as well as the prophecies disseminated by the Promised Messiahas. Today, through the efforts and sacrifices of our beloved leader, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra], these prophecies are being fulfilled. This is not merely our claim; even the Christian world now acknowledges that without adherence to Islamic teachings, peace cannot be established on earth. They admit that Islam is the only religion through which salvation and eternal peace can be achieved.
While Christians boast that salvation is impossible without believing in Christ as the son of God and that faith in his blood washes away all sins, a closer examination of this claim reveals its hollowness. The foundation of Christianity rests on doctrines such as the divinity of Christ, trinity, and atonement – teachings so flimsy that no rational person can accept them. To this day, no Christian has been able to substantiate these doctrines with evidence.
As science and other fields of knowledge and arts advance, the world continues to distance itself from Christianity. In the present age, a large group identifies as Christians only in name, while in reality, they are completely disenchanted with Christian teachings. Despite their rejection of the Christian faith, their hearts remain filled with deep prejudice against Islam. Outwardly, they practice principles aligned with Islamic teachings, but due to centuries of misconceptions and bias instilled in them by the priests, they are so terrified of accepting the Foundersa of Islam that God save us all.
However, truth shall ultimately prevail over falsehood. The efforts of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II[ra], which have caused a stir in the Western world, will soon bear fruit, and the results of this transformation will become evident.
Dr Zwemer and Ahmadiyyat
Dr Zwemer, editor of The Moslem World, who visited Qadian last summer to observe the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, recently published a circular letter. In this letter, he fervently appeals to the Christian world, emphasising the need for special preparations to counter the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Movement. He writes:
“Islam, through the new Ahmadiyya Movement, is steadily gaining a firm foothold in Europe and America.”
Although he erroneously used the term “new,” perhaps he employed this term because it is through Ahmad[as] and Ahmadiyyat that Christ and Christianity have been dethroned. It was Ahmadiyyat that brought to light the tomb of their “Lord” in Srinagar, and inflicted such a defeat upon Christianity that it had not encountered in the past 1,300 years. Dr Zwemer may have coined the term “new Islam” to reflect this unprecedented resistance, mistaking it for a new version of Islam, when in fact, he should be informed that it is the same Islam taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa of Arabia.
There is no doubt, however, that Hazrat Ahmadas infused Islam with a renewed spirit and revived its teachings in the exact form prescribed by the Holy Prophetsa. He introduced no new doctrines. Dr Zwemer and the Christian world seem to fear that Islam will soon overwhelm Europe and America.
[Despite his apprehensions], Dr Zwemer is an enlightened and broad-minded scholar. Occasionally, he publishes articles by Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib[ra] in his magazine and maintains correspondence with us. He also shares the addresses of individuals interested in learning about Islam, enabling us to connect with them. Through his assistance, we have established contacts with several Christian clergy.
New converts in Cleveland
Friends will be pleased to learn that, by the grace and blessings of Allah the Almighty, 49 men and four women have embraced Islam in Cleveland over the past three to four weeks. We request prayers for the strengthening of their faith.
Approximately six months ago, Hazrat Maulvi Sahib[ra] spent two weeks in Cleveland, delivering lectures to various gatherings. This sparked widespread interest in Islam throughout the city. Furthermore, the sincere efforts of Shaikh Abdullah have significantly expanded the scope of the mission. Abdullah, an enthusiastic new convert, actively preaches Islam at all times and in every gathering.
In his spare time, he travels to nearby villages around Cleveland in his automobile to spread the message of Islam. In one of his letters, he writes:
“I am always determined to eradicate disbelief. Whoever crosses my path, I deliver to them the message of God.”
Islamic literature has been sent to these new converts via mail, and correspondence has been maintained. However, we eagerly await the arrival of Maulvi Sahib[ra] so he may visit Cleveland to teach these new converts about Islamic practices, including prayer.
There is also a jamaat in St. Louis, and I feel it is equally important for Maulvi Sahib to visit them as well.
Chicago Jamaat
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the jamaat here [in Chicago] continues its activities unabated. Regular gatherings are held, prayers are offered, and the exemplary character of Maulvi Sahib[ra] has inspired a deep affection for him among the members. The jamaat earnestly prays for his return and awaits him with great anticipation.
The Moslem Sunrise
Our magazine, The Moslem Sunrise, is currently on hold due to two primary reasons: first, a lack of funds, and second, the absence of Maulvi Sahib[ra]. We request prayers from friends that, by the grace of Allah, these challenges may be resolved. The Moslem Sunrise has accomplished significant work in America, and I constantly pray that Allah enables its continuation.
At times, I wonder if a lack of subscribers in our Jamaat is the cause of this financial shortfall. But then I remind myself that our Jamaat is composed of many poor members, and the scope of work is immense. How can all the needs be fulfilled simultaneously? Therefore, I earnestly appeal to all the friends to offer special prayers for the continuation of this magazine.
An urgent need
The greatest need at present is for copies of the Holy Quran. The Jamaat is growing here, but we lack Qurans to distribute to new members. There is an urgent requirement for an abridged English translation of the Quran that is affordable so that it may be easily purchased by the general public. As our preaching efforts expand, so do our responsibilities.
In conclusion, I pray that Allah grants us the strength and capability to fulfil our duties and earn His pleasure.
Muhammad Yusuf Khan, BSc, Chicago
(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 6 January 1925 issue of Al Fazl)