Mahid Khan (age 11), Islamabad, UK
Day 1 – 26 July 2024
I had been waiting for what felt like centuries for three of my most favourite days of the year, Jalsa Salana. When I woke up, I felt bubbly and jubilant, knowing I had three joyous days ahead of me.
At around 9:10 am, my father and I arrived at the Press and Media Marquee, where I was doing duty. Soon after we arrived, journalists started to emerge and one of the media outlets who attended was ITV.
The reason journalists were coming, apart from covering Jalsa, was because the Press and Media Office was hosting a talk on the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Two journalists and a doctor, who had travelled on the ground to Gaza, were panellists. The doctor was present in the marquee, while the journalists attended virtually. They talked about the desperately dire conditions in Gaza and narrated devastating stories of piles of dead bodies spread everywhere. They further described how once tall and proud buildings had been demolished into pieces. This topic was very sad but, at the same time, a reminder to us all about how fortunate we are to be able to live with luxurious facilities and food that nobody in Gaza has access to. Everyone appreciated learning about the ground reality.
I then gave a tour, along with two more senior members of the Press team, to a kind-hearted, jolly journalist from the Farnham Herald. We first went to the main Jalsa Gah, where Jumuah had started. The journalist was poised for the Jumuah prayer, and he found it intriguing. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa talked about how every Jalsa worker should strive to fulfil their duties. The guests of the Promised Messiahas should make it easy for the workers and, at the same time, the workers should be hospitable.
Soon after namaz, we went to the Tabligh Marquee, where we found ourselves eating the heavenly langar food like pasta and aloo gosht with rice.
Minutes later, we were driving on a buggy up to the highest hilltop in the Jalsa site, where the journalist took a scenic photo of the amazing view. It was a tad scary going back down the steep hill as the buggy was tilting and we went down pretty fast. A bit of an unexpected Jalsa ride!
We then visited the exhibitions, which gripped me so much that I almost forgot that the journalist was there! The journalist was very interested in Islamic history and was especially absorbed by the Makhzan-e-Tasaweer photo exhibition. Before he left, he observed the flag hoisting, where Huzooraa raised the Liwa-e-Ahmadiyyat. Masha-Allah, he was very impressed by what he saw and said he would write a section about Jalsa in the Farnham Herald newspaper.
It was time for the second speech of Jalsa. Huzooraa called for global peace and making the world more harmonious.
Soon after the session, I started to feel hungry, so I went with some of the Press team to the langar, where we ate the yummiest aloo gosht, which tasted even better than gold.
Later, we were told that Huzooraa was doing a walk around the Jalsa site. We were all excited to hear this unexpected news! And, alhamdulillah, Huzooraa even came to our Press marquee, where he talked to a young Englishman who had come from Sheffield to learn about Islam. When Huzooraa walked in, it was like a spiritual star had entered and his presence made the marquee so much brighter! I felt so lucky as I was standing just a few feet away from Huzooraa! It was a very blessed experience and I hope to remember it forever.
It was then time for Maghrib and Isha prayer. By the grace of Allah, this day was hugely successful, and I hoped the next two proved even more so.
Day 2 – 27 July 2024
Early in the morning, I arrived at the Press marquee and started by helping to clean it because the Human Rights Department was to host a talk on the persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan later in the day.
At midday, Huzooraa went to the Lajna side to give a speech. Huzooraa talked about the parental duties of mothers after they give birth – like safeguarding children from bad websites. Huzooraa also spoke about modesty and hijab as well.
After namaz, I went to the bazaar, and it was so hot that I felt as if I were sizzling on a barbeque so I bought a water bottle from Humanity First’s stall and a portable fan, which cooled me down and I felt like a new person. When I came back to the Press Marquee, the Human Rights talk had started so I had to stay pin-drop silent! During the break, I also took the opportunity to return to the Langar Khana to eat some of the magical aloo gosht and the remarkable pasta. Nothing can beat the Langar Khana food!
Later in the day, I listened to the fourth address of Huzooraa. It was a report of the Jamaat’s successes over the year. For example, the Jamaat had extended to a new country: Taiwan. The Jamaat is now in 214 countries and territories. One of the people who became an Ahmadi was a scholar named Professor Chong Kuan. Also, 106 mosques were constructed. Alhamdulillah!
After the afternoon address, I went to the roti plant on a buggy with some other members of the press team and I could smell the fresh roti being made.
We had dinner, offered namaz and then went home. Today was another incredibly enjoyable day.
Day 3 – 28 July 2024
The final day had come. The moment we had all been waiting for. The bai‘at.
However, before it started, Abba (my father), my brother and I went to visit the eye-capturing exhibitions, which were all very alluring (used a thesaurus here!). We were given a fascinating tour of Makhzan-e-Tasaweer and a similarly amazing tour of The Review of Religions and Tabligh joint exhibition where I learnt about the existence of God. One of the key points was that scientists only figured out that the world was created by the Big Bang decades ago. However, the Holy Quran already told us about the Big Bang 1400 years ago. This shows that the Quran has all the knowledge of the future and how Allah conveyed what was important to his people through the Holy Prophetsa.
After what felt like just seconds, it was time for the bai‘at. When I did the bai‘at, it was an extremely powerful moment for me and I am sure many other people found it powerful too. I think the whole marquee was filled with unique energy and everyone was filled with emotions and feeling extremely passionate. I felt very lucky to take part. Alhamdulillah.
Soon after namaz, I had langar food with my brother and Abba. It was very nice to be able to spend time with my family. It is yet another blessing of Jalsa! We then went to the bazaar. It was great and amidst the scorching hot weather, Abba bought cooling ice creams for me, my brother and even for himself! It was so hot that the ice cream was dripping on our faces as it melted so quickly – but it was worth it!
When we got back, it was time for the final session. I tried to get into the marquee, but it was full, so I couldn’t get a space and had to listen outside Jalsa Gah. During the final session, Huzooraa talked about the Promised Messiah’sas love for the Holy Prophetsa. Huzooraa also talked about the Promised Messiah’sas teachings and the status of the Holy Prophetsa. There was so much knowledge in Huzoor’s words. I hope I can learn Urdu better as I get older so I can understand more.
Even though Jalsa had ended after the concluding session, our duties did not end there. Instead, in the office, we packed countless packets of roti bread because the Press and Media team had launched a campaign called ‘Bread For Britain’ where we sent bread to food banks across Britain. We had some spare bread, so I and my brother distributed packets to people as they returned home. It was a lot of fun and Ahmadis were very glad to take some fresh Jalsa roti home with them!
What I learnt over the Jalsa days
With the grace and blessings of Allah, the days of Jalsa Salana proved to be some of the best days of my life. Personally, during this Jalsa, I learnt that work or duty isn’t always easy, but you should always try your hardest and keep smiling, as Huzooraa has instructed us. I hope this Jalsa was a blessed experience for all and I hope this diary has been an enjoyable read.
In conclusion, the highlight of Jalsa was undoubtedly the presence of our Khalifa – it made the Jalsa much more blessed, and special and I will especially never forget when Huzooraa came to our Press marquee unexpectedly!
I hope the next Jalsa is as exceptional as this year’s or actually even better, insha-Allah!