A series looking at the high standard of morals of the Promised Messiahas, his Khulafa and the hospitality of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community when receiving visitors
Awwab Saad Hayat, Al Hakam

In 1938, through the preaching efforts of the esteemed missionary Muhammad Rafiq Khan Sahib, the seed of Ahmadiyyat was sown in the southern regions of present-day Russia. The first individual to embrace Ahmadiyyat in this region was a young man from Kashgar (a present-day city in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, in China’s far west.), Haji Junodullah Sahib. Leaving his homeland, he undertook a perilous journey through the icy and treacherous mountainous areas of Chinese Turkestan and Kashmir, finally arriving in Qadian in September 1938. There, he had the honour of pledging allegiance to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and formally joining the Ahmadiyya community.
Haji Sahib began his journey at a time when snow had just started to melt. Travelling on foot, he often found himself struggling through deep snow that seemed almost impossible to navigate. Despite these dangers and the hardships of bearing the expenses of this months-long journey, as well as the difficulties in obtaining travel permits and passports, he reached his destination by the grace of Allah.
Haji Sahib’s elderly mother and sister also wished to accompany him but were unable to secure passports and therefore had to stay behind. After Haji Sahib’s arrival in Qadian, through the blessings of the prayers of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, they too obtained passports. They set out for Qadian on 18 October 1938, as part of another caravan. Haji Sahib was informed of their departure via telegram, prompting him to set out from Qadian towards Gilgit to meet them. Despite the 14 to 15-day journey from Qadian to Gilgit, Haji Sahib covered the distance in just eight days, only to discover that his mother and sister had been left behind by the first caravan coming from Turkestan. He then set off from Gilgit and encountered the second caravan, where he found his mother and sister.
Haji Sahib narrates that when he first saw the caravan, he thought it might be the one accompanying his mother and sister. As he looked closer, he noticed two figures in black veils atop a mountain peak, with local guides holding the reins of their horses. Upon reaching the caravan and enquiring, he confirmed that they were indeed his mother and sister. This happened on 24 November 1938, coinciding with the blessed day of Eid al-Fitr. However, upon reaching Gilgit, they learnt that the route to Kashmir was closed due to heavy snowfall. They stayed in Gilgit for ten days, and then, accompanied by his mother and sister, Haji Sahib reached Chitral in eleven days, travelling the entire distance on horseback.
After a five- to six-day stay in Chitral, they continued their journey by lorry towards Malakand and Dargai. Upon reaching a resting point called Ishrat, a government officer travelling from Peshawar informed them that the route to Dargai and Dir was highly dangerous and impassable due to snowfall, with snow piling up to 25 feet in some places, making it impossible to proceed except on foot. The officer suggested they return to Darosh, where arrangements could be made for their onward journey through the Jalalabad route. They retreated 25 miles and stayed at a place called Darosh, but after 15 days of waiting, they were informed that there was no alternative route and that they would have to return along the same path.
Ultimately, they resumed their journey on the same route, first reaching Ishrat and then covering six miles on foot through the snow to arrive at a resting point called Ziarat by evening. The next day’s journey was even more difficult, as they had to ascend six to seven miles of steep inclines made more treacherous by the snow. Despite the challenges, they had no choice but to continue. Early in the morning, with the help of three porters and Haji Sahib, his mother and sister began the ascent. The caravan included 22 porters. The snow was deep, and with great difficulty, they reached the mountain peak by noon. Along the way, Haji Sahib’s mother slipped and fell several times in the snow, as did his sister and Haji Sahib himself, but they persevered, fearing the weather would worsen and more snow would fall.
Haji Junodullah Sahib recounts that it was one of the hardest days they had ever faced. After resting briefly at the peak and warming themselves by a fire, the entire caravan began the nine-mile descent. Just as the ascent had been difficult, the descent on the snowy slope proved even more challenging. Haji Sahib’s mother became completely unable to walk, and the porters had to carry her down. As night approached, the danger increased, but they finally reached the next resting point, Gujar, safely by nightfall. However, due to the severe strain of the journey, Haji Sahib’s mother developed a fever, chills, and body aches, making the subsequent travel seem daunting. Haji Sahib spent the night tending to his mother. By morning, her condition had improved enough for her to travel a little, and after walking two or three miles from Gujar, they were able to find horses for the journey. The caravan reached the state of Dir, where they spent a restful night. The next morning, on 12 January 1939, they travelled by lorry to Dargai, and then took a train to Amritsar, arriving on January 13. The following morning, 14 January, they reached Qadian.
Later, on September 27, 1939, Haji Sahib’s elder brother, Hakim Syed Aal-e-Ahmad Sahib, and Hakim Sahib’s son, Amanullah Khan Sahib, also arrived in Qadian after traversing the same difficult paths. They pledged allegiance to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra and the family settled in Qadian.
The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa emphasised the importance of pledging allegiance to the Promised Messiah and Mahdias, saying, “Pledge allegiance to him, even if you have to crawl over ice.” (Mustadrak Hakim, Kitab al-fitan wa l-malahim, Bab khuruji l-mahdi, p. 414). The “ice” or “snow” mentioned in this hadith symbolises hardships, trials, and obstacles. However, these faithful men and women endured the arduous journey over snow-capped peaks to present themselves before the Promised Messiah.
(Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 8, pp. 565–568)