Ahmadi missionary delivers lecture at church in Lake Ridge, VA, USA

Syed Shamshad Nasir, Missionary, USA

An interfaith event was hosted by the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Lake Ridge, Virginia on 6 November 2022.

After a brief introduction to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, my humble self presented the Islamic point of view of the purpose of existence and the responsibilities of mankind towards their Creator. In light of the teachings of the Holy Quran, I explained that, as humans, our responsibility is to show obedience to God. The teachings of Islam on the afterlife are easy to understand and straightforward i.e. the afterlife is the reflection of our actions in this world. 

I further said that one of the commandments of God was to worship Him but the act of worship is not limited only to visiting a church once a week or a mosque five times a day, but also being kind to one another, to your family, neighbours and the rest of the creation of God; that is the essence of the obedience of God.

The lecture was well received and the audience asked different questions related to the teachings of Islam about the afterlife. 

Three other faith leaders also spoke about life after death, including a Jewish Rabbi and a Rev. Father from Catholic Church.

At the end of the programme, my humble self presented The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam to the speakers and organisers of the interfaith meeting. 

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