Mansoor Ahmad Mubashir, France Correspondent

In France, every year in September, a memorial federation of NATO organises a ceremony in the honour of soldiers who offered their lives in the service of NATO. This year, on 14 September 2019, it was the 7th commemoration.
By the grace of Allah, it was the second time Missionary-in-Charge, Naseer Ahmed Shahid Sahib was invited as a representative of Islam for the religious ceremony and prayers. The civil, military and diplomatic authorities and various religious leaders had attended the memorial. In his speech, Naseer Shahid Sahib mentioned Islamic teachings about peace, self defence and love of one’s nation and the status of martyrs for a good cause.

At the end, he mentioned the prayers of Surah al-Fatihah and that of the last two chapters. He ended his speech with the Ahmadiyya slogan, “Love for all, hatred for none”. Later on, many guests, Muslims as well as non-Muslims, appreciated the content of his speech.
Our missionary was accompanied by Asif Arif Sahib, National Secretary External Affairs and Wajahat Chaudhry Sahib, President of Humanity First France.
They had set up a book stall and also banners of “Love for all, hatred for none” and that of Humanity First. The Promised Messiah’sas book A Message of Peace, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa book World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace and leaflets were distributed after the ceremony.