Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta
In the modern and technological world, life has become so busy and hectic that the people who need our attention the most are abandoned and neglected. Marginalisation, deprivation and isolation are pressing issues for the contemporary world.
During this particular year, however, the Covid-19 pandemic has put the whole of humanity through suffering. It has affected everyone. Besides the health issues, the pandemic has caused great economic damage, preventing people to even make ends meets; poverty has increased drastically.
In such circumstances, becoming selfless, caring for others and serving humanity is an unparalleled noble deed, a core teaching of Islam. The Promised Messiahas has taught us that serving humanity is itself a form of worship of Allah and that to fail to help a brother in their time of need or difficulty is utterly immoral and wrong.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Malta was fortunate to have the opportunity to serve their fellow human beings and to show solidarity to them.
On 15 December 2020, Jamaat Malta visited Dar tal-Providenza, a home for disabled people that provides individualised residential services to persons with disabilities. During this visit, gift hampers were presented to Ms Nadine Camilleri Cassano, the administrator of Dar tal-Providenza.
In addition, Jamaat Malta visited Peace Lab, a voluntary institute that provides accommodation, training and help for finding employment to refugees living in Malta. At this occasion, gift packs were presented to Priest Dijonisju Mintoff, the founder of the Peace Lab.

This year again, Jamaat Malta had the opportunity to visit San Blas – a Caritas Malta’s rehabilitation facility for people with drug addiction problems, and to present gift hampers consisting of cakes and chocolates, for all the residents and staff members.
Mr Anthony Gatt, the director of Caritas Malta, together with his team, welcomed the Jamaat and thanked them for its continuous support and solidarity.
During this visit, we also had the opportunity to meet the people at the rehabilitation centre. I explained to them the purpose of our visit, the Islamic teaching regarding serving humanity and briefed them about Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya.
In addition, I also spoke about the consequences of using illicit drugs and how one can successfully come out of this difficult phase in life. We were extremely moved by listening to the heartbreaking stories of people who had personally suffered or had seen their loved ones suffer from drugs addiction.
One woman lost her husband at a very young age due to drugs addiction. She was overwhelmed with emotion whilst she narrated the story of how her loved one conceded to drugs. Her husband was a Muslim and she asked for prayers for him. I recited prayers from the Holy Quran and ahadith for the deceased and also presented their translation. The words of the Quran and teachings of the hadith made those present there well up.
One person told us that he successfully came out of drug addiction but relapsed. I told him that the Holy Quran has guided us that we must be mindful and extremely careful in choosing our friends because human beings are influenced by the people with whom they associate or spend time. Thus, we must befriend pious people. “O ye who believe! fear Allah and be with the truthful.” (Surah al-Taubah, Ch.9: V.119)