The amila members of Majlis Ansarullah Australia were blessed with the opportunity to meet Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in a virtual mulaqat on 7 May 2023.
After conveying salaam, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa led everyone in silent prayer. Observing the ansar seated in the hall and considering the time difference between the UK and Australia, Huzooraa asked if they felt sleepy. Abdul Jamil Mubbashar Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Australia, replied that they were not sleepy, rather everyone was feeling active. Hearing this, Huzooraa said, “Masha-Allah!” He then asked where he was from. Abdul Jamil Mubbashar Sahib replied that he was from Rawalpindi and later moved to Islamabad, Pakistan before eventually settling in Australia.
Huzooraa then asked who was seated to the right of Sadr Sahib. Qaid Umumi, Shageer Mohammed Sahib, introduced himself and mentioned that he was from Fiji, however, he grew up in Australia. Hearing him speak in Urdu, Huzooraa asked, “You spent your [youth] here in Australia, which is why you know Urdu so well?” Shageer Mohammed humbly replied that he continued to learn Urdu even after moving to Australia. Huzooraa asked him about the number of majalis in Australia and how many of them were active. Shageer Mohammed replied that there were 33 majalis in total, which were highly active and regularly submitted reports. Huzooraa asked whether he went through the reports and provided feedback and remarks. Shageer Mohammed Sahib replied in the affirmative, and hearing this, Huzooraa said, “Masha-Allah.”
Huzooraa then spoke with Naib Sadr Saf-e-Daum, Shajar Ahmad Sahib, and enquired about the number of ansar in saf-e-daum and their activities. Shajar Ahmad Sahib replied that, according to the tajnid, there were 593 ansar in saf-e-daum. He added that during the last virtual mulaqat with Huzooraa, cycling was especially emphasised, and as a result, they organised various cycling events. He further mentioned that they had recently held a cycling fundraising event for the Australian Muslim Medical Association, which raised $13,000.
Huzooraa asked about the cycling route, to which Shajar Ahmad Sahib replied that it was approximately 10-15 kilometres. He further mentioned that the ansar were encouraged to cycle as much as possible along this route.
Upon hearing about the cycling route, Huzooraa remarked, “Ansar can do more than this.” Huzooraa then shared that some ansar from the UK had recently travelled to Spain, distributed tabligh literature, and cycled 200 kilometres. Huzooraa smiled and commented that “Ansar can travel much farther. You are underestimating their abilities.”
Huzooraa provided some advice and said that they should also reach out to local cycling clubs and collaborate with them to organise events. In this way, Huzooraa explained that they could raise more money for charity while also spreading the message of Islam and doing tabligh. Huzooraa added that they should distribute literature on the topic of peace and wear vests, stating words and phrases that promote peace and harmony during such events.
Huzooraa then turned to Mubashar Ahmad Khalid Sahib, Qaid Talim and asked where he was from. Mubashar Ahmad Khalid Sahib responded that he was originally from Rabwah, Pakistan. He then reported that they had held several academic competitions this year and distributed a syllabus that included various passages from the Holy Quran, ahadith, and books of the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa enquired about the number of ansar who read regularly. Mubashar Ahmad Khalid Sahib presented his report on how many ansar studied the books of the Promised Messiahas regularly. Huzooraa then asked which books were assigned to ansar to study this year. Mubashar Ahmad Khalid Sahib responded that the assigned books were Lecture Ludhiana, Lecture Sialkot and Lecture Lahore.
Speaking with Romeo Istafaq Hassan Khan Sahib, Naib Sadr Awwal, Huzooraa enquired about his responsibilities. Romeo Istafaq Hassan Khan Sahib reported that his primary responsibility was to support Sadr Majlis and perform any duties assigned to him. Additionally, he mentioned that he worked in four departments: Tarbiyat, Talim-ul-Quran, Wasaya, and Ishaat.
Mashood Shah Sahib, Naib Sadr, reported that he had been assigned to oversee three departments, worked closely with the qaideen, and also assisted Majlis Ansarullah in a number of events and seminars.
Abdul Majeed Zahid Sahib, Qaid Tarbiyyat, reported that the theme for this year was “Love for Khilafat”. He mentioned that all tarbiyat plans were centred around this theme. The primary objective is to ensure that 100% of the ansar offered the five daily prayers. Additionally, various seminars were held with speeches about salat. When Huzooraa enquired about the seminars’ results, Abdul Majeed Zahid Sahib reported they were able to conduct seven seminars in different regions, which brought about a significant change in the attendance for the five daily prayers. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that they should share short passages highlighting the importance of salat to attract people’s attention. He added that the ansar should always remember the significance of salat, particularly at their age.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said they should also emphasise the importance of listening to his sermons. He then enquired how many ansar regularly listened to his sermons. Majeed Zahid Sahib responded with the relevant figures.
Muwain Sadr, Syed Mubarak Ahmed, reported that he was tasked by Sadr Sahib to oversee the official website of Majlis Ansarullah, set up email addresses and manage the official Twitter account. Huzooraa enquired whether he was professionally involved in IT, to which he responded in the affirmative. He further mentioned that the calendar of events was regularly updated on the official website, and they also uploaded the regularly published ansar bulletins, among other things.

Syed Sabih Ahmed Sahib, Muawin Sadr Wasaya reported that the first target assigned to him by Sadr Sahib was to try to have 100% of the national amila in the blessed scheme of Wasiyat. Huzooraa asked for the percentage of musis to date; to which Syed Sabih Ahmed Sahib replied 80%. Hearing this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “Masha-Allah!”
Huzooraa enquired, “Are you yourself a musi, Shah Sahib?” Syed Sabih Ahmed Sahib replied in the affirmative. Huzooraa then spoke with Dr Asim Ali Malik Sahib, Qaid Mal.
When speaking with Mujeeb Ur Rehman Sanauri Sahib, Qaid Tabligh, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa enquired about the number of amila members who are dai‘in il-Allah. In response, apart from himself, Mujeeb Ur Rehman Sanauri Sahib reported that there were no others at the moment. Upon hearing this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa advised that at least 25% of the amila should be among dai‘in il-Allah. He further stated that Qaid Tarbiyat, Qaid Talim, Sadr Sahib, Naib Sadr Sahib, and all the muawinin should all strive to be dai‘in il-Allah.
Huzooraa explained that they could dedicate one hour over the weekend to distributing leaflets that highlight the teachings of Islam. Huzooraa explained that this could open up avenues for further tabligh.
Huzooraa remarked that a large majority of people in Australia are still unaware of the Jamaat and the peaceful teachings of Islam. To address this issue, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa emphasised the need for different auxiliary organisations of the Jamaat to collaborate and “work together to maximise the outreach” and to achieve the unified goal of spreading the peaceful message of Islam Ahamdiyyat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that coordinated programmes can be developed to raise awareness about Islam Ahmadiyyat and its teachings.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa emphasised that it is important to introduce the Jamaat and its peaceful teachings to the Australian population, and those who are destined to enter the fold of the Jamaat will eventually do so. However, it is necessary to do the spadework first. Huzooraa advised the amila to explore new avenues in tabligh instead of merely relying on old methods of preaching. He encouraged, “Ansarullah, being more mature, should make good plans and execute them effectively.”
Next, Mubashar Ahmad Sahib, Qaid Ishaat, reported that they publish a quarterly periodical called Az-Zujajah, which they also distribute. Huzooraa enquired about the origin of the name to which Qaid Isha‘at said that he did not know. Huzooraa stated that they should include an article in the editorial section of the next issue, detailing the history of Az-Zujajah.
Luqman Majoka Sahib, Qaid Ithar, reported that he coordinates with major national events such as “Clean Up Australia Day” and “National Tree Planting Day” to carry out activities and events. Huzooraa said that if he also coordinated with the tabligh department, they could accomplish much work. Huzooraa advised Luqman Sahib to organise events that promote Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and the teachings of Islam. Luqman Sahib reported that this year, they focused on coordinating with charities and holding charity walks.
Syed Fawaz Ahmed Sahib, Muawin Sadr for IT, reported that Sadr Sahib had assigned to him seven projects to move the day-to-day paperwork online. Anwar Ul Haq Sahib, Nazim-e-Ala of the Queensland Region, reported that the majalis were very active in terms of tabligh and holding book stalls. Then, Anas Khaliq Sahib, the Nazim-e-A‘la for the South Australia Region, reported that there were six majalis in his region. Next, Osama Ahmed, the Nazim-e-Ala for Region Victoria, reported on the number of ansar in his region, which primarily consisted of the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Huzooraa asked about their relationship with their neighbours, to which Anas Khaliq Sahib replied that their relationship was very good with the majority of the neighbours.
During the meeting, Huzooraa had a conversation with several members from different regions in Sydney. He spoke with Muhammad Ahsan Ghumman Sahib, the Nazim-e-A‘la for Marsden Park Region, regarding Tehrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid. Huzooraa commended their region for taking the lead in this matter.
Mahmood Ur Rehman Sahib, the Nazim-e-Ala for the Blacktown Region, Sydney, was asked by Huzooraa about the origin of the region’s name. Mahmood Ur Rehman Sahib responded that he was not sure.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa also spoke with Hafiz Tariq Saleem Sahib, the Nazim-e-Ala for the Penrith Region, Sydney. He enquired about Tariq Saleem Sahib’s hifz revision and was informed that he had continued to revise the Holy Quran. Tariq Saleem Sahib further mentioned that he had the opportunity to lead the tarawih prayer during Ramadan.
Upon seeing Mahmood Ahmad Abbasi Sahib, Naib Qaid Umumi, Huzooraa remarked that he seemed to have aged. In a humorous response, Mahmood Ahmad Abbasi Sahib attributed his old age to his membership in Majlis Ansarullah. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa replied in a lighthearted manner by saying, “Does one age after joining Ansarullah? One should always keep a youthful spirit.”
During a conversation with Ziallah Khan Sahib, serving as the Auditor, Huzooraa enquired about the progress of the auditing work. Ziallah Khan Sahib responded that, with regards to any issues that came up, he would bring them to the attention of the national amila meetings. Following this, Moeen Ul Haqq Shams Sahib, Qaid Tahrik-e-Jadid, reported that 39% of the total amount of Australia’s Tahrik-e-Jadid chanda was contributed by Majlis Ansarullah. Upon hearing this, Huzooraa said, “You have done an excellent job.”
Whilst speaking Nasir Ahmed Malik, Qaid Talimul Quran & Waqf-e-Aarzi, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that he should encourage the amila to participate in the Waqf-e-Arzi scheme for at least two weeks in a year, followed by the nazimeen-e-a‘la and then the zu‘ama. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa emphasised that such efforts would signify a great accomplishment. Huzooraa added that once ansar saw this, they would also be motivated to take part in Waqf-e-Arzi. With regard to Talimul Quran, Huzooraa enquired about the classes conducted. Nasir Ahmed Malik Sahib responded that they held 185 Dars-ul-Quran classes throughout Australia. Huzooraa stressed that they should focus on holding regular classes that would help the ansar to better understand and recite the Holy Quran.
During a conversation with Rizwan Ahmad Sahib, Qaid Waqf-e-Jadid, Huzooraa asked him about the percentage of contributions by Majlis Ansarullah. Rizwan Ahmad Sahib replied that it was 35.7%, to which Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “Masha-Allah, you are very precise in giving the figures!” Huzooraa then turned to Muhammad Salman Yousaf Sahib, Qaid Sehat-e-Jismani & Zahanat, and asked about his participation in sports. Muhammad Salman Yousaf Sahib replied positively and mentioned his regular participation in badminton, along with around 15-20 other ansar who played weekly in the allocated area in the hall.
Mohammad Ahmad Uppal Sahib, Qaid Tajnid, reported that the IT department had recently developed an app that they are now using to update and create the tajnid. Mahmood Shah Sahib, Qaid Tarbiyat Nau Muba’i‘in, reported that there were two new converts who were very active in tabligh work. Huzooraa advised them to take good care of these new converts and to keep them attached to the Jamaat.
Speaking with Syed Shahid Abbas Naqvi Sahib, Naib Qaid Tabligh, Huzooraa advised him to assist the Qaid Tabligh and follow the instructions Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa had given to him. Next, speaking with Mohammed Nisar Khan, Naib Qaid Tabligh, Huzooraa instructed him to follow the same instructions given to Qaid Tabligh and added that he should explore more avenues to do tabligh, in addition to the programmes already planned by the Qaid Tabligh.
Upon seeing Mubarak Ahmad Minhas Sahib, Naib Qaid Tabligh, Huzooraa remarked with a smile, “You have aged considerably.” Huzooraa then enquired about Mubarak Ahmad Minhas Sahib’s family, to which he responded that he has two sons and two daughters and that he has New Zealand nationality. Moving on, addressing Feisal Ahmedi Sahib, Naib Qaid Ithar, Huzooraa asked if his parents are from East Africa. After receiving a positive response, Huzooraa mentioned that he had previously given instructions to Qaid Ithar and advised Feisal Ahmedi Sahib, Anees Ur Rahman Sahib, and Attaul Mujeeb Sahib – all serving as naib Qaid Ithar – to follow those instructions as well.
Addressing Waseem Ahmed Sahib, Naib Qaid Sehat-e-Jismani & Zahanat, Huzooraa asked if he also played any sports. Waseem Ahmed Sahib said he played cricket and added that he was coming to the UK for the Masroor Cricket Tournament. Hearing this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa smiled and said, “Are you coming as the coach or a player?” In response, Waseem Ahmed Sahib said that he was coming as a wicketkeeper.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa conveyed his salaam, after which the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)