Asad Hameed, Mohtamim Ishaat, MKA Bulgaria

On 15 October 2021, the mayor of Plovdiv, Mr Zdravko Dimitrov officially opened the second “Blue Room” in Plovdiv, which was established in the municipal complex for social and health services.
According to a UNICEF study, one in two children in Bulgaria experiences some form of violence by the age of 18. The Blue Room is a specially designed room for the purpose of interviewing or consulting children who are victims of violence.
In one of the two rooms the child is interviewed by a therapist, and in the other room behind the one-way mirror sit representatives of the court, police or other representatives of state or municipal institutions, as well as others related to the case.

In this “Blue Room”, children in the adoption procedure will also be able to meet with their adoptive candidates.
The project for the construction of the “Blue Room” was implemented by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bulgaria, and the funds were provided by Humanity First.
The five participating volunteers, including medical students, performed all repairs and furnishing according to all requirements and standards, and finally, the decoration implemented by them gave a favourable and friendly atmosphere.

At the opening, the mayor of Plovdiv, Mr Zdravko Dimitrov, as well as the director of the complex for social and health services, Mrs Petya Valcheva thanked Humanity First and Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya for the donation.
The opening event was also attended by the deputy mayor for social activities, the chairpersons of the district court, the director of the regional directorate ministry of internal affairs, the director of regional health institute Plovdiv, the director of regional directorate social assistance and the director of the social assistance directorate.