On Sunday, 14 April 2024, the national amila of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada had the blessed opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a mulaqat, held at Islamabad, UK.
At the outset of the mulaqat, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam, and led everyone in silent prayer.
Huzooraa then asked who among them does not understand Urdu. A khadim of Mauritian origin said he is serving as Muavin Sadr and added that he helps his father in the family business as a profession. Huzooraa then asked if he speaks French, Creole, and English, to which he replied in the affirmative. He expressed that he only understands Urdu slightly and added that the more he serves in the Jamaat, the more he is picking up the language.
Huzooraa then asked, “Do you only understand ‘tumhara kia haal hai?’” To which he replied, “Main theek hun.” This elicited amusement from all those present. Huzooraa then jokingly remarked, “That is the height of your Urdu language.”
Huzooraa then turned to Furqan Bajwa Sahib, Naib Sadr, who said he was from Rabwah, but his family can be traced back to Sialkot. Salman Mangla Sahib, Naib Sadr, reported that he was assigned to the departments related to Tabligh, Tajnid, and Atfal. Ahmad Sahi Sahib, Naib Sadr, reported that he was assigned to the departments of Tarbiyat and Tarbiyat Nau-Mubai‘een, Muavin Sadr Translations, Muavin Sadr Wasiyyat, and Muavin Sadr Special Needs.
Aneeq Ahmad Sahib, who had earned his Shahid degree in Pakistan, reported that he is serving as the National Motamid. He reported that there are 87 majalis and further provided a breakdown of the majalis in Canada. In light of the number of majalis sending their reports, Aneeq Ahmad Sahib stated that the average percentage over the last four months was 80%, with some months reaching 100%.
Touseef Ahmad Sahib, Mohtamim Atfal, reported that there are 2576 atfal. Regarding their level of participation, he mentioned that around 1,000 attend classes regularly. Amir Mahmood Rana Sahib, Mohtamim Tarbiyat, reported that there are 7,600 khuddam. Huzooraa asked how many are regular in Jamaat activities. Amir Mahmood Rana Sahib replied that the attendance in the ijtemas is over 50%. He reported further details about the ijtemas and their locations.
It was noted that the practice of the five daily prayers could see increased participation among the members, who were significantly lacking in this regard.
Hearing this, Huzooraa said that the Promised Messiahas said, “A religion in which there is no worship, is no religion.” During the time of the Holy Prophetsa, some asked to be excused from Salat. The Holy Prophetsa replied that a religion without worship is not truly a religion.
“The training of khuddam involves ensuring that 100% of them are accustomed to prayer.” If they cannot pray in congregation at the mosque, they should do so at home, at the very least. It is for this reason that certain khuddam become associated with other negative behaviours. Herein lies the challenge of tarbiyat. Huzooraa explained that if this aspect is not tended to, then all of them will be wasted.
Huzooraa then told them to make a tarbiyat plan. Huzooraa said that this task cannot be accomplished alone. “A team should be formed in all areas.” He added that they should utilise good khuddam to also help in the tarbiyat of the other khuddam.
Nabil Mirza Sahib, Mohtamim Additional Tarbiyat Baraye Rishta Nata, reported that sessions were conducted with parents in all regions to discuss the challenges faced by khuddam.
Huzooraa addressed, emphasising the need for a coordinated plan involving both Lajna and Ansar regarding tarbiyat. He stressed the importance of everyone working together.
After this, Huzooraa discussed various budgetary matters with Mubashar Ahmad Sahib, Mohtamim Maal, and Muhammad Ansar Bajwa Sahib, Additional Mohtamim Maal.
Upon hearing that 73% of khuddam give chanda, Huzooraa drew a comparison between the chanda and the significantly lower percentage of those who offer salat, as per the collected data. He emphasised the need to prioritise salat, stating that if khuddam focused on offering salat, the chanda would naturally follow. Huzooraa said they should devise a plan to establish a team dedicated to encouraging khuddam to offer salat with the same fervour as they are encouraged to give chanda.
Adnan Mangla Sahib, Mohtamim Ishaat, reported that this year’s goal is to publish 12 editions of An-Nida. And he added that they have published five so far. Speaking with Muhammad Salman Majid Sahib, Mohtamim Sehat-e-Jismani, Huzooraa asked him what games he plays. He replied that he plays basketball and volleyball. Upon hearing this, Huzooraa asked him to stand to see his height. Huzooraa then asked if he plays regularly, to which he replied affirmatively, adding that he does not play during Ramadan but usually plays twice a week. Huzooraa then jokingly remarked, “I see. So all this weight you gained during Ramadan?” Huzooraa then asked how many khuddam exercise regularly. Muhammad Salman Majid Sahib replied that 1,503 were regular.
Zuhaib Ahmad Sahib, Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq, reported that they funded charities, conducted 25 charity runs, and collected $400,000. He mentioned that they also organise charity walks and added that last year they held a charity dinner, to which many contributed.
Muhammad Ansar Sahib, Mohtamim Muqami, reported that there are 1533 khuddam in the Muqami area. Regarding khuddam who are in need of tarbiyat, Huzooraa asked if they are implementing any tarbiyat plans to safeguard them and others around them. Huzooraa said that to safeguard the youth from the ills of society, “a comprehensive plan should be made.”
Farukh Tahir Sahib, Muavin Sadr Waqf-e-Nau, reported that there are a total of 2456 boys, out of which around 800-900 are khuddam. Alluding to the Waqf-e-Nau atfal, Huzooraa emphasised the importance of safeguarding them. Huzooraa further mentioned that he gave a sermon in Canada in which he highlighted the essence of being a Waqf-e-Nau. Referring to that, Huzooraa suggested extracting points and circulating reminders from it. “Instil within their hearts why they are waqifeen-e-nau and what its essence is.”
Shuaib Sadi Sahib, Muavin Sadr MKA Studios, reported that they have their own studios equipped with a control room, and an editing room. He added that all recorded content is then uploaded to their YouTube channel. Hearing this, Huzooraa said: “You have quite a number of khuddam members who have the potential to make some good programmes. So, you should try to make your own programmes of MTA standard.”
Next, Abrar Ahmad Kahlon Sahib, Muavin Sadr Ziafat, had the chance to speak with Huzooraa. Then, Waqas Naveed Sahib, Muavin Sadr Properties and Inventory, reported that Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Canada has four properties, all located in Toronto. Basharat Ahmad Sahib, Chairman of Mahmood Institute, reported that Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya launched an online platform named Mahmood Institute, where they record religious knowledge courses. Huzooraa asked how many khuddam are benefiting from this, to which Basharat Ahmad Sahib replied that this is their first year. He said that in the past four months, they recorded 12 Tarteel-ul-Quran courses, 11 Tarjamatul Quran courses, and three basic Arabic lessons. Following this, Tahir Mahmood Sahib, Chairman of Husn-e-Biyan, had the chance to speak with Huzooraa. Next, Hassan Sahid Sahib, Chairman Press & Media, had the chance to report to Huzooraa.
Speaking with Farhan Iqbal Sahib, Chairman of Majlis Ansar Sultan-ul-Qalam, Huzooraa asked if he is a Nasir or a khadim, to which he replied that he still had one year left as a khadim. He reported that they have a total of 500 khuddam on their mailing list and added that around 25-30 actively wrote articles. Huzooraa said, “Encourage those who are not active to become active.”
Mansoor Azim Sahib, Muavin Sadr Wasiyyat, reported that 1645 khuddam are musis. Huzooraa remarked that there are more musis than those who offer salat, questioning the purpose of being a musi in such a scenario. Concerning musis, Huzooraa emphasised encouraging them to be regular in prayer and regular in reading the Holy Quran. “This is also the duty of the Wasiyyat Department.”
Huzooraa emphasised that one cannot simply expect forgiveness in the afterlife by only giving one-tenth of their income. Alluding to the total number of musis, Huzooraa said that there should be at least 1600 individuals who are regular in offering their salat. Huzooraa also addressed the qaideen, urging them to take note of this and make efforts accordingly.
Next, Zaki Ahmad Sahib, Regional Qaid for Western Calgary, had the opportunity to speak with Huzooraa. He reported that his duty consists of drawing people’s attention towards offering prayers in congregation. Huzooraa said, “Salat is the basic thing. At least 100% should be regular in offering their five daily prayers.” While addressing the regional qaideen, Huzooraa emphasised the importance of instilling the significance of salat and making them active in Jamaat-related activities. Huzooraa also inquired about the total number of khuddam in their respective regions.
Addressing Touseef Ahmad Rehan Sahib, Chairman of Social Media, Huzooraa said to spread passages related to tarbiyat also. Next, Salman Rehan Sahib, Muavin Sadr Charity Walks, had the chance to present his report. Huzooraa asked him if he also participated in walks and said, “You should also participate. If you lead by example, others will follow suit.”
Khizr Kareem Sahib, Muavin Sadr Special Needs, reported that there are 59 khuddam and atfal with special needs. He mentioned that some atfal attend special schools and added that khuddam are at university levels and they have their own special needs. Following this, Sarmad Naveed Sahib, Muavin Sadr for Translations, had the opportunity to speak with Huzooraa. Huzooraa also spoke with Ehsan Mahmood Sahib, Muavin Sadr for National Majlis-e-Amila Visits and Ijtema, and Haseeb Ahmad Sahib, Muavin Sadr IT.
Speaking with Musawir Ahmad Khan Sahib, Mohtamim Tahrik-e-Jadid, Huzooraa asked him how many khuddam participated in this scheme. He reported that last year, 5,400 khuddam participated. Upon hearing this, Huzooraa remarked, “That’s 75%.” He added that at least this many should also be offering salat.
Zargham Nasir Sahib, Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat, reported that this year they are focusing on courses to improve the skills of the khuddam. While speaking with the Mohtamim Tarbiyat Nau-Mubai‘een, Huzooraa asked how many there are, to which he replied that there are 116 nau-mubai‘een. Huzooraa explained that they should involve them in their activities and integrate them into the mainstream. Huzooraa added that after three years, their training should have reached a level where they can join the mainstream. Huzooraa also emphasised the importance of salat.
Ijaz Chattha Sahib, Mohtamim Tajnid, reported that there are 7403 khuddam and added that this data was collected by them door-to-door. Mansoor Ahmad Sahib, Muhasib, was next to present his report and discussed budgetary matters.
Mir Nasir Syed Sahib, Mohtamim Talim, reported that this year’s reading for khuddam consists of excerpts from The Essence of Islam, as per Huzoor’saa guidance. Jariullah Adnan Sahib, Mohtamim Tabligh, reported that this year, 25 individuals joined Islam Ahmadiyyat. He reported that out of the 25, 21 had converted after reading literature and through the Jamaat.
Zishan Iqbal Sahib, Mohtamim Umur-e-Tulaba, reported that there are 374 university-going students out of 2,014 students. Additionally, he mentioned that there are also some who are pursuing master’s degrees.
Speaking with Sultan Mubashar Sahib, Mohtamim Umumi, Huzooraa emphasised that khuddam should be performing duties to safeguard mosques. Khalid Hassan Sahib, Mohtamim Waqar-e-Amal, reported that Waqar-e-Amal sessions were held in mosques and prayer centres. Then, Hamid Basil Ahmad Sahib, Abdul Noor Abid Sahib, Ayaz Warraich Sahib, Sabahul Zafar Sahib, and Iftekhar Ahmad Sahib all reported that they are serving as Naib Sadran. Huzooraa then turned towards Sadr Sahib and expressed that he had gained the relevant information he needed and had guided them in various matters. Huzooraa mentioned that the guidance he had provided throughout the meeting, if implemented, would suffice. Huzooraa once again reiterated the importance of encouraging the khuddam to offer salat.
Thereafter, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa extended salaam to everyone and the meeting came to an end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)