Annual Peace Conference Glasgow, Scotland


Arshad Mahmood, Secretary Ishaat, Glasgow

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Glasgow Jamaat held its Annual Peace Conference on 19 January 2020. Every year, local Scottish Muslim and non-Muslim delegates are invited to the conference. The conference was organised at Baitur Rahman mosque Glasgow and the theme was “The role of Islam Ahmadiyyat in the establishment of world peace”.

An exhibition of the Holy Quran and other books was also arranged in the mosque’s library, where guests were introduced to the books of the Jamaat. The main event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a short introductory video to the Ahmadiyya community.

Later on, Ahmad Owusu Konadu Sahib, Secretary Tabligh Glasgow welcomed the guests and spoke on the Ahmadiyya Jamaat. A video of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be His Helper, was shown in which he mentioned global disturbance, bad political and religious conditions and the devastation caused by the wars and the solutions to these problems.

The guest of honour at the conference, Tahir Selby Sahib, missionary of the North East Region, gave his keynote address in which he mentioned that wars have destroyed world peace and have had devastating effects on human psychology.

He noted how these battles have nothing to do with religion because Islam gives a message of peace which Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa has made clear in his speeches. Islam means obedience and peace, and the basic teaching is to bow down to our Creator. Only by practicing the peaceful teachings of Islam, can we play an important role in establishing an ideal society.

All the guests listened to this speech and were very impressed by the peaceful teaching of Islam Ahmadiyyat and raised various questions on the subject which were answered by the scholars, politicians and chief of the Scottish Police in the panel.

Finally, Pastor Peter Gill was invited who attends our programs regularly. He expressed that he was very impressed with the peaceful teachings of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya and especially appreciated the efforts of Huzooraa for the establishment of world peace.

The conference was attended by 90 guests, including more than 65 non-Muslim guests, who were all presented a delicious dinner.

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