Malik Arif Mahmood, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Switzerland
Majlis Ansarullah Switzerland had requested Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for a mulaqat with our national amila, which was approved by Huzooraa and the date for this audience was scheduled for 19 July 2021.
An emergency meeting was immediately called and all qaideen and zaeems were called upon to prepare for this meeting.
Immediately after the meeting, a committee was formed that comprised of eight members. Tasks were assigned to these committee members and all steps were smoothly completed.
One of the charges given to this committee was to plant flowers in the premises around Nur Mosque before the meeting with Huzooraa.

A banner was prepared which showed the magnificent scenery of Switzerland to be placed in the background. Huzooraa noticed it during the meeting and enquired about it.
When the programme for the mulaqat was finalised, I communicated with the national Secretary Sami-o-Basri (audio and video department), Dawood Ahmed Toor Sahib, with the permission of Amir Sahib, and told him about the programme so that his department could keep the equipment ready. From that point on, we kept in regular contact.
National secretary sami-o-basri sent the MTA team to the venue of the mulaqat several times to review preparations and acquire any necessary equipment. Majlis Ansarullah’s ziafat (food preparation) department took care of their stay, comfort and meals.
Waqar-e-amal (voluntary labour work) started three days before the mulaqat.
Multiple tests to check the audio and video were conducted live with the central MTA team in the UK led by Munir Odeh Sahib. Two days prior to the meeting, the sound and video check was fine but some problems with audio were noticed one day prior to the mulaqat, which were resolved before the mulaqat.
On the day of mulaqat, a meeting was held at 9:40 am to discuss the final points of the mulaqat. At 11 am, again, an MTA test with all participants inside the hall was conducted, liaising with MTA International.
At 12:45 pm, all members reconvened in the hall and the final check was carried out before the mulaqat, which started at 1:15 pm local time.
Some of the impressions of participants of this mulaqat are given below:
Malik Arif Mahmood Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Switzerland, expressed:
“It was an immense privilege and honour for all of us, and for Majlis Ansarullah Switzerland, for having an hour-long virtual mulaqat with our beloved Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hands. We were all very overwhelmed by emotions.
“The joy of meeting with a man of God on earth can never be translated into words; this is a two-way love that is unique in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. During the meeting, we received very profound guidance from Huzooraa. We will, insha-Allah, try our outmost to translate these instructions into actions so that Majlis Ansarullah Switzerland may attain great achievements in every department, be it tabligh, khidmat-e-khalq or tarbiyat. May the Almighty Allah enable us all to fully comprehend and truly understand and comply with the guidance given by Huzooraa in our daily lives and in the Jamaat’s future plans and endeavours.”
Dr Shamim Qazi Sahib, Naib Sadr and Qaid Tarbiyat Awal, said:
“Meeting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa is a lifetime memory for us. He gave us energy and it was a very blessed opportunity. Huzooraa kindly reviewed all the departments and guided them to do their work better and fulfil their responsibilities. He overlooked our shortcomings like a loving father and the members feel a new zeal to serve and follow the directions given by Huzooraa.”
Awais Tahir Sahib, Naib Sadr Saf-e-Daum, expressed:
“Ever since Covid-19 spread all over the world, there was a feeling that mulaqats would not take place, but this mulaqat has filled a void, which has greatly comforted our hearts.”
Khalid Mahmood Ahmad Sahib, Muavin Sadr, said:
“I felt blessed to have had this opportunity to meet Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. It was a spiritually fulfilling experience.”
Khawaja Rizwan Mubashar Sahib, Qaid Umumi, said:
“There was a lot of work which went to prepare for this virtual mulaqat with Huzooraa. Soon after the mulaqat, the feeling of joy and happiness was overwhelming. I feel blessed as Huzooraa gave direction for us to do more and the motivation and resolve to do more is at its peak.”
Tahir Mahmood Chaudhary Sahib, Qaid Mal expressed:
“It was such a pleasure to meet Huzooraa. I was given multiple instructions from Huzooraa regarding improving our budget for Majlis Ansarullah. I felt blessed and I am committed to following Huzoor’s guidance.”
Mubashir Ahmed Sheikh Sahib, Qaid Tajnid, said:
“Our Switzerland Jamaat was blessed to have had this virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The emotions of love and respect for Huzooraa are so enormous that I don’t have words to accurately describe my feelings. It was an honour and blessing.
“Huzooraa has given us a lot of advice. We need to work on them for our personal development and within our respective responsibilities. We need to work on them individually as well as in our local and National Majalis. May Allah give us the strength and ability to live up to the expectations of our beloved Khalifa […] May our Khalifa’s words be dua for us that Allah the Almighty accepts them, insha-Allah.”
Babar Javed Sahib, Qaid Talim-ul-Quran, said:
“It was a great feeling. I feel blessed to have met Huzooraa. I will do more, as directed by Huzooraa, towards ensuring an improvement in the number of Ansar reciting the Holy Quran.”
Khawaja Naman Mubashar Sahib, Zaeem-e-Ala, said:
“I felt privileged to speak to the Khalifa of the time. The experience was beyond expression. I hope and pray to meet Huzooraa again soon, insha-Allah.”
Malik Zafar Ullah Sahib, Regional Nazim Zentral Schweiz, expressed:
“Immense and intense love and tenderness come from mulaqats with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa. The mulaqat opened new paths for every task and challenge.”
Nasir Mahmood Sahib, Regional Nazim Nord West and Ost, said:
“Meeting with Huzooraa strengthened our faith and increased our spirituality.”
Zahid Ahmad Sahib, Zaeem Basel, said:
“I feel happy and invigorated. I feel spiritual happiness after meeting Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and my soul feels rejuvenated.”
Dawood Ahmad Nasir Sahib, Zaeem Jona, said:
“It was a spiritual feeling. I cannot put in words how it felt seeing Huzooraa in front of us.”
Kamran Qaiser Sahib, Zaeem Neuchâtel, expressed:
“It was a soul-enriching experience due to which I was spiritually energised and strengthened. This was my first meeting with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. It was only due to the blessing of Allah that He enabled me to meet Huzooraa.”
Sulaiman Mubashir Ahmad Piracha Sahib, Zaeem Geneva, said:
“I never thought that having a virtual meeting would have such a powerful effect on me. I was trembling and could barely remember my own name when the session was about to start. But when Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa appeared on the screen, all that anxiousness vanished as I saw utter love, compassion and mercy in Huzoor’s face. May Allah continue to bless us with his guidance and kindness. Amin.”