Abdul Munim Khan Chowdhury, Bangladesh Correspondent
The amila of Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh had the blessed opportunity to have a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa on 16 January 2021. This momentous occasion will be remembered by Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh for years to come, insha–Allah.

The meeting took place following a series of virtual mulaqats of different auxiliary bodies of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Bangladesh with Huzooraa.
Sadr Majlis Ansarullah, Ahmad Tabshir Choudhury Sahib, wrote to Huzooraa seeking the approval of a virtual mulaqat, after Huzooraa blessed the missionaries of Bangladesh with a virtual mulaqat in November 2020. Huzooraa graciously granted approval for this meeting.
The impressions left on some of the participants of this meeting are listed below:
SM Rabiul Islam Sahib, District Nazim-e-Ala Satkhira, said:
“I feel blessed and extremely fortunate to have spoken to Huzooraa directly today. I never thought I would see this day, but Allah has made this possible. May Allah enable other Ahmadi brothers to share this good fortune as well. Amin.”
Muhammad Anwarul Islam Sahib, District Nazim-e-Ala Jamalpur, said:
“I am a convert Ahmadi. To meet Huzooraa face to face in this virtual mulaqat will remain one of the best moments in my life. I was feeling some chest pain before the meeting, but the moment Huzooraa came on screen, my chest pain vanished like it never existed.”
Insan Ali Faqeer Sahib, Qaid Talim-ul-Quran, said:
“Alhamdulillah, Allah gave us this blessed opportunity to meet with Huzooraa. For the entire duration of the meeting, I was praying durood.”

Firoz Ahmad Sahib, District Nazim-e-Ala Rangpur, said:
“I just reached the age of a nasir 15 days ago and I am serving as district nazim. To meet Huzooraa so soon after entering Ansarullah is an overwhelming experience for me.”
Muhammad Akkel Ali Sahib, District Nazim-e-Ala Bogura, said:
“This was a monumental occasion in my life. If more Ahmadis got such opportunities to meet Huzooraa like this, they would be inspired to serve the Jamaat more sincerely.”
Ahmad Tabshir Choudhury Sahib, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah Bangladesh, said:
“It was a great honour and blessing that our beloved Huzooraa graciously gave us this opportunity. Most of us have never had the opportunity to meet him before. We are extremely grateful to Huzooraa for gracing us with his presence.”
May Allah the Almighty enhance the faith of the participants of this blessed meeting and enable them to serve with more zeal than ever before. Amin.
Jazakallah and thanks to “Al-Hakam” for publishing this news feelings of some of the participants, though almost all participants have expressed their feelings in writing which were placed to Huzoor Aqdas (aba) separately. It was indeed a great and blessed occasion for the Majlis Amela and District and Regional Nazemeen-e-Aala of Majlis Ansarullah, Bangladesh. Alhamdulillah.
Māshā’ Allāh, good to see the virtual meeting with The Man Of God, Beloved Huzoor Anwar (aba). Indeed this is not an ordinary meeting. Bangladesh Ahmadis are so blessed and fortunate that that they should keep up the great spirit, act upon the instructions of Huzoor Anwar (aa) and spread the true message of Islam & Ahmadiyyat to the corners of the country, Āmīn! Inni-Maaqaa-Ya-Masroor! ”I am with you O Masroor” ‘Labbaik ya imamana’ May Almighty Allāh strengthens his hands. Āmīn!💕Khalifa Dil humara hay.#NoLifeWithoutKhalifa #MayAllahBlessOurBelovedHuzoor