Arshad Mehmood Khan, Scotland
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Scotland held its virtual event on the theme “Big Virtual Iftar” on 3 May 2021.
After hard work by all the committee members, the online event was hosted on Zoom and broadcast live on YouTube, Facebook and Periscope. The event was well attended with 808 views on YouTube, 58 views on Facebook and 35 views on Twitter. Also, before the event, through the Facebook awareness campaign alone, the event reach was to over 43,000 people in Scotland. So overall a total of around 60K or more heard about the Scotland Big Virtual Iftar through social media.
The programme was hosted by Ahmed Owusu-Konadu Sahib, Outreach Secretary, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Glasgow. He welcomed all guest speakers and said the event would have been held at the mosque but due to the Covid-19 restrictions it was done virtually.

The programme started with the recitation from the Holy Quran with English translation, followed by the welcome address by Ahmed Owusu-Konadu Sahib, the event committee Chairman. Then an introductory video was played to educate the audience about Islam Ahmadiyyat and its Khilafat. Moaz Ahmad Sahib presented a slideshow about some of the humanitarian work done by the Scotland region in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife and Dundee inspired by Ramadan.
A virtual mosque tour was shown where a brief history of Baitur Rahman mosque Glasgow, an inside and outside tour, day to day activities including prayers, the current Covid-19 restrictions and special activities during Ramadan were covered.
Rawah Uddin Arif Khan Sahib, Missionary of the Baitur Rahman mosque then shed some thorough insight into the explanation of the Holy Quran and the practices of the Holy Prophetsa concerning taking vaccination during Ramadan while fasting. He encouraged everyone to take the Covid-19 vaccination, if offered an appointment in the month of Ramadan but to abstain from fasting on that particular day and observe the missing fast on other days after the month of Ramadan, as per the Islamic requirement.
The speakers at the event included:
• Mansoor Ahmad Clarke, a missionary
• Rt Hon Kirsten Oswald, MP East Renfrewshire
• Queen Naa Tsotsoo SoyooI Queen Mother of James Town in Accra Ghana
• Rt Hon Alison Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central
• RT Hon Linda Fabian, MSP, East Kilbride & Deputy Presiding Officer Scottish Parliament
A few questions were also taken from the audience around the globe and the panel of missionaries responded. A vote of thanks was given by Daud Ahmad Quraishi Sahib, missionary of Dundee, where he thanked all who attended the event and learnt more about Ramadan and its conditions.
The following dignitaries also attended the programme:
• Rt Hon Marion Fellow MP for Motherwell and Wishaw
• Hon Clare Adamson MSP Motherwell and Wishaw
• Cllr Mark Flynn Dundee city council
The event concluded with a silent prayer led by Daud Ahmad Quraishi Sahib.