Buffalo to Bradford on bikes

Daoud Chattha, USA
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Image courtesy of AMJ USA

Following advice from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on riding a bicycle to stay fit and healthy, Majlis Ansarullah USA organised a ride in collaboration with Majlis Ansarullah Canada to participate in Jalsa Salana Canada 2024.

Our bike ride began at the Mahdi Mosque, in Buffalo, NY. Our first major landmark was crossing the iconic Rainbow Bridge, which offered a breathtaking view of the majestic Niagara Falls. That is where we met our host Canadian cyclists and we started our journey together with prayers. We then pedalled towards St. Catharines. We stopped for lunch at the Ahmadiyya Mission House, St. Catharines. With renewed energy, we continued our journey, passing a picturesque landscape and rich farmland. We offered Zuhr and Asr prayers in Burloak Waterfront Park. Our route took us through Southdown Rd., Mississauga Rd., and Bristol Rd., and we biked 82 miles to arrive at the Baitul Hamd Mosque, Mississauga, Ontario. Canada where we were warmly welcomed. The cyclists rested for the night there. The hospitality was heartening and set a positive tone for the day.

The next day, after Fajr prayer and breakfast, we headed towards Bradford, which was 51 miles away. On our way, we stopped at the Baitul Islam Mosque, Ontario, where the President of Majlis Ansarullah Canada greeted us with a warm welcome. After a short break, we continued our ride with renewed enthusiasm. More Canadian members joined the ride to draw the attention of the public and elected officials to the critical issue of fostering unity and promoting peace, especially in the face of global conflicts.

Our final leg took us north on Jane Street to Bradford, Ontario. As we approached jalsa gah, the anticipation grew. We had traversed diverse landscapes and experienced the warmth of different communities, and arriving at our destination felt like a rewarding culmination of our journey. The ride was not just a physical challenge but a celebration of brotherhood and camaraderie. Each stop, each sight, and each interaction enriched our experience, making this bike ride from Buffalo to Bradford truly unforgettable.

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