On 14 September 1924, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a lecture at the Piles Hall. It was situated at Fratton Road in Portsmouth. The event was organised by the invitation of St. John’s Church of the Spiritual Evangel of Jesus the Christ. The press, always in intrigue, would preemptively announce most of the events Huzoorra would attend.
For instance, The Evening News of Portsmouth wrote on 12 September 1924, under the heading “Ahmadia Movement—Chief to Visit Portsmouth on Sunday”:
“His Holiness, Khalifa tul Masih, the Head of the Ahmadia Movement, who is in England in connection with the Empire Religion Conference, is taking part in special services to be held at St. John’s Church of the Spiritual Evangel of Jesus, the Christ, Fratton Road, Portsmouth, on Sunday at 3 and 6:45. This new movement was founded in 1890 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad[as], who claims to be the promised prophet for all the nations.

“There is a tradition among Moslems that not only will Jesus[as] come again, but that Mahdi will also come again. Followers of the Founder of the movement believe in the truth of the missions of all the Prophets. The Founder, who passed away in 1908, it is claimed, was called by God, the Prince of Peace, in as much as he came to unite all religions and to create goodwill among the different peoples of the earth. They differ from other Moslems in that they do not believe in holy wars [in this era]. The doctrine is spreading in the East very rapidly in spite of the opposition met with from the orthodox Moslem priests and kings.
“One of the most prominent leaders was stoned to death on August 31 because he refused to recant, but the followers of the movement are convinced of its ultimate success. The followers already number 800,000 souls, and according to an interview the ‘News’ had with one of the leaders today, the people of the East are eagerly looking for mutual understanding between the different nationalities, and especially between the peoples of the East and West. If the same spirit is shown by the people of the West, there is great hope for the much-talked-of unity. The purpose of the followers coming to England is to understand the West, to make the West understand the East, and to create a common platform for both. Next Sunday two lectures are to be given entitled ‘On a message from Heaven’ and ‘The Second Advent of Christ.’”
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra in Portsmouth
Just as the newspaper has mentioned above, on 14 September 1924, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra departed for Portsmouth at 10 am — via the Southern Railway’s Restaurant Car Express — from the London Waterloo Railway Station, and reached there at around 12 pm.

Upon reaching there, Huzoorra went to a hotel and had lunch. Afterwards, Huzoorra proceeded to the venue in a motor car, where the lecture was to be delivered.
When Huzoorra reached the church, the service was going on, and seeing Huzoorra present there, the priest welcomed him and informed all the attendees about Huzoor’sra arrival and said that it is their utmost fortune that such a pious person is present among them, whose father is the prophet and a reformer of this age, as the Lord Muhammadsa and Lord Jesusas were the prophets. He expressed that he wants the unity of all religions and to live in harmony, so much so that the churches and mosques be opened for people of all religions.
The first lecture was to be delivered by Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib at 3 pm on the second advent of the Messiah, and then in the evening service at 6:45 pm, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was to deliver his lecture.
After Maulvi Muhammad Din Sahib’s lecture, the priest requested Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra to lead in silent prayer, on which Huzoorra wanted to say that he would lead in prayer after his lecture in the evening; however, when Huzoorra used the word “after,” the priest presumed that Huzoorra would now lead everyone in prayer, so he raised his hands for prayer and began praying.
After this service, Huzoorra returned to the hotel, had tea, and offered prayers. Then, Huzoorra proceeded to the church again. While in the hotel, two new Muslims were also present, and they had a sitting with Huzoorra, where various topics were discussed, such as tabligh and local circumstances. (Safar-e-Europe, pp. 253-261)
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s lecture
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered the lecture at 6:45 pm on 14 September 1924. Huzoorra spoke in English for 8 to 10 minutes, and then read out his paper in Urdu, which lasted for around an hour, and was later translated into English. (Ibid., p. 258)
In this lecture, Huzoorra spoke about the advent of the Promised Messiahas and his teachings.
Audience to some new converts
After the lecture, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra came to the hotel, where he granted an audience to the new converts who accepted Islam through Ahmadiyyat.
During the meeting, the new converts expressed that though they have accepted Islam, they still need to become acquainted with its teachings, commandments and distinctive features. They were assured that until the permanent mission was established here, the Ahmadi missionary in London would come to them and teach more about the beautiful teachings of Islam. It is reported that Huzoorra spoke with them in English, answered many questions, and granted valuable guidance.
After this meeting, while having dinner, Huzoorra said that considering the circumstances of England, these new Ahmadis are very sincere and firm in their faith. They go from ship to ship at the port, distribute tracts and pamphlets, and carry out tabligh. They are staunch Ahmadis and such acts are not possible without a firm faith.
Huzoorra said he used to regret that there were no Ahmadis in Portsmouth, but his heart was pleased that God Almighty had established Ahmadiyyat here as well. Huzoorra noted that this area was very suitable for tabligh, provided good efforts are made. (Ibid.)
Return from Portsmouth
On 15 September 1924, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and his entourage departed from Portsmouth just after 8 am and reached their residence in London at around 10:45 am. (Ibid., p. 257)
(Prepared by the Ahmadiyya Archive & Research Centre)