Can everything invisible be referred to as “Jinn”?


Someone from Jordan sent the following questions to Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa:

  1. Is everything out of sight a jinn and can Iblis and angels also be jinn?
  2. Do Ahmadis believe in the existence of ‘ifrit?
  3. We have read that the Promised Mahdi will appear in the Latter Days, are we really living in the Latter Days?
  4. Can we take an oath in the name of Allah Almighty or the Holy Prophetsa or the Promised Messiahas?

Huzoor-e-Anwar, in his letter dated 10 February 2022, provided the following response to these queries:

“In October 2021, I replied to your letter in which you asked about the jinn and the answer I sent also contains the answer to your first question. Please read it from there.”

(This answer by Huzooraa was published as the 46th instalment of “Answers to Everyday Issues” in Urdu in Al Fazl International on 23 December 2022, and in English in the Weekly Al Hakam on 30 December 2022. —ZK.)

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