Celebrating the efforts that lead to a true Eid


Unlike many religious festivals celebrated around the world, the Islamic day of Eid is a day that carries many lessons.  

We have seen the completion of yet another Ramadan. This day, we celebrate the compromises we made and the changes we brought about in ourselves in the last 30 days; we get together with family members and spend this day showing gratitude to Allah for all the blessings He showers upon us. Not only do we celebrate this on an individual level, but we are expected to share this joyous occasion with the less fortunate by giving in alms. 

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During Ramadan, we all had our inner demons we were battling with. Some of us can say that they gained a foothold over such weaknesses during the last 30 days, yet many of us recognise this to be an ongoing struggle. Therefore, we must never forget that though we are permitted to celebrate this day with great pomp, we are to appreciate that the inner jihad continues throughout the year and will effectively run into next Ramadan and beyond. 

We all can relate to physical fitness and how much we can invest into looking after our physical bodies. To achieve a healthy body, some people will diet for months on end, and to achieve a healthy-looking body, some will perform rigorous exercises and regular visits to the gym. But then to break those habits and resort to a less healthy lifestyle will, in most cases, render all those erstwhile efforts null and void. 

Similarly, to achieve the best results of Ramadan, we must not break the habits we picked up or enhanced even further during Ramadan. To be spiritually “fit”, we must continue these positive habits for the rest of the year and indeed, the rest of our lives, for Allah loves consistency in good deeds.

In last week’s Friday Sermon (7 May 2021), Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, reminded Ahmadi Muslims about these very points, that to discontinue the good deeds we picked up during Ramadan and not excel even further would render our Ramadan experience as a futile exercise. 

Huzooraa reminded us that we live in a time where the tide of irreligiousness, immorality and indecency is so strong that it has perhaps never been so vicious before in the history of humankind. Therefore, an active struggle and determination was required to save ourselves from the strong current of the Dajjal, as well as our children. 

Huzooraa reminded parents to play their part in leading by example and paving a positive path for their children so that among a generation of what seems to be mostly atheist and agnostic, there may be a Godly community too. 

Many of us will be reading these lines due to decisions made by our ancestors i.e. those fortunate people who made the decision to join the fold of Islam Ahmadiyyat and thereby transforming their fortune and that of their future generations. Appreciating their struggles and sacrifices, Huzooraa said that we must continue to remind ourselves of where we come from, but not to consider the efforts of our forefathers as a means of our salvation. Our efforts alone can ensure our salvation and for this, we must make an effort to follow in their pious footsteps and keep alive their names through our conduct. 

At the start of Ramadan, Al Hakam published an article titled “An appeal: Getting rid of one personal weakness in Ramadan” (9 April 2021), which listed personal weaknesses that are commonly found among people nowadays. It said that we should resolve to remove at least one personal weakness during the month of Ramadan so as to properly benefit from the blessings associated with this month. 

The list included many shortcomings, for example, negligence in offering Salat in congregation, negligence in giving in alms, negligence in tabligh, lying, evil gaze, smoking, treating one’s wife harshly, rebellious behaviour against one’s husband, laziness and wasting one’s time and improperly using one’s authority. 

Ramadan is a time for us to introspect and use that to our advantage and make ourselves better people for the year ahead. While we may not have achieved everything from Ramadan as we may have wanted, we should remain positive that there will be plenty of opportunities in the year ahead to make the best use of our time in this world. 

May Allah enable us all to conquer our egos and put others first before ourselves and may we be counted among the servants of God. 

May Allah fulfil all of Huzoor’s prayers in our favour and grant him a long, healthy and prosperous life. 

May this Eid be truly blessed for us all and may we all see the true Eid that is the eternal pleasure of Allah the Almighty.

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