100 Years Ago… – Challenges and divine succour: The journey of Islam Ahmadiyyat in Mauritius – Part II

Hazrat Hafiz Sufi Ghulam Muhammadra

Ramadan and Eids in Mauritius

In Dar-us-Salam, our missionary completed the entire recitation of the Holy Quran during Taraweeh prayers. On Eid-ul-Fitr, members of the Mauritius Jamaat performed the Eid prayer behind this missionary. For Eid-ul-Adha, approximately 1,500 rupees were collected to free the Dar-us-Salam mosque from its mortgage. However, on the instructions of Maulana Sher Ali Sahib[ra], the Amir of Jamaat Ahmadiyya India, this amount was deposited via telegram to the National Bank of India in London, under the account of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra].

Maulana Sher Ali Sahib[ra] had sent a telegram requesting a minimum interest-free loan of 5,000 rupees for a term of seven months. Responding to this, Brother Ilahi Bakhsh Sahib Bhunnoo provided an interest-free loan of 2,500 rupees for seven months. Brother Muhammad Haider Ali Sahib, the President of the Mauritius Jamaat, contributed 500 rupees to the Dar-us-Salam mosque fund. Similarly, an additional 500 rupees were borrowed from Zain-ul-Abideen Bhunnoo and Brothers, completing the sum of 5,000 rupees, which was then deposited in the London Bank via telegram. Out of these 5,000 rupees, 500 rupees were voluntary contributions for the sake of Allah and not a loan.

We hope, God willing, that this year the mortgage of Dar-us-Salam will be settled, and the debt owed to Brother Roshan Ali Bano will also be repaid, Insha-Allah.

The Quran lessons

This year marked the completion of the fourth cycle of Dars-ul-Quran. Since Eid-ul-Fitr, the missionary of Islam has been teaching Ahmadi children of Rose Hill in the mornings after the Fajr prayer. Daily, one verse or a part of it is taught with translations in three languages. Approximately 20 students participate in these sessions. First, the verse is recited, followed by its Urdu translation, then its English translation, and finally, its French translation is written on the board. The students copy the translations from there. The English translation of the first part of the Holy Quran (published in Qadian) is also taught. On the following day, each student is tested on the verse and its translations in all three languages. By the grace of Allah, 11 ruku‘s have been completed.

I am also pleased to note that Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan Sahib is emphasising Urdu reading and writing. I have personally started teaching Urdu to 8 boys. The translation of the lessons is explained in three languages, and all four languages – Urdu, Arabic, French, and English – are written on the board. The students copy these into their notebooks, gaining proficiency in all four languages. If parents send their children at 7:45 am, they can, insha-Allah, complete this lesson by 8:45 am.

Ahmadi girls from Rose Hill, along with a few non-Ahmadi girls, regularly study Yassarn-ul-Quran and the simple recitation of the Holy Quran under the guidance of Madam Ghulam Muhammad. Their number has now reached around 15.

Friday prayers

In Mauritius, Friday prayers are conducted at four different locations by Ahmadis. At Rose Hill, this humble one, Ghulam Muhammad[ra], led the Friday prayers. In Saint Pierre, Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan Siddiqi Sahib led the prayers for the first three months, followed by Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Sahib[ra] for the next three months. I led the first Friday prayer of July, after which Maulvi Zain-ul-Abideen Sahib (Fazil) has been leading the prayers to date. In Triolet, Usman Sahib usually leads the Friday prayers, while in Belle Vue, Hasan Ali Sahib conducts them.

This year, four nikah announcements were made. I officiated two, while Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Sahib[ra] officiated the other two.

Baqir Ali Bahadur, the Governor of Ardal, who used to participate in prayers, has become disconnected from the community due to his wife.

Monetary sacrifice

Regarding financial contributions, Brother Azeem Sultan Ghaus donated 100 rupees to the Malkana Fund, while Ahmad Ibrahim Achha, known as Mazoor, also contributed 100 rupees. Mr Nur Muhammad Nur Diya donated 50 rupees and promised an additional 50 rupees. The sum of 250 rupees was sent to Qadian in the name of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra].

The chanda khas, which were set at one-third of monthly income, have also been fulfilled by friends and sent for being presented to Huzoor’sra. The total amount was 360 rupees, and it was dispatched on 9 June 1924.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] Europe tour

The Ahmadis of Mauritius greatly appreciated the Huzoor’sra journey to Europe and expressed immense joy upon reading about it. They especially thanked Allah for Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s[ra] visits to Damascus, Jerusalem, and Egypt. All friends have praised Allah for granting a Khalifa like Fazl-e-Umar, who sacrifices his life, wealth, and resources for the protection of Islam. It is solely by His grace that such magnificent success was granted—success beyond even imagination. May Allah grant Huzoor[ra] even greater success in Europe than we could hope for, as we have not yet received updates about his activities there.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] reached London on 22 August 1924, and, upon arriving at London Victoria Station, proceeded to Ludgate (Bab al-Lud). This fulfilled the Islamic prophecy mentioned in the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that the Promised Messiah would slay the Dajjal at Bab al-Lud. There, Huzoor’sra, along with his companions, prayed for the progress of Islam and the eradication of the Dajjal’s mischief. This event was reported in the London Daily Times on 28 August 1924.

By the sheer grace and benevolence of Allah, the Dar-us-Salam mosque has remained jam-packed, and for 6 consecutive weeks, a large number of people listened to the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat being preached there. Allah disgraced those who wished to avoid seeing the mosque [thrive].

On 15 April 1924, only one issue of The Review Islamic was published.


Two telegrams were received from Maulana Sher Ali Sahib, the Amir of Jamaat Ahmadiyya India. One concerned the five-thousand-rupee loan, and the other provided information about the martyrdom of Maulvi Nematullah Khan Sahibrh. From here, three telegrams were sent: one to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih[ra] in London, another to Maulana Sher Ali Sahib[ra] in Qadian, and a third to the Amir in Kabul, expressing sorrow and condemnation over the stoning of Maulvi Nematullah Khan Sahibrh Qabli.

Blessed year for the Mauritius Jamaat

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, this year (1924) was very blessed for Islam Ahmadiyyat [in Mauritius]. The peaceful conclusion of gatherings for 6 consecutive weeks, the presence of Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Sahib[ra] and Zain-ul-Abideen Sahib (Fazil), the participation of the people of this island in the Malakana Fund, and the contribution of 360 rupees to the 40,000-rupee initiative are noteworthy achievements. Additionally, presenting an interest-free loan of 4,500 rupees for Huzoor’sra journey to Europe, along with an extra 500 rupees donated in the way of Allah, was also commendable. Approximately 50 individuals embraced Ahmadiyyat this year. The growth of jamaats in Trianon and Triolet, the establishment of a new jamaat in Mahebourg, and the foundation of Ahmadiyyat in Grand Baie are also significant developments. Furthermore, Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Sahib[ra] departed from here with his daughter-in-law and children in an atmosphere of great respect and honour.

However, we are deeply sad about the passing of Maulvi Obaidullah Sahib Shaheed and the separation of Baqir Ali from us. “Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.”

Now, only the release of the Dar-us-Salam mortgage remains. Of the required amount, 2,000 rupees are expected to be recovered within seven months, and the remaining 1,000 rupees, insha-Allah, will certainly be settled this year.

During this year, the foundation of Madrasa Ahmadiyya in Rose Hill was laid, with Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan Sahib as its in-charge. I have also been assisting him in its establishment. Another unique aspect of this year is the completion of 11 ruku‘s of the first part of the Quran, along with translations in three languages: English, French, and Urdu. Ahmadi children here are taught one verse in four languages every day after Fajr prayer, and the previous lessons are revised every Friday. Alongside this, verses from the Promised Messiah’sas Durr-e-Sameen are memorised, and the prayers and the five pillars (Kalimat-e-Khamsa) are taught with translations.


On behalf of the Anjuman Jamaat Mauritius, I express gratitude to the Bhunnoo family for bearing the travel expenses of Hafiz Ghulam Rasool Sahib[ra], the widow of the deceased martyr, their children, and his sister from Rose Hill. I also thank all Ahmadi friends in Mauritius who generously helped in bidding them farewell with great kindness.

During this year, Brother Roshan Ali Bhunnoo and Ilahi Bakhsh Bhunnoo engaged in three intense debates with Haji Hali and his cleric at the residence of Wazir Ali for the sake of propagating Islam Ahmadiyyat. On one occasion, nearly 6 friends from Rose Hill also participated, and on another occasion, two individuals travelled by car to Montagne Blanche for tabligh. Representatives from Saint Pierre and Rose Hill also participated.

I thank all office bearers of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat [Mauritius] for diligently fulfilling their responsibilities, particularly Abdul Mannan Habib, who serves as the Treasurer (Amin Jamaat) and is devoted to his duties. Similarly, my special thanks go to the Finance Secretary, Bani Badhu Sahib, who works as a Collector (Muhassal) for the Jamaat. He seeks donations for the sake of Allah and endures a lot. May Allah the Almighty become his reward.

Tabligh in Mauritius

As far as tabligh activities are concerned, it is the duty of every Ahmadi to convey the truth to all people. No Ahmadi has neglected this responsibility. Among those who stand out are Mazoor Sahib, Bani Badhu, Abdul Rahim, Ilahi Bakhsh Bhunnoo, Roshan Ali Bhunnoo, Ahmad Sanch, Qasim Tasadduq Hussain, Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan Siddiqi, Sadhu Ravi, and the members of the Triolet Jamaat, who are tireless in their tabligh efforts. Other friends, such as Habib Azeem, Mian Ji Subhan Muhammad, Maulana Abdullah, Nur Diya, Umar Islam, Ahmad Yaqoob, Ismail Umeed, Ramadan Bakht, Adam, Akbar Ali, Rasool Subhani, Ishaq Subhani, Muhammad, Yaqub, Khuda Bakhsh, etc., are also praiseworthy.

May Allah grant them the best of rewards in this world and the Hereafter.

(Translated by Al Hakam from the original Urdu, published in the 15 January 1925 issue of Al Fazl)

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