Aamir Shahzad, President Jamaat Huddersfield South
While the blessed month of Ramadan brings a boost spiritually and physically for Muslims it also gives a chance to non-Muslims to think about the benefits of fasting and the wisdom of Islamic teachings.
One of our Christian friends, Edison Condoz who resides in Huddersfield but is originally from Portugal, had a discussion with one of his Muslim friends that he would like to try to fast for a day to experience the benefits of fasting.
This idea of his became possible on 9 May 2021, when Edison was informed about timings of keeping the fast according to the sunrise and sunset.
To share his experience, he was invited to the local mosque Baitus Samad, where he shared his experience with regional Missionary, Sabahat Karim Sahib and the local president, Aamir Shahzad Sahib.

We were delighted to present him with food for his Iftar, along with a copy of the Holy Quran and a gift pack which consisted of the book, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.
He was also informed about the awaited Messiah and that Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya believes that Messiah has come in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, who is the founder of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and now Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahibaa is the fifth Khalifa of the Promised Messiahas. This meeting came to an end with the hope to have more sittings in the future.