Hammad Amjad, Secretary Tabligh, Jamaat Leicester

Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Leicester, UK successfully organised a tabligh stall at the Leicester Clarendon Park Summer Festival on 19 June 2022. This fair is held every year and is usually attended by an estimated 3000 people coming from various towns and cities in East and West Midlands.
The local Jamaat had previously participated in this annual fair which was paused during the pandemic but now resumed again. The tabligh stall was managed by two teams. The first team comprised Ansar, Khuddam and some senior Atfal, while the second team consisted of the local Lajna.
The ladies’ preaching slots attracted more visitors (mostly female guests) to the stall. The ladies were scheduled to finish at 4:30pm but by the grace of Allah, carried on till 5pm due to the presence of many guests.
Over 150 leaflets were given out at the stall. In addition, six copies of Life of Muhammad and one copy of The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam were handed to some keen visitors. About 10 contacts were made.
The Atfal and Khuddam also conducted a live survey by going around the fair with questions on a whiteboard on various contemporary topics about religion – this exercise was well received by members of the public.
The fair eventually came to an end around 6 pm. Even after the wind-up, the tabligh discussions continued between some non-Ahmadi Muslim guests and the regional missionary, Zartasht Lateef Sahib.