Guiding our children in the digital age: Ahmadi women from Germany meet with Hazrat Amirul Momineen


On Sunday, 2 June 2024, a group of Lajna members and nasirat from Cologne and Bremen, Germany, visited Islamabad, Tilford, UK, and had the honour of a mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa

Upon arrival at the MTA studio, Huzooraa greeted everyone with salaam and invited them to sit with ease, encouraging an informal interaction rather than a formal, structured programme. The participants then asked several questions, which Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa addressed comprehensively.

Reasons for diverse religions

The first question presented to Huzooraa was why there are different religions in the world instead of just one. 

Huzooraa initiated his response by asking about the girl’s education level to gauge her understanding and then proceeded to explain the concept of religious evolution, which parallels human development. He described how human societies have evolved from living in caves to forming complex civilisations, and said that a kind of evolution also took place in religion.

Huzooraa elaborated that initially, when human intellect was still developing, Allah provided basic guidance through various Prophets, sent to all the different regions of the world. These Prophets taught the fundamental principles of worshipping the One God and maintaining good morals; however, as the means of communication were limited in those times, each community received guidance tailored to their specific conditions and capabilities.

As societies advanced, communication improved, and people began to interact more with neighbouring regions. Huzooraa pointed out that this set the stage for the need for a universal prophet who could address the entire human race with a unified message.

He further explained that while earlier Prophets were sent to specific peoples, such as Prophet Mosesas to the Israelites and Prophet Jesusas to the lost sheep of Israel, their teachings were meant to prepare humanity for the final, comprehensive message of Islam brought by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Huzooraa explained, “When Allah the Almighty saw that mankind had reached a level of intellect where they could understand everything and easily communicate and connect with each other, He sent the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. All the previous Prophets had foretold that in the Latter Days, a prophet would come who would be for the entire world. Therefore, no other scripture – neither the Torah, the Gospel, nor any other – even claimed that their teachings or prophets were for the entire world. They only stated that they came for their own people. […] But in the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophetsa proclaimed that Allah had sent him as a Bearer of glad tidings and a Warner for the entire world. This prophecy [about the Holy Prophetsa] had also been made by previous Prophets.” 

Huzooraa also said, “Thus, Allah the Almighty spread the teachings of the Holy Prophetsa throughout the world, who also foretold that, ‘In the Latter Days, when people would start to communicate and connect even more with each other, the Promised Messiah would come. He would preach and convey the teachings of Islam to everyone, and you should accept him.’”

Huzooraa emphasised that the advent of the Messiah in the Latter Days, foretold by previous scriptures and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, was meant to revive true Islamic teachings and gather all Muslims, and indeed all humanity, under the banner of peace and brotherhood. Hence, Huzooraa said, “The Promised Messiahas, taught that Allah had instructed him to unite all Muslims on one faith and to also bring together the people of the rest of the world so that we may worship one God and fulfil each other’s rights. He taught that we should abandon fights and wars, for this can only be achieved when we follow one religion and live as brothers. […] We must consider each other’s sentiments and care for one another to truly unite. This is the teaching of Islam.”

Explaining the concept of waqf to friends

Next, Saira Mubashir asked Huzooraa how to explain the Waqf-e-Nau scheme to her friends. 

Huzooraa provided a detailed response, drawing parallels to religious dedications in other faiths, particularly Christianity. He highlighted that just as Christian nuns dedicate their lives to religious service and the mother of Mary committed her daughter, the Waqf-e-Nau scheme involves Ahmadi Muslim parents dedicating their children to serving their Faith from a young age.

Huzooraa told Saira to explain to her Christian friends or those of a religious background that, “Just as the mother of Mary dedicated her daughter to religion and gave her to the church, our parents have said, ‘Following in her footsteps, we too present our children for the Faith, whether they are boys or girls.’ Therefore, Waqf-e-Nau means that our parents, following the footsteps of Mary’s mother, have dedicated us so that we can serve the Faith.”

For those who do not follow a religion, Huzooraa suggested explaining that Waqf-e-Nau is a manifestation of a commitment to spread peace and divine teachings globally. He clarified that although parents initiate this dedication, every individual who reaches the age of fifteen has the freedom to decide whether to continue on this path, ensuring there is no compulsion in this regard. “Although they dedicated us before we were born, there is no compulsion. We have the freedom from the Jamaat to renew this bond of dedication or not after the age of fifteen. Hence, it is incorrect to say that we are being forced; no, there is no such compulsion. Rather, we have the freedom,” Huzooraa told Saira to explain to her friends.

Blessings of Khilafat

Next, Huzooraa was asked, “How can we explain the importance of Khilafat to non-Ahmadi contacts so they can see that Khilafat transforms fear into peace and is the solution to all human problems?”

Huzooraa said that in discussing the importance of Khilafat with non-Ahmadi Muslims, it can be highlighted that the prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa about the establishment of Khilafat was indeed fulfilled. Khilafat-e-Rashidah upheld Islamic teachings but also faced numerous challenges and opposition. Despite these challenges, it was divinely supported, as reflected in historical accounts where Khilafat continued despite opposition due to Allah’s promise of victory to believers.

Following the period of the rightly-guided Khulafa, there continued to be leaders who identified as “Khulafa”. While these leaders managed to keep the propagation of Islam alive to some extent, they did not embody the essence of the rightly- guided Khulafa.

Then, monarchies became prevalent. Initially, these regimes saw success as long as the rulers governed justly. However, as soon as justice faltered and oppression prevailed, it led to the downfall of these monarchies and, subsequently, a decline in the influence and unity of the Muslim world.

In contemporary times, the longing for a unified leadership is evident across the diverse sects within Islam. Each sect proposes its leader as the central figure, yet there is a pervasive reluctance to embrace a single leader for all, highlighting a fundamental challenge in achieving unity among Muslims.

Huzooraa said, “To resolve this issue, we should look at what Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophetsa have said. They prophesied that a time would come when Islam would have as many sects as the Jews, and then the Promised Messiah would come. [It was prophesied that] when the Promised Messiah would come, he would gather all the sects together. Hence, Allah told the Promised Messiahas to unite all Muslims under one hand. When they are united under one hand, internal differences will end, conflicts will cease, sectarianism will vanish, and no one will claim to be Sunni, Wahhabi, Shia, Deobandi, etc. Instead, all these sects will come together under one hand. Many people agree that they need leadership; hence, when they accept this leadership [i.e., Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya], they will become a united force.

“Now look at Israel, […] causing trouble for the entire world. On the other hand, there are 54 Muslim countries, some of which are very wealthy, with oil riches, yet no one listens to them. This is because Muslims are not united; they are not a single force. If they were under Khilafat, they would be a united power, and the enemy would not dare to fight against them.

“So, tell them that Khilafat brings unity. The Holy Prophetsa prophesied about it, and Allah Almighty also promised that in the Latter Days, Khilafat would be established after the Promised Messiah. That is why we, who have accepted and believed, live in peace because we receive continuous guidance. These people do not have anyone to guide them.”

Social media, screen time and children

The next question, asked by Fariha Malik Sahiba, was regarding social media. The questioner asked how a mother can safeguard her children from the negative influence of social media.

Huzooraa said that one can only make efforts in this regard and give their children time and company. Alluding to tablets, and screens, Huzooraa mentioned that some parents give these to their children to keep them occupied so that they may go about their day. Huzooraa added that children should not be watching programmes that can have a negative impact on their upbringing. Parents ought to monitor the programmes their children watch and communicate clear limits, ensuring they do not exceed one hour of screen time.

Huzooraa further added that one should also explain the ill effects of spending too much time on screens, such as the impact it has on the eyes, the negative effects on concentration levels, and the impact on studies. “Thus, like this, make them understand. Befriend them, and they shall understand. And, most importantly, pray that Allah protects them from the harmful effects.”

Huzooraa added that while it may not be possible to completely prevent children from using screens, parents should limit their usage to one hour per day. He mentioned that many mothers have written to him, sharing that when they implemented this rule, their children understood and adhered to it.

Patience, and family ties

The next query pertained to rights and patience. The questioner asked whether, when someone was usurping one’s rights, one should speak out against it or remain patient?

Huzooraa responded that it depends on the situation. He explained that there are many scenarios where rights are usurped, such as a mother-in-law usurping the rights of her daughter-in-law, a husband usurping the rights of his wife, or vice versa. In such cases, the person who is more assertive often ends up usurping the rights of others.

Huzooraa added that Allah has established clear limits for the rights of both husband and wife. He has instructed men to treat their wives with kindness. Huzooraa then referenced a verse from the Holy Quran:

عَاشِرُوۡہُنَّ بِالۡمَعۡرُوۡفِ

“Consort with them in kindness.” (Surah an-Nisa’, Ch.4: V.20)

Similarly, He has instructed wives to look after the home, raise the children properly, and care for their husbands. Huzooraa stated that if everyone respects their own boundaries, it becomes impossible for anyone’s rights to be usurped. “One’s rights are only taken away when Allah is forgotten,” Huzooraa said.

Huzooraa emphasised the importance of family time, stating that husbands should spend quality time with their families. Huzooraa added that at least one or two weekends each month should be dedicated to family outings. Huzooraa spoke about the need for mutual understanding and urged, “Take care of each other faithfully.” Huzooraa concluded by emphasising that there should be a strong bond of friendship and trust between husband and wife.

Further, Huzooraa added: “A mother-in-law should not interfere in her daughter-in-law’s affairs and should allow them freedom. She should remember that her daughter-in-law is also someone’s daughter who has been welcomed into her home. Likewise, the daughter-in-law should care for and respect her mother-in-law, just as she respects her own mother. This is a matter of understanding between each other. Huzooraa said: 

Huzooraa addressed concerns about certain cultural practices prevalent among some Pakistanis, particularly among those who may lack extensive education. He highlighted that such individuals might exert undue influence over their grown-up children, demanding obedience in matters including marital decisions, in a manner that may not be supported by Islamic teachings. Specifically, Huzooraa clarified, “Allah the Almighty has not granted mothers the authority to demand the initiation of divorce. Some may cite the example of Abrahamas, who advised his son to change his doorstep, implying divorce. However, firstly, this was the case of a father, [not the mother]. Secondly, even in such cases, the father must exercise sound judgement. If the father acts irrationally, then this right does not apply.”

Huzooraa emphasised that the Promised Messiahas has expressed disapproval of divorcing over trivial matters. He went further to state that the Promised Messiahas even remarked that he does not regard a man who does not fulfil the rights of his wife and exhibits undue harshness.

Guidance and farewell

Dur-e-Sameen Syed Sahiba shared that she serves as the Secretary of Tabligh in her area. She expressed that the missionary and some khuddam engage in tabligh campaigns, which have a positive impact on the masses. She sought guidance from Huzooraa regarding a planned summer tabligh initiative by some Lajna members and nasirat, involving holding a sign that reads, “I am a Muslim; ask your question.”

Huzooraa advised that the approach to tabligh for women should be similar to the methods used by men. However, Huzooraa emphasised the importance of engaging with women, stating that when women see them, they are more likely to approach and listen. Huzooraa stressed the significance of setting a good example and urged them to enhance their knowledge. He pointed out that when one goes out with a sign inviting questions, it is crucial to be well-informed and able to provide answers.

Thereafter, Huzooraa spoke with Sadr Sahiba of Cologne. 

Huzooraa graciously distributed pens to all the students and gave chocolates to the younger ones. He asked one of the students what she was studying. When she replied that she was studying economics, Huzooraa remarked that after the war, the economy tends to decline and there is a need to rebuild it again.

During the gathering, a Lajna member shared that she had composed an Urdu poem. Huzooraa graciously invited her to recite it while he distributed the pens.

In the end, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to a successful conclusion.

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