Divine signs and the triumph of the Promised Messiah despite fierce opposition: Huzoor addresses the concluding session of Jalsa Salana Germany 2024

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Islamabad, Tilford, UK, 25 August 2024: At approximately 14:30 GMT, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, arrived at the Masroor Hall, Islamabad, UK, for the concluding session of Jalsa Salana Germany 2024.

After his arrival, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa invited Imran Basharat Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran (Surah Aal-e-‘Imran, V.103-108). Laiq Ahmad Munir Sahib then presented their Urdu translation, and the German translation was read out by Salman Peter Ernst Sahib. Following this, Murtaza Mannan Sahib was invited to present an Urdu poem of the Promised Messiahas, Hay Shukre Rabbe Aazza Wa Jall

Huzooraa then invited the National Secretary of Talim to announce the names of Ahmadi graduates who had exceptional academic and educational achievements during the years 2022-23. 

Opposition to the Promised Messiah’sas claim

Huzooraa then began his address by reflecting on the opposition faced by the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, peace be upon him, after he made his claim to be the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, in exact accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and under the command of Allah the Almighty. Huzooraa noted that many Muslim clerics, who once regarded the Promised Messiahas as the greatest defender of Islam, turned against him, declaring him an infidel and issuing edicts against him.

The Promised Messiahas consistently explained that his advent was in perfect alignment with the needs of the time and was in complete servitude to the Holy Prophetsa. He emphasised that the signs of the Latter Days, as foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and Allah the Almighty, were manifesting in support of his claim. However, Huzooraa said that the eyes of the opponents remained veiled, refusing to acknowledge these signs, even though they recognised the dire need for the Messiah and Mahdi.

Signs of divine support

Huzooraa highlighted that the opponents reject the Promised Messiahas and instead expect the physical return of a Prophet of the Bani Isra’il. However, the Promised Messiahas made it clear that Allah’s promise was being fulfilled through him, and that numerous signs were evident, both in the heavens and on earth, as well as through warnings and admonishments. Yet, the opponents remained deaf to these signs, refusing to reflect on them.

Huzooraa said that despite the relentless opposition, Allah continues to grant success and progress to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people join the Jamaat, pledging allegiance and embracing true servitude to the Holy Prophetsa.

Reflection on the Promised Messiah’sas words

Huzooraa stated that, in the words of the Promised Messiahas, he would continue to speak about the signs and the needs of the hour that serve as illuminating evidence of the truthfulness of the Promised Messiah’sas claim. Huzooraa also expressed his intent to share faith-inspiring incidents that demonstrate how Allah the Almighty is guiding people to accept the truth of the Promised Messiah’sas mission, fulfilling the prophecies of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and the promises of Allah the Almighty.

The Promised Messiahas said:

“O seekers after truth and true lovers of Islam! It is clear to you all that this age in which we are expending our lives is such a dark time that extreme wickedness has permeated whatever exists in matters of faith and deeds. A fierce tempest of vice and depravity rages from every direction. What is called faith has been replaced by a few words of mere verbal profession, and the phenomena referred to as good deeds are deemed to be satisfied by so many rites of ceremony or extravagance, or acts of hypocrisy, whilst being completely oblivious to what true piety is. Even the philosophy and naturalism of this age stand in stark opposition to spiritual well-being. Infatuation with them proves to have an extremely negative influence upon those acquainted with them, and seduces them towards [spiritual] darkness. They stir toxic elements and awaken the slumbering Satan [within]. Those who indulge in these disciplines frequently develop such scepticism in religious matters that they begin to view the principles established by God Almighty, as well as the acts of worship related to fasting, prayer, etc., with an attitude of contempt and derision. Their hearts do not so much as hold any regard or reverence even for the Being of God Almighty. On the contrary, most of them are coloured with apostasy and filled with atheism and despite being recognized as the progeny of Muslims, they are enemies of the Faith.

“Oftentimes it verily happens that those who are studying in colleges are not even relieved from learning their required disciplines before they have relieved and resigned themselves from the Faith and from sympathy for the Faith. This is merely one branch that I have mentioned that is laden with the fruits of darkness in the present age, but there are yet hundreds of other branches besides it that are no less than it!

“It is generally observed that trust and honesty have departed from the world to such a degree as if they have disappeared completely. Fraud and deceit in pursuit of worldly wealth have transgressed beyond the extreme; the individual most cunning of all being considered the most competent of all! Various forms of dishonesty, fraud, adultery, deceit, and falsehood; schemes abounding in the most egregious degree of cunning and covetousness; and habits rife with evil are spreading about. Vindictiveness and wrangling, combined with the utmost cruelty, are on the rise. A storm of bestial and evil passions has surged forth. The more adept and proficient people become in these contemporary sciences and laws, the more deficient they become in the natural traits of nobility of disposition and nobility of conduct, and the innate qualities of modesty, shame, fearfulness of God, and honesty.

“The teachings of Christians, too, are devising different types of mines to blow up [the edifice of] truth and honesty. Christians are painstakingly exerting the maximum effort to concoct all the subtle nuances of falsehood and fabrication to obliterate Islam, employing them at every occasion and opportunity in order to plunder [Muslims of their faith]. Brand new paradigms to beguile and ever-modern means to mislead are being fashioned. They egregiously insult the Perfect Man [Muhammadsa], who was the Pride of all Holy Ones, the Crown of all Chosen Ones, and the Chief of all Noble Messengers, to the extent that Islam and the Holy Guide of Islam are diabolically portrayed in theatrical shows in a variety of unflattering themes and caricatures. Such slander is propagated by means of the theatre in which all villainy has been employed to debase the honour of Islam and the Holy Prophetsa.

“Now—O Muslims!—listen and listen attentively! To the extent that this Christian nation has employed convoluted calumny to impede the purifying effect of Islam, indulging in the most deceptively fraudulent machinations and breaking their backs in propagating them while streaming money as if it were water, and exerting efforts even to the point of exhausting the most shameful means—the mentioning of which is better left out of this essay—for the very sake of those magical feats from the court of Christian nations and advocates of the Trinity; it is completely beyond belief and imagination for naive souls to be delivered from this European sorcery so long as God Almighty does not brandish that Mighty Hand which holds within itself the power of a miracle and so long as He does not shatter this spell of sorcery into pieces with that miracle. So in order to thwart this enchantment, God Almighty granted this miracle to the true Muslims of the present age by sending this servant of His to confront the enemies—having honoured him with His revelation and word and His special blessings, and having bestowed upon him perfect understanding of the subtle intricacies of His path, and having granted him a multitude of heavenly wonders and miracles, and spiritual insights and subtleties—so that this Heavenly Stone may smash the waxen idol prepared by European sorcery.

“Therefore—O Muslims!—the coming of this humble one is a miracle from God to dispel the darkness of this spell. Was it not demanded that a miracle should also appear in the world to confront this sorcery? Is this idea so strange and incredible in your eyes that God Almighty should manifest such a divine radiance as bears the impact of a miracle to confront the most egregious degree of wile, which has accrued up to the true [deceptive] nature of magic?” (The Victory of Islam, pp. 4-7)

Reply to a false claim

Huzooraa then addressed some false claims made by opponents of the Promised Messiahas. One such claim is that the Promised Messiahas was a plant of the British in the subcontinent. Despite this baseless accusation, the Promised Messiahas openly spoke against the wrongdoings of European Christians, even though it was during British rule in India. Huzooraa shared a couplet by the Promised Messiahas, highlighting the inevitability of his appointment. In one of his couplets, the Promised Messiahas stated:

وقت تھا وقت مسیحا نہ کسی اور کا وقت

میں نہ آتا تو کوئی اور ہی آیا ہوتا

“This was indeed the appointed time for none other than the Messiah; Had I not been appointed, someone else would surely have appeared!” (Durr-e-Sameen, p. 196)

This couplet, Huzooraa said, encapsulates the deep longing and concern that the Promised Messiahas had for the state of Islam, which ultimately led to his divine appointment. Throughout his writings and gatherings, the Promised Messiahas passionately depicted the dire condition of the era and the urgent need for revival.

Fulfilment of prophecies and signs

Continuing his address, Huzooraa elaborated on the fulfilment of numerous prophecies concerning the Promised Messiah’sas advent. Huzooraa said that, these prophecies, found in both Sunni and Shia texts, were meant to be fulfilled by a devoted follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. One such prophecy speaks of the signs of the advent of the Mahdi, including the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses during Ramadan and the outbreak of a severe plague.

Huzooraa explained that these signs were destined to manifest at a time when the Promised Messiahas would face mockery, just as Jesusas was mocked before similar signs appeared in his time. The prophecies indicated that these signs would serve as a warning and as evidence of the truth of the Messiah and Mahdi’s claim.

Manifestation of the promised signs

Huzooraa recounted that these signs indeed manifested, testifying to the truth of the Promised Messiah’sas claim. In 1894 and 1895, during the month of Ramadan, the solar and lunar eclipses occurred according to the prophesied dates, both in the East and the West. These celestial events served as signs of warning and became a means of guidance for many. Additionally, the plague that broke out in India stayed for a significant time, leading many to enter the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas.

Huzooraa further mentioned that even today, sincere and devoted individuals, upon hearing about these prophecies and witnessing their fulfilment, do not hesitate to accept the truth and enter into the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas. As a result, every year, thousands upon thousands of people join the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat.

The power of Promised Messiah’sas arguments

Huzooraa then presented one such incident: A missionary from Ghana reported that they visited Techiman, Ghana, and a nearby area. During their visit, they engaged with the local imam, who allowed them to lead the Friday prayer. In his sermon, the missionary addressed the death of Jesusas, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Upon revisiting the area, they again led the Jummah prayer and discussed the signs of the Promised Messiah, particularly the solar and lunar eclipses. After the prayer, 15 families openly expressed their satisfaction with the Jamaat’s arguments. They all took the bai‘at and embraced Ahmadiyyat. Consequently, a new local chapter of the Jamaat was established in that area.

Huzooraa highlighted that this incident exemplifies the sincerity of those who, upon hearing the signs, immediately take the bai‘at. However, he also noted that those who oppose out of mere enmity have no remedy.

Reflecting on the approach of the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraa emphasised that he always spoke with reason, logic, and solid arguments. This tradition continues within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, as taught to us by the Promised Messiahas. In contrast, Huzooraa pointed out that many Muslim clerics resort to violence, calling for the killing and beating of Ahmadis, as they lack rational arguments to support their stance.

Huzooraa mentioned that the Promised Messiahas acknowledged the right of people to ask questions. They may ask, “Why should we accept this claim, and what are the arguments, evidence, and proofs supporting it?”

In response, the Promised Messiahas explained that the time, place, and circumstances of his advent align precisely with the indications found in the Quran and Hadith. The specific signs associated with his coming, both heavenly and earthly, were fulfilled at the appointed time, in the designated location, and through his person. Moreover, Allah granted him the knowledge and qualities foretold to be connected with the true Messiah and Mahdi. To further reassure the believers, the Promised Messiahas presented heavenly signs as evidence.

Need for a reformer

Huzooraa pointed out that many among the ummah acknowledge the need for a reformer in this era. Despite this recognition, they fail to accept the reformer sent by God. Instead, they have reached extreme levels of opposition against him, rejecting the very individual who has been divinely appointed to revive and reform the faith.

The Promised Messiahas once said:

“Once a Hindu gentleman whose name I do not recall came to see me in Qadian. He said he wanted to convene a religious conference and requested me to write an article about the beauties of my religion to be read out at the conference. At first, I demurred but he insisted that I must write. I know that I cannot do anything on my own strength—indeed, I do not have any strength at all. I can’t speak unless God makes me speak, nor can I see anything unless He makes me see. I, therefore, prayed to God that He may reveal to me a discourse that may triumph over all the speeches of that conference. After this supplication, I found that a strength had been breathed into me. I felt in me a stirring of this heavenly power.

“My friends who were present at the time know that I did not write any preliminary draft of this discourse. Whatever I wrote, I wrote extempore. And I was writing with such speed and haste that the copyist found it hard to keep pace with me. When I finished writing the discourse, I received this revelation from God Almighty:

مضمون بالا رہا

“‘The paper has been declared supreme.’ Thus, when that dissertation was read out in that conference, the audience was in an ecstasy while it was being read out and applause was heard from every direction, so much so that the Hindu gentleman who presided over the conference could not help exclaiming, ‘This paper has been declared supreme over all others!’

“An English newspaper, the Civil and Military Gazette, which is published from Lahore, also published its testimony that the paper transcended all others. About twenty Urdu newspapers also gave the same testimony. With the exception of a few prejudiced individuals, it was on every tongue in that conference that this paper had triumphed.

“To this day there are hundreds of people who continue to give the same testimony. Thus, with the testimony of every sect, as well as of the English newspapers, my prophecy, ‘The paper transcended all others’, was fulfilled. This challenge was like the one that Prophet Musaas [Moses] had to take up against the sorcerers, for in this conference exponents of different schools of thought delivered speeches about their respective faiths. Some of them were Christians, some were Hindus of Sanatan Dharam or Aryah Samaj, some were Brahmus, some were Sikhs, and some were Muslims who oppose us. All of them had turned their staffs into imaginary snakes, but when God unleashed the rod of Islam’s truth against them in the form of a pure and profound discourse, it turned into a python and devoured all of them. To this day people are all praise for the discourse that had issued from my mouth. فالحمد للہ علٰی ذٰلک [So Allah be praised for all this].” (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation, pp. 354-355)

Huzooraa then spoke about the lasting impact of the Promised Messiah’sas lecture, “The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam.” He mentioned that this work continues to be appreciated and acknowledged, not only in the Promised Messiah’sas time but even today. The lecture’s profound insights into Islamic teachings inspire many, with numerous people writing letters about how it has moved and improved their lives.

Bai‘at through The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam in Mali

Huzooraa then shared a faith-inspiring incident from Mali. A man visited an Ahmadiyya bookstall in 2022, where he acquired the book The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam. After studying it, he was convinced of the greatness of its author and began praying for guidance. He then had a dream in which he was told that the book’s author was the true guide for Islam in this era. Without any prior connection to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, he couldn’t pursue further research at the time. However, when he encountered the bookstall again this year, he was overjoyed, embraced the missionary, and expressed his desire to pledge allegiance to the Promised Messiahas.

Huzooraa then narrated some further incidents. 

Bai‘at in Burkina Faso

In Dori, Burkina Faso, due to security concerns, a missionary focused on spreading the message of Ahmadiyyat in the city. As a result, 37 individuals accepted Ahmadiyyat. Among them was a businessman deeply impressed by The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, stating he would gladly pay a significant sum for such a valuable book. This incident highlights the profound impact of the Promised Messiah’sas literature on people, leading them to embrace Ahmadiyyat.


In Tanzania, a member of parliament, after engaging in discussions with an Ahmadi missionary and studying the literature, including the Swahili translation of Kashti-e-Nuh, eventually pledged allegiance to the Promised Messiahas along with his wife. They both expressed that their decision was made with full conviction, free from any external pressure, driven solely by the satisfaction of their hearts.

Acknowledgement of truth in India

At a book fair in India, a Muslim member of parliament privately acknowledged the truth of Ahmadiyyat after a discussion with an Ahmadi missionary on the death of Jesusas, as explained in the Holy Quran. Although he admitted that Ahmadiyyat is based on the truth and that Muslims should learn from Ahmadis, he confessed that political constraints prevented him from publicly supporting the Jamaat due to the fear of losing votes and being labelled as an infidel.

The Promised Messiahas said:

“God Almighty has granted me thousands of such signs, which result in a captivating belief in the existence of Allah Almighty. Such a large number of my community is present here today. Who from among them has not witnessed at least a few signs of this nature? If you wish, many hundreds more could testify to the same. Have not a large number from among the godly and holy and those who are righteous and pious, and who possess intelligence and insight in every respect, and who are well-established in terms of employment, been satisfied? Have these people not witnessed such things which could never be within the power of man to achieve? If these people are questioned, each and every one of them will declare themselves to be the first of those who bear witness in this respect. Is it possible for people from all walks of life, which include the erudite, scholars, physicians, doctors, merchants, saints, spiritual leaders, lawyers and respected officials, to proclaim that they have witnessed so many heavenly signs with their own eyes if they were first not fully satisfied themselves? And when such people do actually declare what I have said—and anyone who denies this fact is free to confirm it—then in view of this collective testimony, one ought to reflect over the conclusion that a seeker of truth will arrive upon, if in fact, they are truly a seeker of the truth. At the very least, an uninformed person can appreciate without a shadow of doubt that if this group of people composed of the well-educated, wise, and well to do, and those who do not depend on anyone financially, by the grace of Allah, were not perfectly certain about my claim, and if they were not fully satisfied in respect of me, why would they leave their homes, and bear the separation of their loved ones, to live with me here in straitened circumstances as wayfarers? Why are they forever devoted and fondly ready to support my community financially in accordance with their individual circumstances?

“All things have an appointed time. Spring arrives at its appointed time and so does the monsoon season. There is no one who can thwart the plans of God.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 2, p. 34)

Christians accept Islam in Congo-Brazzaville

In Congo-Brazzaville, a Christian priest visited an Ahmadiyya mosque, expressing concerns about how Islam Ahmadiyyat’s teachings were challenging his congregation’s beliefs. After engaging in a discussion with an Ahmadi missionary, the priest was unable to answer key questions about Jesusas, as per Islamic teachings. Consequently, six individuals accompanying the priest accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat, acknowledging the logical and rational superiority of Islamic teachings over Christianity. Although the priest admitted the strength of Islamic teachings, he felt compelled to remain with the church. A significant number of people in the area have now joined the Jamaat, establishing a new local chapter.

Expansion of Ahmadiyyat in Guinea-Conakry

In Guinea-Conakry, a new mosque or mission house was inaugurated. Despite the many edicts of disbelief directed against the Jamaat, Allah continues to open new paths for the spread of Islam Ahmadiyyat, allowing the Jamaat to grow and establish itself in new regions.

Transformation of a former opponent in France

In France, an Ahmadi introduced his friend, who belonged to the Salafi sect, to the teachings of Ahmadiyyat. Initially, the friend reacted with intense anger, and decided to sever ties with the Ahmadi due to their differing beliefs, particularly regarding the death of Prophet Jesusas.

However, over time, this individual began to personally study various Islamic literature, seeking answers from different sects and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. He found that the explanations provided by Ahmadis, particularly from Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra Tafsir-e-Kabir, brought clarity and satisfaction, unlike the confusing and ambiguous responses from other sects. After years of in-depth study, he grew closer to the Jamaat and eventually decided to perform the bai‘at and embrace Ahmadiyyat. This incident highlights how sincere seekers of truth, free from arrogance and stubbornness, are guided by Allah to accept Ahmadiyyat.

Huzooraa then narrated numerous other faith-inspiring incidents of how Allah guided people to Islam Ahamdiyyat.

The Promised Messiahas said:

“I shall proclaim it time and time again—the declaration of which I cannot refrain from—that I am the very one who was sent at the appointed time for the reformation of mankind so that the Faith might be firmly planted afresh within the hearts. I am sent in the same manner as the one [i.e. Jesusas] who had been sent after the man of God, Kalimullah [the one who converses with Allah; i.e., Mosesas], and whose soul was raised to Heaven after a great deal of suffering during the reign of Herod. Thus, when the second Kalimullah [i.e. Muhammadsa]—who is, in fact, the foremost of them all and is the Chief of all Prophets—came to punish other ‘pharaohs’, and about whom it was stated:

اِنَّاۤ اَرۡسَلۡنَاۤ اِلَیۡکُمۡ رَسُوۡلًا ۬ۙ شَاہِدًا عَلَیۡکُمۡ کَمَاۤ اَرۡسَلۡنَاۤ اِلٰی فِرۡعَوۡنَ رَسُوۡلًا

[“Verily, We have sent to you a Messenger, who is a witness over you, even as We sent a Messenger to Pharaoh.” (Surah al-Muzzammil, 73:16).]

“Then he—who in his mission was the likeness of the first Kalim, albeit superior to him in rank—was also given a promise of [a follower of his coming in] the likeness of the Messiah. And that likeness of the Messiah [i.e. Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas]—bearing the power, spirit, and unique character of the Messiah Son of Mary—descended from Heaven at a time that resembles that very age [of the first Messiah] and after nearly the same duration of time that existed from the time of the first Kalim up to the time of the Messiah Son of Mary; that is, the fourteenth century. That descent was spiritual in nature just as the descent of [spiritually] perfect people occurs for the reformation of mankind after their [spiritual] ascent. And he descended in an age resembling all aspects of the very age in which the Messiah Son of Mary descended so that it might be a Sign for those who reflect.” (The Victory of Islam, pp. 10-11)

 The Promised Messiahas also aid:

“Back down and fear His wrath, and understand with certainty that you have sealed your fate with your corrupt actions. If God were truly with you, you would not need to resort to so much deceit. […]

“Do you not see that while you diminish, we continue to grow? If you were truly standing on the side of truth, would your outcome in this contest have been as it is now?” (Nuzul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 18, p. 409)

Concluding remarks and prayers

In his final remarks, Huzooraa emphasised that Allah’s divine help and support remain steadfastly with the Promised Messiahas, guiding hearts towards acceptance of his message and ensuring that the opposition falters in its attempts to hinder the progress of Ahmadiyyat. This growing acceptance places a significant responsibility on the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat to continuously reform themselves and strive to embody the teachings of Islam in a way that truly reflects their commitment to the bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa reminded the Jamaat that their good actions serve as silent tabligh, inspiring countless individuals through their exemplary conduct.

He urged every Ahmadi to make a sustained effort to be a living embodiment of Islamic teachings, thereby contributing to the fulfilment of the Promised Messiah’sas mission. Huzooraa prayed that Allah enables all Ahmadis to achieve this noble objective.

Huzooraa also expressed his prayers for the safety of all those who attended the Jalsa Salana Germany 2024, which had a gathering of approximately 42,000 participants, asking Allah to grant them a safe return home and to protect them from any harm or disturbance. He also urged prayers for those Ahmadis facing persecution and restrictions, asking Allah to grant them freedom.

Reflecting on a recent court decision about Ahmadis, Huzooraa cautioned Ahmadis against harsh analyses and critiques of individuals, stressing that Ahmadis need not rely on any human judgements but should place their trust solely in Allah, the One true God. He encouraged Ahmadis to engage in sincere prayer and worship, trusting that Allah would bring about relief and ease while confounding the enemies of the Jamaat.

Finally, Huzooraa called upon the Jamaat to pray for the general state of the world, which is teetering on the brink of disaster due to its failure to recognise its Creator. He prayed that Allah grants wisdom to the world and protects Ahmadis from the devastating effects of war. Huzooraa then led the gathering in silent prayer to conclude the session. This was followed by choral poems, presented by various groups in their respective languages. 

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

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