Did Eve lead Adam into temptation?


A lady from Germany wrote to Huzooraa stating that Huzooraa had said in one of his Friday Sermons, “A true believer should also pray for his wife and children because the first temptation to Adam was brought by a woman.” However, she said, the Promised Messiahas had written in his books that it was a biblical statement that Eve had led Adam astray. 

Huzooraa, in a letter dated 4 February 2020, gave the following reply: 

“In my sermon that you have quoted, I also read out another excerpt from the Promised Messiahas. In that quote, the Promised Messiahas has also stated that according to the Torah, Balaam, who opposed Prophet Mosesas, lost his faith due to his wife, whom the king lured by showing her some items of jewellery. She then incited Balaam to pray against Prophet Mosesas and for this reason, Balaam lost his faith. 

“Moreover, the Promised Messiahas has mentioned in some of his writings, with reference to the Holy Quran, that Allah had stated that Adam did not intentionally break His commandment. He rather thought that Eve’s eating the fruit and sharing it with him was perhaps owing to God permitting her to do so. That is why God did not exonerate Eve in His Book, but only Adam, about whom He said, لَمْ‭ ‬نَجِدْ‭ ‬لَهُ‭ ‬عَزْمًا [We found in him no determination (to disobey)] and He severely punished Eve. 

“Similarly, the Promised Messiahas has mentioned in one place that just as Adam was born in the last part of the ‘sixth day’, so was the Promised Messiah decreed to be born in the last part of the sixth millennium and just as Adam was tried through Nahash, who is called Khannas in Arabic and whose other name is Dajjal, in the same way, Nahash was created to oppose the Latter-Day Adam, so that he may entice the effeminate people with ‘eternal life’, just as the serpent who is called Nahash in the Torah and Khannas in the Quran, enticed Eve. 

“Whether it is stated with reference to the Bible or in light of the Quranic injunctions, the fact of the matter is that it points out some natural weaknesses found in both men and women. Hence, where on the one hand, a woman’s natural weakness is mentioned that she tends to be covetous and acquisitive, on the other hand, she also possesses the ability to take men in and to persuade them with her charm and guile. Likewise, where on the one hand, men consider themselves to be very clever and intelligent, on the other hand, they also have this weakness that they are easily fooled by women. It is this reality that the Holy Prophetsa has also mentioned. Hence, it is stated in a hadith that the Holy Prophetsa said: 

مَا رَأَيْتُ مِنْ نَاقِصَاتِ عَقْلٍ وَدِينٍ أَذْهَبَ لِلُبِّ الرَّجُلِ الْحَازِمِ مِنْ إِحْدَاكُنَّ يَا مَعْشَرَ النِّسَاءِ

‘O womenfolk! I have not seen anyone, who is psychologically and religiously deficient, being more skillful in fooling men of sound judgement than you.’ (Sahih al-Bukhari)

“Just as organisations have taken advantage of this innate deficiency and the innate skill of women in the past, in this modern era most intelligence agencies of the large countries continue to benefit from them. Hence, we observe that many women are employed in these agencies just to elicit secrets from men of the hostile organisations or institutions by utilising their charm and guile and they do this successfully. 

“These are all matters that are related to the worldly life of men and women. However, at the same time, Islam has also taught that there is no difference between men and women in terms of rights and responsibilities, nor in terms of the reward for doing good deeds. Just as men have some rights and responsibilities according to their capacities and abilities, so also do women have some rights and responsibilities according to their capacities and abilities. There is no difference between them in terms of their rights and responsibilities. Similarly, just as a man is entitled to a reward for performing a good deed, so is also a woman entitled to the same reward for performing a good deed. Moreover, in some cases, a woman is entitled to an equal reward to that of a man for performing a relatively less demanding virtuous deed and in other cases, she is even entitled to a greater reward. This is the beautiful teaching of Islam that no other religion or any other teaching in the world can ever match.”

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