Discussing tabligh in Kosovo


Besmir Yvejsi Secretary Ishaat, Jamaat Kosovo

1. Silent prayer before the event

On 1 March 2020, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo organised a National Tabligh event. The programme was attended by members of the three Kosovo Jamaat centres: Prishtina, Peja and Mitrovica. In addition to the Ahmadi Muslims, there were other Muslim participants who are currently studying, researching and praying about the truth of the Jamaat.

The day began in the morning with a silent prayer from the Mission House in Prishtina. The meeting point for the participants was on the Brezovica mountain range, a settlement located between the state border of Kosovo and North Macedonia and is 2000 meters above sea level (the highest peak is 2,212 m).

For some of the participants it was their first time visiting this beautiful place, and according to them, this trip will be remembered for a long time because it was organised by the Jamaat. It is interesting to note that the local mu‘allim of Peja branch helped an elderly man who had reached the top of the mountain range by cable car, but was afraid to go down alone. After seeing the elder, mu‘allim sahib went down with him by cable car. The elder greatly thanked him later.

On the way back, Zuhr and Asr prayers were offered on the bus. Among the goals of the program was to inform participants about the approach of the Jalsa Salana Kosovo Jubilee to be held next month. The number of participants in this program was around 30 people.

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