Atfal and khuddam from Finland were blessed with the opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in a virtual mulaqat on 12 February 2023.
At the opening of the meeting, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa conveyed his salaam and invited Hafiz Ataul Awwal Sahib to recite a portion of the Holy Quran and Sheikh Kaleem Ahmad Sahib read out the Urdu translation. Hasan Bashir Sahib presented a hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and Abdul Nasir Jamal Sahib read its Urdu translation. Hannan Ahmad was invited to read out an extract from the writings of the Promised Messiahas.
A taranah (choral poem) was then presented by three khuddam. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then turned to Zeerak Ijaz Sahib, Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Finland and asked if atfal had not prepared anything. Sadr Sahib responded that the atfal had prepared some questions. Huzooraa said to Sadr Sahib that they could have presented a poem. Huzooraa then asked him to present the report.
In the report, Sadr Sahib said there were now 102 members of MKA Finland, out of whom 71 khuddam were present in the mulaqat. He added there are 13 members of Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, of whom 12 were present in the mulaqat. Sadr Sahib enumerated some of the accomplishments over the year for both Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya.
Thereafter, members had the opportunity to ask Huzooraa questions on an array of matters.
Waleed Ahmad asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa how one could communicate with Allah. Huzooraa responded by telling Waleed Ahmad that, as a young person, he should continue to make an effort. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked if he prayed to Allah during the five daily prayers and said that he should pray to Allah to speak with him and to answer his prayers. Huzooraa further explained that one of God’s ways of responding and speaking is through answering prayers. Sometimes, God discloses an answer to a prayer in a dream, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added. Those who have a strong relationship with Allah, may even hear Allah through a kashf (vision) or other means. Huzooraa added, “Allah has different ways.” Huzooraa then quoted the following couplet of the Promised Messiahas:
قدرت سے اپنى ذات كا دیتا ہے حق ثبوت
اس بے نشاں كى چہرہ نمائى یہى تو ہے
“Through His Might does God prove His existence; this is how He unveils His invisible countenance.” (Majmu‘ah-e-Ishtiharat [1986], Vol. 1, p. 143)
Huzooraa said some holy personages see visions, and matters are also disclosed to Prophets through revelation.
Safeer Ahmad Qureshi said he had firm faith that the Khalifah of the time is the closest person to Allah in this day and age. He then asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how Allah guides the Khalifah.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa explained that when he prays to Allah, He responds by placing satisfaction in his heart. Huzooraa added that sometimes he is granted consolation and comfort through a dream, or his heart is comforted. If Allah so desires, Huzooraa said, He can speak too, “these are Allah’s ways, as I have explained before.”
Usharab Hamdun Sahib asked that if Allah alone is eternal, how will those granted paradise, abide therein for eternity?
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said the concept of eternity in this context needs to be understood first. Huzooraa said that in the Holy Quran, God Almighty states that one day of Allah is equal to 50,000 human years. Therefore, in human terms, 50,000 years amounts to infinity or something without a limit. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that there may come a time when that paradise may come to an end, and only Allah knows when that may happen. Huzooraa explained that we have no knowledge of when this may occur. When we say that heaven will be eternal, it means that its duration will be of such a nature that humans cannot fathom it.
Asad Suhail Sahib asked how one can overcome anger. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa smiled and asked, “Are you angry at this moment?” Asad, along with the gathering, enjoyed this, and said that he was not. Huzooraa then said that he should remain like this. Huzooraa added that one should recite istighfar. The Holy Prophetsa said that when one is in a fit of anger, they should sit down, if the anger persists, they should lie down, and they should also drink water.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added that while there may be cases of justifiable anger, it should not consume a person. Huzooraa emphasised the importance of utilising one’s innate faculty of logic and practicality to make informed decisions.
Ataul Ghalib Sahib, National President Jamaat Finland, said that at times, due to the intervention in the private affairs of a couple by the husband’s or the wife’s parents or cousins, marital issues arise. He asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how these issues can be resolved.
Huzooraa said that the parents of both the husband and wife should acknowledge that their children are married and must be allowed to live in peace without interference in their private affairs. Further, Huzooraa said that there should be mutual understanding and trust between the husband and wife.
Shafiq Ahmad Shahid Sahib said that the Jamaat is facing significant opposition and asked for how long this opposition might persist.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa suggested that we should first evaluate ourselves and determine to what extent we have established a relationship with Allah the Almighty. We should ask ourselves if we are fulfilling our duties to God Almighty and abiding by the commandments of the Holy Quran, as well as whether we are earnestly praying to Allah.
With regard to the issue of the opposition of the Jamaat, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa further said, “On one occasion when I prayed, […] Allah told me that if the entire Jamaat starts praying fervently like the people of Yunusas for three days – every child, old and young person – cries before Allah the Almighty, then within three days this issue can be resolved.
“This means that it is our fault,” Huzooraa added.
Huzooraa further mentioned that despite the prayers of the Holy Prophetsa, Muslims had to endure hardships in Mecca for 13 years. Various trials arose in Medina too, however, it was with the prayers and faith of the Muslims that things started to improve.
Alluding to noble examples in the Jamaat, Huzooraa mentioned the sacrifice of martyrs of Burkina Faso who remained steadfast in their faith.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa alluded to the fact that some people seated in the mulaqat had migrated from Pakistan to Finland due to persecution. Huzooraa encouraged them and their children to remain steadfast in their faith, assuring them that a time will come when they will be able to move around on God’s earth freely. “Insha-Allah”, Huzooraa said, “This time shall come.”
Rehman Masroor Sahib stated that it can be difficult to maintain focus and consistency on a given task, and asked Huzooraa how one can overcome this challenge.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa responded, “by removing your laziness.” Huzooraa explained that to maintain consistency in anything, one must be determined and have the right intentions. Huzooraa further emphasised the importance of hard work and prayer to Allah as key factors in achieving success.
Arslan Ijaz Sahib shared that he works in accounting, and some of his clients are in the food industry and deal with alcohol. He expressed concerns about potential disinformation to avoid tax and questioned whether he should continue to work with these clients.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa first advised that if Arslan Ijaz Sahib’s clients were requesting him to lie to avoid taxes, he should not work with such people. “Your work should be lawful,” Huzooraa emphasised. While alluding to the presence of alcohol in his client’s business, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa stated that as an accountant, he was only responsible for overseeing the accounts, and not directly involved with the business operations. Huzooraa added that working as an accountant was acceptable, but if one is instructed to lie or engage in unlawful practices to avoid taxes, it would be wrong to comply.
Usman Masroor Ahmad Sahib asked about angels.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa made a reference to Prophet Adamas and explained that the angels were commanded to submit to him; however, Iblis, who was among the jinn, out of arrogance, refused to comply and submit to Adamas as he deemed himself to be superior. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa also highlighted that Satan entices humans towards immoral deeds. In contrast, Huzooraa alluded to the angels, who convey Allah’s message to humankind and only perform righteous deeds.

Omair Ahmad Sahib raised a concern regarding the practice of keeping pets such as dogs and cats and allowing them to sit on one’s lap or clothes. He asked whether it was permissible to offer salat in such clothes that had been touched or sat on by the pets.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa explained that there is no issue with owning a dog for a specific purpose and need; however, pets must be trained to relieve themselves outside at the specified place. Huzooraa emphasised that animals should not be kept inside homes but provided with their own separate space outside, where they can stay safe and protected from the cold.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa mentioned that during the time of the Holy Prophetsa, some shepherds owned dogs and, at times, the dogs would touch their clothes while they were working as shepherds. Huzooraa added that those same people would go to the mosque, perform ablution, and offer salat. Huzooraa explained that unless the pet was clearly dirty, a mere touch from a dog usually does not make one’s clothes impure as dogs’ skin is usually not that dirty. Huzooraa pointed out that in modern times, it is easy to find shampoos for pets, including dogs and cats. Additionally, Huzooraa re-emphasised the importance of not keeping pets inside the house. Dogs may be kept for hunting or security but one should avoid keeping them merely as pets.
Nauman Masroor Sahib asked what he could do to benefit the Jamaat as a waqif-e-nau.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa asked him which grade he was in and whether he desired to become a missionary of the Jamaat. He replied in the affirmative and mentioned that he was currently studying in year nine. Huzooraa said that regardless of the profession one wishes to pursue, it is crucial to establish a strong relationship with Allah and maintain regularity in prayers. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa emphasised that this is an essential aspect that comes in handy during tabligh.
Abdun Nasir Jamal Sahib asked Huzooraa what advice he had for those Waqf-e-Nau who were close to completing their studies.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said that waqifeen-e-nau, who reach the age of 15, and desire to continue serving the Jamaat should renew their commitment, and when they have completed their studies, they should inform the Jamaat that they have completed their education and are ready to undertake the tasks assigned to them by the Jamaat. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added that if the Jamaat requires doctors, they will appoint them to serve in a Jamaat hospital, and similarly, if there is a need for teachers, engineers, researchers, or scientists, they will be assigned roles accordingly.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa reminded the waqifeen-e-nau that they should be mindful of their salat, focus on worship, and seek religious knowledge.
Zeerak Ijaz Sahib, Sadr MKA Finland, after reading a passage from the writings of the Promised Messiahas, asked how one could pass through the stage of nafs-i-lawwamah (‘the Reproving Self’) and attain nafs-i-mutma’innah (‘the Soul at Rest’).
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa emphasised the importance of seeking Allah’s help in the struggle from nafs-i-lawwamah to nafs-i-mutma’innah to overcome the struggles of the self. “This is not possible without the help of Allah,” Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated, as Man cannot achieve it through his own efforts. Prayer is necessary to attain this goal. Consistency in prayer weakens Satan’s influence and ultimately overpowers it.
Zishan Ahmad Sahib asked what one should do when they are given responsibility within the Jamaat and know that they will not be able to fulfil the duty due to certain personal reasons that can cause difficulty with the Jamaat work, yet they are afraid to refuse the duty.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa mentioned that if the person’s circumstances are serious, then there is no problem in declining the duty; however, if one is simply making excuses, then one should pray to Allah for help to fulfil the task and duty. Huzooraa said that one should, “remain humble and serve.” Huzooraa added that one should not fret and said that divine grace is in the service of religion.
As the mulaqat drew to a close, Huzooraa saw a Ghanaian seated at the back of the hall and asked him to come forward. Huzooraa asked him which part of Ghana he was from, to which he replied that he was from the Central Region, Huzooraa asked him how long he had been living in Finland and what his profession was. He said that he had been in Finland since 2012 and was working in construction. Huzooraa asked about his family and if they lived with him; to which he replied in the affirmative.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa then conveyed his salaam to all members and the mulaqat came to a successful end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)