Friday Sermon – Jalsa Salana UK 2024: A Review (2 August 2024)


Friday Sermon

2 August 2024

Jalsa Salana UK 2024: A Review

After reciting the tashahhudta‘awwuz, and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated:

Alhamdulillah [all praise belongs to Allah], having manifested the blessings and favours of Allah the Almighty, Jalsa Salana UK came to a conclusion last week. These three days were filled with many blessings which left a positive impact on Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis alike. I will present the sentiments of some of the external guests, but before I do so, I would like to thank the workers, who played a role in the organisation prior to, during and after the Jalsa, and are even working until now. By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the members of the Jamaat: men, women and children, all have a special quality which is commended by even the guests who attend, and this is a form of silent tabligh [propagation] which is carried out by the workers who fulfil their responsibilities. The workers of all departments of Jalsa play a crucial role in it; whether they are on the entry routes, at the gates, at the [security] check, in the car park, serving food, cooking food, cleaning or whether it is the children doing duties such as giving water as well as other duties that the children perform. Every department that operates during the Jalsa Salana appears to be operating extremely diligently and deserves to be thanked. There are small shortcomings, which some may even observe. However, these shortcomings should be overlooked when arrangements are being made on such a large scale.

Nevertheless, all those performing duties, in addition to serving the guests, are carrying out a form of silent tabligh and many people, including the external guests, express their sentiments of praise and also send them in writing as well. Similarly, through MTA, people residing in various countries of the world are also grateful for the excellent transmission of the Jalsa programme.

Thus, I would like to thank all the workers. This year, alongside the workers from the UK, for the first time a large delegation consisting of khuddam and volunteers from Mauritius came and they worked very well. Similarly, khuddam from Canada came and are helping with the wind-up. May Allah the Almighty reward all of them.

The coverage by the press and media this year was very good as well. Similarly, the traffic was managed excellently and the neighbours were happy as well. Every year, we receive complaints from them, however, this year, we did not receive any complaints. As a matter of fact, they thought that the attendance was less than last year and that this was because the flow of traffic was very smooth. In fact, the attendance was 2,000 more than the previous year and when they were informed of this, they were astonished. Masha-Allah, this was managed excellently. One of the councillors in this area is an Ahmadi and a missionary. He worked in an excellent manner to establish relationships with the neighbours and came up with a plan for the traffic. May Allah the Almighty reward him as well.

In any case, I will now present some impressions [about the Jalsa]. May Allah the Almighty open the hearts of those who expressed these impressions and enable them to understand the true meaning of the message of Ahmadiyyat, and may we also fulfil and acquire the purpose with which the Promised Messiahas was sent. This should not be limited to these three days, rather, we should make this a part of our lives.

Ismail Belin Sahib of French Guiana participated in the Jalsa. He had a long-standing connection with the Jamaat but had not yet done the bai‘at, but had the opportunity of doing so during the Jalsa. He says, “I have never in my entire life seen such an event where people of all major languages and ethnicities of the world gathered. After attending this Jalsa, my faith has changed into a conviction that this is the true Jamaat and the Jamaat of Prophet Muhammadsa. If we do not answer the call of the Holy Prophetsa by accepting the Promised Messiahas as the Imam of the Age, then we shall remain in misguidance.”

He then says, “I am certain that Allah the Almighty has guided me to this path, and today, if Muslims wish to unite, they must do so by entering the fold of Ahmadiyyat and joining this blessed Jamaat at the hand of the Caliphate.”

Then, he says, “The preparations of Jalsa Salana were unparalleled. Every single worker was seen smiling, and there were no expressions of hypocrisy on their faces. Every single worker was serving the guests with heartfelt joy. I did not know anyone, yet everyone would meet me as though we had known each other for years.” He continues, “I became a Muslim and was a Muslim for many years prior to attending the Jalsa, and strove to follow the teachings of Islam, but I always felt as though something was missing. However, after participating in the Jalsa, I felt as though that shortcoming was fulfilled.”

Yoshida Sahib, a chief Buddhist priest from Japan, was also in attendance. He says, “We attended all the sessions of the Jalsa. My wife also went to the ladies’ marquee. We saw the exhibitions and spent some time at the bazaar. One of the exemplary aspects was that everywhere we went the volunteers were all seen to be ever-ready and alert. From the first day to the last moments, the fervour and passion of the workers were unchanged. The Ahmadis attending were all extremely hospitable and friendly. When people from over a hundred countries gather in one place, you are bound to find some differences and a number of issues may arise. However, the morals and behaviour here all seemed to be the same. Whenever someone was stopped, they would stop there and then, and whenever the people were called to prayer or to the Jalsa [proceedings], they would reach there without delay.”

He says, “For us, experiencing the Jalsa was unforgettable.” They also met me, and I told them that believing in One God is necessary, and that they should ponder over and contemplate this. Likewise, I advised them to have love for mankind. He says, “Being a Buddhist, I am not accustomed to the belief in One God, however, my heart says that there must be a Creator and Master of this universe and that we are all His creation, and that we can all attain nearness to this Creator and Master.” As it were, they have begun to consider taking steps towards Allah the Almighty.

Aziz Neziri Sahib, a guest from Kosovo, was also in attendance. He says, “This was my first opportunity to attend the Jalsa. I am very happy. Everything was running in an orderly fashion. The speeches were especially beneficial. After listening to the addresses of the Khalifa, I felt a spiritual transformation in myself, and I shall take that back with me. Praying here brought peace to my heart.” He then says, “I am an old man, so I pray that I am able to participate in such a spiritual environment next year. Such a spiritual atmosphere has filled my heart with love for Islam Ahmadiyyat.

Wherever I go, I will definitely mention it. I will also draw other people’s attention towards studying the true teachings of Ahmadiyyat. I will definitely mention the concluding address of the Khalifa of the time, which was filled with countless proofs, because I myself am a witness to this. Before taking the bai‘at, sometimes I would visit a shop near the mission house in Pristina, and whenever the owner found out that I had gone to the mission house to pray (the owner of the shop was a Muslim), he told me not to go to this mosque because these are Qadianis who have created a new prophet. This prophet of theirs, God forbid, curses the Holy Prophetsa and has introduced innovations in Islam and changed Islamic teachings. But I continued attending prayers regularly and kept seeking answers to my questions, and Allah the Almighty enlightened my heart to accept Ahmadiyyat. Now, after listening to this address, I once again realised how non-Ahmadi opponents try to distance people from the Jamaat. Nevertheless, I will go back, and presenting this address before people, will respond to them based on the writings of the Promised Messiahas.”

Omar Gaibur Sahib, who is from Chile and works as the Director of Worship in the National Government of Chile, says:

“It is part of my duties to guide the Chilean government on the registration and other matters of all religious organisations established in the country.” He says, “I sought opinions about the Ahmadiyya Community from the Muslim organisations established in the country, and all expressed negative views, the essence of which was that they are not Muslims.” He says, “I met your Khalifa at the Jalsa, and after that, I vow to the people of your Community that I will do my utmost to fulfil my own responsibilities, and share my personal experiences with the people in my circle of influence, telling them that Ahmadis are not only Muslims but the best and exemplary Muslims.” He says, “I will also make every effort to establish your Community in Chile.” He said that he particularly liked the first day’s address of the Khalifa, in which he gave a sermon on discipline and administrative matters himself. He says, “I have attended many religious gatherings, but I have never seen any religious leader himself providing guidance on administrative matters. I was very surprised and happy to hear this sermon because this action shows that your Khalifa makes efforts for the spiritual, moral, and administrative improvement of the Community.”

A lady from Holland, Mrs Patricia, says, “First of all, I would like to thank you for your hospitality during Jalsa UK 2024. Many people from different parts of the world were present, and it was a profound display of brotherhood. There were people from countries like Indonesia all the way to America.” She says, “I participate in your events like the Peace Walks and Peace Symposiums. Now, coming to this Jalsa was my next step.” She says, “Here I saw that handling thousands of participants on a daily basis, and that a village, from its construction to all logistics and all facilities, was very well managed. A large number of people were seen cooperating with each other. There were no lines. People were cleaning as they went along.

I would like to congratulate all the workers and the volunteers of the Jalsa. Witnessing youngsters, students and everyone partaking in every little task and working together for a greater purpose is always uplifting.” She says, “Having participated in the various sessions, I felt a sense of peaceful togetherness. I will especially remember the International Bai’at ceremony for the rest of my life.” She adds, “If every human being in the world increases their empathy for humankind and raises their own consciousness for humanity, just as the Community is doing, then international problems can certainly be resolved.”

A guest named Tomas Randle Sahib from Argentina, representing Argentina’s National Secretary of Worship, says, “I watched this annual convention with wonder and amazement; the excellence and pristine organisation with which you all have managed this huge gathering.” He explains, “In our country, it is impossible to have such an event. Even in the presence of the police, such discipline is unimaginable. With regards to the address of the Khalifa to the women, I was very impressed by the fact that you are not moved by societal pressures and instead stand firm on your principles.” He goes on, “Although as a Christian I do not agree with all of your doctrines, with particular regard to the points on family life, I’ve benefited greatly despite not being Muslim.”

A guest named Dr. Christie Chang Sahiba from Taiwan observed, “When we were received at the airport, it was with a deep spirit of hospitality. Then we had the opportunity to partake in the Jalsa where we witnessed thousands of volunteers serving in their duties. I was left in total amazement. I have attended many huge conferences all over the world but have never witnessed such a huge gathering being organised through volunteers. The Khalifa of the time imparted many beautiful pieces of wisdom during the address to the ladies on how young women should conduct themselves in life. During the address, I observed the expressions on the faces of the young girls and the concentration with which they were listening to this advice, it showed that the Ahmadi girls and youth have great love for their Khalifa.

As I was meeting the Head of the Ahmadiyya Community for the first time, I expected that it would be done in a very formal manner and with a great deal of protocol. But I was surprised to see that it was a comfortable and informal setting where His Holiness asked how we were doing and also inquired about Taiwan.” She goes on, “We had many questions for him, but the time passed so quickly in us answering his questions about Taiwan that we didn’t get the opportunity to ask anything.”

In any case, the Jalsa left a positive impact on them.

There was also another guest from Taiwan named Dr. Frank Sahib. He says, “I travelled a long distance to be part of this Jalsa. After leaving Taiwan, I had only just reached Beijing when a storm hit Taiwan and so the flight was cancelled. Yet I was still successful in my journey and reached safely, and I could feel that our trip on this occasion is miraculous. When we reached the Jalsa, we felt that this was the decree of God that we should partake in this Jalsa. When the Head of Ahmadiyya Community explained in the inaugural address of the convention that this is not a materialistic or worldly gathering, but a spiritual one, I was only further convinced that it is certainly God’s special and miraculous decree that has brought us here despite difficult circumstances.” He explains that “My wife and I are amongst the very first people from Taiwan to participate in the Jalsa Salana.” “We are returning back to Taiwan with a firm resolve to inform the people of our country that the Ahmadiyya Community is an extremely peace-loving, highly organised, and truly moral community. And we intend on encouraging more guests to come here in future years from Taiwan to attend the annual convention.”

There was a guest from Canada who seemed to be of Iranian origin, Yasin Ahmadi Sahib, who has a PhD in Philosophy and is also a journalist. He says:

“I found the Jalsa Salana of the Ahmadiyya Community to be a remarkable display of wisdom and reasoning in the form of a religious gathering. The spirit of Jalsa Salana was full of signs of equality among Muslims. From the first moment I attended this gathering, I felt that Muslims had moved away from dry and rigid religious interpretations towards an open horizon of compassion for all human beings living on earth. This is what I noticed having observed the Jamaat. The dignity, patience, tolerance and a balanced interpretation of Islamic teachings demonstrate a peaceful and serene life, practised under the shade of divine guidance, which is pleasing to see after centuries of violence and bloodshed in the name of religion. One of the beautiful aspects that was clearly visible was the harmony between Ahmadiyya teachings and modern civilisations. I hope that the Ahmadiyya teachings spread rapidly with all its grandeur and glory amongst the Muslims and all those living on this earth so that everyone can experience a successful and prosperous life and attain salvation.”

A guest from Belize, Ronald Hyde Sahib says that he cannot put the sentiments he felt during the bai‘at ceremony into words. He could feel the presence of God. He further says that many of the men were crying profusely seeking forgiveness from Allah the Almighty and without fear of any worldly judgement. The bai‘at ceremony experience has left a lasting impression on his life. To see such a vast number of people gather together without any alcohol or music was extraordinary. Each person was trying to increase in their spirituality and this is something truly praiseworthy. It was a truly life-changing experience. It was not only those on duty, but seeing the participants of Jalsa Salana is also a form of silent tabligh.

A missionary from Bolivia writes, “Carlos Hugo Sahib attended the Jalsa this year and this was his third time. He had been studying Islam for some time and did the bai‘at a month ago. He had the opportunity to attend the International Bai‘at Ceremony at the Jalsa. He says: ‘Jalsa Salana UK is the most important spiritual experience of my life. Having participated in the International bai‘at ceremony, I feel as though my heart and my soul are filled with spirituality and that I have become a true Ahmadi.’ He further writes, ‘As a new convert, the Khalifa of the time has advised me that I should pray with full concentration and to forge a strong connection with God. Also I should direct the attention of the Ahmadi Jamaat members in Bolivia towards reading the Holy Quran.’ He says he will act on this himself and also tell others.”

Maria Sol Caballero Franco Sahiba, a non-Ahmadi guest from Uruguay says, “The Jalsa Salana far exceeded my expectations. Firstly, the accommodation for guests was exemplary and the speeches were mesmerising. The inaugural session was my favourite. It is very important that we spread the message of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’. Overall I found a pleasant atmosphere of brotherhood. The administration played an outstanding role in this. Despite being such a large gathering I never saw a congestion of people nor did it ever seem like it was out of control. There was good planning and clearly marked signs for cars which demonstrated excellent logistics. Undoubtedly this has impressed countless of those in attendance. Attending the Jalsa had a positive impact on my spirituality. The most memorable moment was on Sunday when Ahmadis recite the pledge (i.e. the bai‘at) where everyone prayed together and cried profusely. I have never seen such a firm resolve in one’s faith before this. If I was to suggest something for the guests then it would be that there should be more activities for guests during the convention. Furthermore, female guests should not be compelled to wear the hijab.” They are not compelled to wear it. Either she is under a misconception or perhaps a worker said this of their own accord. It is my belief that usually, we do not tell them to wear it. Nonetheless, she says: “The hijab should certainly be present and those who wish to wear it can do so.”

But nevertheless, what we do say is that one should wear modest clothes.

Lorena Villa Lobos, a guest from Costa Rica writes, “I am in regular contact with Muslim organisations in Costa Rica, but, I do not see any participation from women whatsoever. In fact, only men represent their faith, all of whom are designated to some office or position or another. However, having attended the Jalsa of the Ahmadiyya Community, I was astonished and pleased to see that in the Ahmadiyya Community, women and men are equal.” On the second day, when she went to the ladies’ side, she said that the discipline and cleanliness were far better. She says, “I was informed that the Ahmadiyya Community is working to establish peace, harmony and interfaith dialogue throughout the world. Initially, I thought that all this was limited to mere statements. However, after attending the Jalsa I have experienced this first-hand and can attest that whatever the Ahmadiyya Community instructs others to do, they act upon it themselves as well. The actions and words of the Community members are the same.”

A guest from Burundi, Hatungimana Pontien Sahib is the Secretary for The Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs & Human Rights, Burundi. Whilst mentioning his sentiments, he says, “I was warmly received from the airport up to the accommodation. The young volunteers greeted me and were very consistently very hospitable. I will never forget the three days of selfless love and affection shown in the hospitality which was without discrimination of race, background or religion. Even though my beliefs are slightly different, we are all the creation of Allah, Who loves everyone and we share the same blood. The speeches at Jalsa were filled with the teachings of Islam and shed light on the erroneous interpretations done by others regarding the Ahmadiyya Communtiy’s teachings and answered their questions. The report on your success throughout the world indicates that you assist people who have special requirements and through relevant planning, do your part in helping them. I am a witness to those services in my country of Burundi.” He further says: “It is not the work of a human being to organise such a large conference. It is only the work of Allah the Almighty. This is a clear and mighty sign that whatever you do, it is always supported by the hand of Allah the Almighty.” He then offered prayers that may Allah the Almighty always protect you.

A non-Ahmadi guest from Iceland Suleman Ba Sahib, who is originally from The Gambia, says, “Participating in the Jalsa Salana increased my knowledge about the Community. After visiting the various exhibitions, I saw the work the Community is doing around the world. I am deeply impacted by the manner in which the Jamaat strives to attain knowledge and to disseminate it.

I was also deeply impressed by the fact that despite an attendance of 43,000 people, the segregation between men and women was maintained and they were both working in their respective areas.”

He further says, “I have attended many Islamic gatherings and programmes and even though their attendance consists of a few thousand people, there is still interaction taking place between men and women. However, despite such a large gathering in the Jalsa, segregation was maintained which is no ordinary matter. (This is also a form of silent tabligh for these people which is done through our conduct.)

“The Community should be commended for this. The arrangements and organisation of the Jalsa were extremely excellent. Everyone was treating one another with great respect and the workers were cheerfully carrying out their duties. The entire organisation of the event was running in a smooth fashion. This was not merely the result of a few days of preparation, rather these preparations were being carried out for a long time.”

He further says, “At the accommodation I was in (which was in Jamia), the mattresses had been laid out and everyone slept there; there was no distinction between anyone. All of the guests were being treated equally.”

He then gave a suggestion for further improvement, saying “Although there was air conditioning in the jalsa gah, however, it was still hot and it seemed there was a lack of air ventilation as a result of which I began to feel sleepy. I initially thought perhaps it was just me but when I looked to my right and left at other people, they would also sometimes doze off. Therefore, there should be some arrangements for air circulation in order to keep everyone fresh.”

The missionary from Argentina writes, “Mariana Plaza Sahiba is the Ambassador of Argentina to the United Kingdom. She attended the Jalsa for the first time. She was so impressed by the atmosphere of the Jalsa and the event that she held an official reception at the embassy and invited all the non-Ahmadi guests who attended the Jalsa from Latin America. During this reception, the Ambassador of Argentina particularly expressed her thanks to the non-Ahmadi government officials who attended the Jalsa of the Ahmadiyya Community and played their role in promoting the message of the Community. She stated, ‘Generally, religious organisations only invite diplomats and politicians for the special external events and after inviting them for a particular session then bid them farewell. In contrast, it is a rather extraordinary and commendable fact that your community did not hide anything from us non-Ahmadi guests. This shows that you do not have any hidden agenda, in fact, your teachings are clear and whatever teaching you present before those who are not members of your community is in complete harmony with your inner beliefs and agendas.”

Jaqueline Sahiba, an editor of a Brazilian newspaper attended the Jalsa, and says:

“I was extremely impressed in every respect by this extraordinary gathering, particularly by its structure; the fact that despite such a large attendance, people were interacting with one another with such great love and harmony and also by the sheer arrangements of it all which made it possible for this to be a successful Jalsa in every aspect. I was very delighted by the atmosphere of peace, unity and love. The wise words of the Head of the Community touched my heart and opened my mind towards goodness. The words of the Khalifa of the time were not just mere words, rather it seemed as if they were emanating sincerely from his heart. I experienced love and respect in every moment during the Jalsa. The cheerful manner in which the volunteers carried out their duties most certainly impacted my heart and is commendable.”

A newspaper journalist from Brazil says, “This was an extraordinary Jalsa. My respect and admiration for the Ahmadiyya Community has further increased after the Jalsa. The selfless service rendered by the volunteers attracted my attention as to how they devoted their time, cars and services for the guests. This was an excellent thing.”

Roberto Catalano is a professor of interfaith dialogue at the University of Florence in Italy. He attended the Jalsa and said, “I was left astounded by this event. This Jalsa brings together many thousands of people from different nations of the world. This demonstrated the commendable unity of the Ahmadiyya Community. A spiritual atmosphere could be felt in this Jalsa and it was amazing to see how people were completely silent and giving their full attention when the Head of the Community was speaking and this created a deeply spiritual atmosphere. The passion of the volunteers was very impressive and these volunteers, which included children, worked with great effort. One of the most memorable moments of the Jalsa was the International Bai‘at ceremony in which the bai‘at was done at the hand of the Khalifa of the time. This holy and extraordinary event united 40,000 people which is a powerful proof of their collective faith and devotion. I have particularly learnt a lot more about the persecution against the Community in Pakistan and the challenges it faces. Despite these struggles and afflictions, for them to not express any kind of hatred greatly impressed me and is a true testament of your faith.”

The Women’s Affairs and Family Welfare commissioner from Rodrigues Island, Agathe Marie Sahiba also attended. She said:

“This was the first time I attended such a large event where people from more than a hundred countries were in attendance belonging to different ethnicities. For me to take part in an event along with almost 44,000 people is almost equal to the total population of Rodrigues Island. What completely melted my heart was the manner in which the people attending the Jalsa Salana sat with such discipline. Everyone was smiling and greeting one another and this is very commendable. The Head of the Community’s address to the Lajna was also very profound. I learnt that the women in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community play an important role. I am certain that this address will bring about a positive impact on my policies. I have learnt a great deal at this Jalsa which shall bring about a positive change in me and those around me. I have attended many religious events in the past and I knew deep in my heart that there were some spiritual aspects in them, which were lacking. However, the Jalsa was such an event that fulfilled all my shortcomings.”

Such sentiments were expressed by many people that they were lacking in certain aspects of their spirituality and that they were able to find a better atmosphere here.

Temu Anderson Hoyce Sahiba from Tanzania is serving as an Ambassador of Tanzania at the United Nations in Geneva. She said:

“After coming here, I witnessed love and smiles and did not see any kind of hatred during these days. The ladies’ session was extremely insightful and impressive. The exhibitions I visited during the Jalsa were very beautiful in which the founder of the Community and the elders of the Community were introduced in an excellent manner. The history of the founder of this strong Community and its heroes was presented in a beautiful manner. The Ahmadiyya Community has made a significant change in the lives of people, which includes my beautiful country Tanzania. This Jalsa gave the opportunity to value human sympathy and to live with one another with love and without any kind of hatred.”

Justice Ivan Sesay, a guest from Sierra Leone, states, “The three days of the Jalsa Salana were days of peace, spiritual growth, and global unity. The organisation of the event was exceptional. There was no distinction of race or colour. Everyone was working side by side. Each person, whether a child or an adult, was performing their assigned duties remarkably well, which astonished me. The speakers, including distinguished dignitaries and scholars, delivered deep insights and inspiring messages that touched everyone’s hearts. I was particularly impressed by the emphasis on peace, unity, and understanding. There were numerous activities and exhibitions that made the Jalsa lively. The educational exhibitions were well-presented, offering historical and cultural insights.”

He continues, “I had many opportunities to meet and converse with people from diverse backgrounds, which fostered feelings of unity and brotherhood. A significant moment for me was the keynote address where the Head of the Community highlighted the importance of compassion and service to humanity. His emphasis on the role of parents and the negative impacts on children in the absence of parental guidance due to social media or electronic networks was enlightening and serves as a guideline for our parents. The arrangements, speeches, and service of the community members at the Jalsa Salana greatly exceeded my expectations.”

Gul Sairan Bngali Sahiba, a guest from Kazakhstan, says, “I attended such a grand, religious convention for the first time. As a former politician, I am aware of the costs and extensive planning required for such large-scale arrangements and the tireless efforts of many people involved. I was deeply impressed by the enthusiasm and joy with which all the volunteers were performing their duties in every department. Despite their hard work, each volunteer treated the guests with love, respect, and affection. However, what impressed me the most were the addresses of the Khalifa of the time. Though the addresses seemed to discuss everyday ethics, they had a profound and broad subject matter behind them. I particularly appreciated his clear and direct comments on the negative effects of social media on children’s upbringing. I learned a lot and now intend to apply these lessons in my life. When speaking to my grandchildren, I will explain that we should not forget our morals in our pursuit of success in life.” She was so impressed that she said, “Although I came as a guest this time, I am confident that I will soon join this Community because I resonate with what I heard at this Jalsa.”

Kash Sankofa Sahib, a guest from Belize, remarks, “How can one deny that Ahmadiyyat is the true Islam? All my doubts and questions have been answered. When I see how much love the Ahmadiyya Community has for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, I realise that Ahmadiyyat is a great, strong tree with many fruitful branches.”

Amalia, a guest from Spain and a professor of psychology at the University of Cordoba, writes, “As a psychology professor, I was very interested in learning about your experiences. I took the opportunity to observe these moments, which have become preserved as cherished memories that I will fondly remember. The diversity and vastness of the Jalsa, and the peace and harmony felt in every corner, deeply impressed me.”

Arber Zeqira, a physics professor from the University of Kosovo, says, “It was my first time attending the Jalsa in the UK. After listening to the Friday Sermon of the Khalifa of the time, I noticed an immediate improvement in the overall atmosphere. There was a visible display of love and affection between the volunteers and guests. Smiling faces and the greetings of ‘Assalamu alaikum’ (i.e. peace be upon you) were heard everywhere. Such an environment can be likened to paradise. If such an atmosphere can be created in such a large gathering, it is not far-fetched to believe that it can be established worldwide, but only the Ahmadiyya Community can accomplish this. What impressed me the most was how, even if a volunteer was forced to deny a guest out of necessity, a solution was immediately provided to ensure the guests were well taken care of. I was astonished by the sight of different nations coming together as one during the bai’at ceremony, as if they were pearls strung together in a single thread.”

A non-Ahmadi journalist from Uruguay says, “Before attending the Jalsa, I had many expectations and prejudices. To understand Islam closely and specifically, the work your Community is doing was essential for my project in Uruguay. The first day’s speech, where the Khalifa spoke about hospitality, was particularly inspiring. As a guest, I believed we might expect an interfaith message, but these messages were directed towards the Community. I felt very comfortable in the atmosphere of constant praise and glorification of God.”

She further said, “I learned a lot about different cultures within the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which dispelled many of my prejudices. I was not allowed to record anything from the women’s side, however I feel there was no danger or harm in this.” If by this she meant taking pictures, then it is good that she did not take any. Otherwise, it was fine for her to record anything else, or to acquire the recordings later. The missionary from there can explain it to her further. She then said, “Nonetheless, there was no harm in granting permission, as it would have allowed us to create better material to publish in our country. Participating in the Jalsa Salana has significantly impacted my spiritual life. The most memorable moment for me was seeing men cry in prayer to Allah the Almighty. I believe that the participation of journalists can be better organised to improve the coverage of the event. My suggestion is to spread the work and working methods of the community more widely to the world.”

Anna Petrovska Sahiba, a guest from Poland who works in a customer support department, attended. She says, “I believe in God but do not consider myself part of any religion.

“I was introduced to the Community by an Ahmadi who used to work with me. I got the sense that he felt a great deal of pride about his Community and he would often tell others about it. Hence, I too had some information about the Ahmadiyya Community as well as some links to certain websites.” She says, “After doing some research, I decided to attend the Jalsa Salana UK, and I even bought my clothes and a scarf for the Jalsa. When I began my journey towards the Jalsa, I had mixed feelings, and I was also a bit scared.” Then she says, “On the first day of Jalsa I did not know which way to go on the Jalsa site. Meanwhile, without my asking, a girl asked me if I needed help which was very surprising for me. Upon arriving at the Jalsa site, I immediately began feeling safe. Even though there were so many people, I did not feel alienated in any way. During the Jalsa, the various speeches, especially the addresses by the Head of the Community strengthened my bond with the Community. For me, the most memorable part was the address delivered to the ladies in which guidance was given as to how children should be raised. During the address, I kept thinking about my own children and the fact that I completely agree with the boundaries which the Head of the Community mentioned in his speech, and I consider all of them to be very important and think that they were worth mentioning.”

A professor from the University of Pristina in Kosovo said whilst mentioning his impressions, “I attended the Jalsa Salana for the first time and I witnessed love and affection everywhere. In my view, this Jalsa was very successful, especially the exhibitions.” He is from Kosovo and he says, “I was very troubled to hear about the persecution faced by the Community throughout the world. The concluding address delivered by the Head of the Community drew my attention towards the fact that Islam Ahmadiyya is the true teaching, and I received the answers to my questions. When I return to Kosovo, I will respond to those who speak out against the beliefs of the Community.”

Mr Churk Van, a guest from Holland says, “The hospitality of the Ahmadiyya Community and the volunteer efforts made by thousands impacted me a great deal. There was an atmosphere of respect, love and peace for all.” He says, “I also met the Head of the Community which was a very good experience. Not only did he meet us, but he also took the time to answer questions about Islam from both Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis alike and I greatly benefitted from this.” He says, “These things have been engrained in my heart and without growing weary he carefully listed to what we had to say and gave us answers.”

These are just some impressions which I have mentioned. The report of bai‘ats which took place as a result of the Jalsa Salana is as follows; the chief of a village in Guinea-Bissau along with 85 people accepted Ahmadiyyat after watching the Jalsa proceedings. The Imam of a mosque in a village of Tanzania accepted Ahmadiyyat. A school teacher from Niger accepted Ahmadiyyat. During the Jalsa, 12 people from Congo-Brazzaville accepted Ahmadiyyat.

A missionary from Guinea-Bissau writes that Sare Kucha is a place in Guinea-Bissau where the chief was severely opposed to the Community. During the Jalsa Salana, he watched the Jalsa proceedings and listened to my addresses as he had been invited to do so. He says that after listening to these addresses he said, “Your Khalifa and the founder of your community are true lovers of the Holy Prophetsa. We had always been told that the Ahmadiyya Community does not accept the Holy Prophetsa to be a prophet and have instead taken their own prophet. But after listening to the address delivered by your Imam, I have become certain that your Community alone is the true community of the Holy Prophetsa.” At that very instance, along with 85 people, he announced that he had accepted Ahmadiyyat and he who was once an opponent entered the fold of the Jamaat. May Allah also grant sense to the Pakistani clerics as well.

The Imam of a mosque in the Abuja village of Tanzania says, “I was left astonished upon watching the proceedings of Jalsa Salana on MTA. These scenes were very impactful. During the bai‘at there were some very emotional moments and I was astonished that everyone was repeating the words of a single leader and then prayed as well. These scenes have entirely changed me and have left a deep impact on me. God willing, I shall always remain a part of this Community. I was the Imam in a Sunni mosque, but now I am a heartfelt Ahmadi and have completely changed.”

The report from the Tabligh Department in the UK is that during the Jalsa, 22 people from the UK were able to accept Ahmadiyyat. They comprised two British, two Nigerians, eleven Pakistanis, one Romanian, five Arabs and a Bengali. There were about 1,000 non-Ahmadi guests who attended the Jalsa. During the Jalsa, various tabligh sessions which also included question and answer sessions were organised in which various people expressed their impressions.

Under MTA Africa, there were more than 14 national television channels that relayed my addresses. They also transmitted the International Bai‘at ceremony live which was watched by several million people. The new African channels that joined in this were Malawi’s national television channel, Canal Plus TV in Benin, and the government channels of The Gambia, Ghana, Uganda, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. These channels are viewed by approximately more than 30 million people.

There were 14 different television journalists who participated in the Jalsa and 57 reports were broadcasted. These reports reached more than 55 million people.

Arrangements were made in the Senegal mission house to listen to the Jalsa. An Imam who teaches the Holy Quran Hadith and Jurisprudence at a college said after the Jalsa concluded, “I consider myself lucky because today I had the opportunity of seeing the Khalifa of the Imam Mahdi live and listening to his address. Before this, I had many doubts about the Ahmadiyya Community, such as that, God forbid, Ahmadis diminish the rank of the Holy Prophetsa. However, today, after listening to the address of Khalifatul Masih, all of my doubts in this regard have been dispelled and after listening to today’s speech, I can confidently say that the Ahmadiyya Community does not dishonour the Holy Prophetsa rather it has a great deal of sincerity and love for him and teaches the entire world to follow and obey the Holy Prophetsa.”

The report about online coverage is that last year this numbered 41, whereas this year there were 49 websites which are read by 15 million people according to reports. As for print coverage, there were 14 articles and the readership of those newspapers is five million according to reports. 19 reports were relayed via television and radio. It is reported that the viewership is ten million. The viewership of the television channels is ten million while there were a total of 24 reports broadcast on the radio and the number of listeners is also ten million.

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, approximately more than 46 million people saw or heard the news of the Jalsa Salana and it is said that in the coming few days it is expected that there will be even more coverage and quite prominent radio channels such as LBC, Radio Solent, BBC, BBC South Today, and Daily Express and others have published reports. Similarly, as I had mentioned, many people visited the exhibitions, such as the Makhzan-e-Tasaweer exhibition, and upon seeing the history exhibition as well as other exhibitions people were greatly impacted. All of these exhibitions were also a form of tabligh.

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, on the one hand, the Jalsa has been a means of increasing spirituality and moral training and on the other hand, it has been a means of informing external guests about the teachings of Islam and to better their understanding, as well as a means of bringing them closer to God. Thus, owing to this, while we must bow down and be thankful to God Almighty more than before, at the same time we must follow the pledge that we will always strive to spread the message of Allah the Almighty and the Promised Messiahas even more than before. May Allah the Almighty enable us to do so.

(Official Urdu published in the Daily Al Fazl International, 23 August 2024 pp. 1-8. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

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