Friday Sermon – Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakr r.a. (23 September 2022)


Friday Sermon

23 September 2022

Men of Excellence: Hazrat Abu Bakrra

Hazrat Abu Bakr

After reciting the tashahudta‘awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:

The qualities of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra were being mentioned and I will continue narrating them today as well. Hazrat Aishara relates that with regards to the verse:

اَلَّذِيۡنَ اسۡتَجَابُوۡا لِلّٰهِ وَالرَّسُوۡلِ مِنۡۢ بَعۡدِ مَاۤ اَصَابَهُمُ الۡقَرۡحُ ؕۛ لِلَّذِيۡنَ اَحۡسَنُوۡا مِنۡهُمۡ وَاتَّقَوۡا اَجۡرٌ عَظِيۡمٌ

“Those who answered the call of Allah and the Messenger after they had received an injury — such of them as do good and act righteously shall have a great reward.” [Surah Aal-e-Imran, Ch. 3: V. 173]

Regarding this [verse] Hazrat Aishara said to Urwah:

“O son of my sister! Your father, Hazrat Zubairra and Hazrat Abu Bakrra were among those individuals [who answered the call of the Messengersa], when the Holy Prophetsa was injured on the day of Uhud and the idolaters had fled and the Holy Prophetsa feared that they would return. The Holy Prophetsa asked, ‘Who will go after them?’ Upon this, 70 men presented themselves for this task.” 

Urwah said, “Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Zubairra were among them as well.” 

(Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Maghazi, Hadith no. 4077)

When the Battle of Uhud came to an end, Abu Sufyan was in a valley and he promised to wage another war at Badr during the same days the following year. The Holy Prophetsa agreed to this, upon which Abu Sufyan immediately took his army and set off towards Mecca. Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra has mentioned the subsequent incidents in the following manner. 

“The Holy Prophetsa immediately dispatched a party of seventy Companions, which also included Hazrat Abu Bakrra and Hazrat Zubairra, in pursuit of the army of the Quraish. This is the narration of Bukhari. The manner in which most historians describe the account is that the Holy Prophetsa sent Hazrat Alira, or in light of various narrations, Sa‘dra bin Abi Waqas in the footsteps of the Quraish and instructed him to bring news as to whether the army of the Quraish intended to attack Medina. The Holy Prophetsa went on to tell him that if the Quraish were mounted on their camels and were taking their horses along unmounted, then they should rest assured that they were returning to Mecca, and did not intend to attack Medina. However, if they were mounted on horses, then they would know that their intention was not good. The Holy Prophetsa strictly instructed him that if the army of the Quraish was heading towards Medina, he should be informed at once and in a state of great passion, he said, ‘At this time, if the Quraish attack Medina, by God, we shall fight them and give them a taste of their own.’ Thus, the men dispatched by the Holy Prophetsa went and quickly returned with the good news that the army of the Quraish was proceeding towards Mecca.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra [English Translation] Vol. 2, p. 344)

Hazrat Anasra bin Malik relates that following the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said to Hazrat Umarra, “Come with us to Umm-e-Ayman. Let us pay her a visit just as the Holy Prophetsa would visit her.” Hazrat Anasra says that when we reached her, she started crying. Both of them asked, “Why do you cry? Whatever is with Allah is better for His Messengersa.” Upon this, she said, “I know that whatever is with Allah is better for His Messengersa. However, I weep because the revelation that came down from the heavens has now come to an end.” Hazrat Anasra says that Umm-e-Ayman caused them to become emotional as well and they started crying with her. (Sunan ibn Majah, Kitab-ul-Janaiz, Hadith 1635)

The Holy Prophetsa once stated, “O ye people! Allah has sent me to you, but you said, ‘you are a liar’. However, Abu Bakr said that ‘you are truthful’ and he demonstrated his sympathy towards me through [sacrifices of] his life and wealth.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Fazail Al-Sahab-ul-Nabi, Hadith 3661)

In relation to this, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra says, “It was Hazrat Abu Bakrra alone in relation to whom the Holy Prophetsa said, “every one of you rejected me, but it was Abu Bakr in whom I did not find any weakness.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 26, pp. 277-278)

On the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, when a peace agreement was being made between the Holy Prophetsa and the Quraish and when the Holy Prophetsa returned Abu Jandal in accordance with the conditions of the agreement, the companions were overcome with passion. Mentioning this, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad Sahibra has written: 

“The Muslims were witnessing this scene and in religious indignation, their eyes became gorged with rage, but out of respect, they remained silent before the Holy Prophetsa. Finally, Hazrat Umarra could bear it no more. He came to the Holy Prophetsa and inquired in a trembling voice, ‘Are you not the truthful Messengersa of Allah?’ The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Yes, indeed I am.’ Umar responded, ‘Are we not upon the truth and our enemy upon falsehood?’ The Holy Prophetsa responded, ‘Yes, indeed it is so.’ Umar said, ‘Why then should we bear this humiliation in the matter of our true religion?’ Upon seeing this state of Hazrat Umarra, the Holy Prophetsa concisely said, ‘Look hither Umar! I am the Messenger of God. I understand the will of God and I cannot act against it; and it is He Who shall be my Helper.’ But the indignation in the mood of Hazrat Umarra was growing, moment by moment. He began to say, ‘Did you not say that we would perform Tawaf around the Ka‘bah?’ The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Yes, indeed I did, but did I also say that this Tawaf would definitely be this year?’ Umarra said, ‘No, you did not.’ The Holy Prophetsa responded, ‘Then be patient. God-willing, you shall indeed enter Mecca and perform Tawaf of the Ka‘bah.’ However, in this state of emotion, Hazrat Umarra was not satisfied. Nonetheless, due to the unusual awe of the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Umarra left and came to Hazrat Abu Bakrra. In his emotion, he asked the same question again, and Hazrat Abu Bakrra also responded in the same way as the Holy Prophetsa. However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra also advised him, ‘O Umar, look hither! Control yourself. Do not allow your grip to loosen from the rope of Allah’s Messengersa. By God, this man, in whose hand we have given our own, is without a doubt, truthful.’ Hazrat Umarra said that at the time, because of his emotions he said such things, but later he felt exceedingly repentant. Moreover, in order to wash away the effects of this weakness as a form of repentance, he performed many voluntary acts as an expiation. In other words, he gave charity, fasted, offered voluntary salat and even freed numerous slaves, so that this blemish of weakness could be cleansed.” (Sirat Khatamun-Nabiyyin, Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra [English Translation] Vol. 3, pp. 140-141)

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has also mentioned this incident. He writes: 

“Once, the Holy Prophetsa addressed the companions and said, ‘I have given you many commandments and have observed that there is a sense of apprehension even in some of the sincerest among you. However, I have never observed such to be the case with Abu Bakr.’ At the incident of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, an individual the likes of Hazrat Umarra became perturbed and, in that very state, went to Hazrat Abu Bakrra and said, ‘Was it not God’s promise to us that we would be able to perform Umrah?’ Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, ‘Yes, God had promised us this.’ Hazrat Umarra then said, ‘Was it not God’s promise to us that He would help and support us?’ Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, ‘Yes, it was.’ Hazrat Umarra said, ‘In that case, were we able to perform the Umrah?’ Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, ‘O Umar, God did not say that we would be able to perform Umrah in this very year.’ Hazrat Umarra then said, ‘Were we granted help and victory?’ Hazrat Abu Bakrra replied, ‘God and His Messengersa know better what it means to be granted help and victory.’ These answers, however, were unable to comfort Umar, and in that state of anxiousness he went to the Holy Prophetsa and humbly submitted, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, was it not God’s promise to us that we would enter Mecca whilst performing the Tawaf?’ The Holy Prophetsa replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Umarra then said, ‘Are we not a divine community that was promised help and victory from God?’ The Holy Prophetsa replied in the affirmative. Hazrat Umarra then said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, were we able to perform Umrah?’ The Holy Prophetsa replied, ‘When did God decree that we would perform the Umrah in this very year? It was my belief that we would perform Umrah this year; God had not specified this in His promise.’ Hazrat Umarra then asked, ‘Then what is meant by the promise of being granted help and victory?’ The Holy Prophetsa replied, ‘The help of God will surely come, and His promise to us will be fulfilled no matter what.’ The answer given by Hazrat Abu Bakrra was the same answer given by the Holy Prophetsa.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 20, p. 382)

Both these narrations differ only in that in the first instance, Hazrat Umarra goes to the Holy Prophetsa first and Hazrat Abu Bakrra afterwards, whereas Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra has mentioned the same incident but has said that Hazrat Umarra first went to Hazrat Abu Bakrra and then the Holy Prophetsa

Hazrat Abu Hurairahra narrates, “There were two men who were slandering one another; one man was a Muslim and the other was a Jew. The Muslim said, ‘I swear by Him Who has granted Muhammadsa superiority over all the worlds.” On the other hand, the Jew said, “I swear by Him Who granted Mosesas superiority over all the worlds.” Upon hearing this, the Muslim raised his hand and slapped the Jew in the face. The Jew went to the Holy Prophetsa and recounted what had occurred between the Muslim man and him. The Holy Prophetsa summoned the Muslim and inquired of him what had happened. The Muslim man explained everything, upon which the Holy Prophetsa said, “Do not give me superiority over Mosesas.”’ (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Khasomaat, Hadith 2411)

In the commentary of this hadith, the Muslim who slapped the Jew is stated to be Hazrat Abu Bakrra. (Umdat al-Qari, Vol. 12 [Beirut: Dar-ul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah, 2001], p. 251)

This hadith has been narrated in Bukhari

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra mentions this incident in the following manner, “The Holy Prophetsa cared immensely for the sentiments of the followers of other faiths. Once, in the presence of Hazrat Abu Bakrra, a Jew said, ‘I swear by Mosesas, who was granted superiority by God over all prophets.’ Upon hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra slapped him. When the Holy Prophetsa learned of this, he admonished a man such as Hazrat Abu Bakrra.” 

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra further states, “Notice that under a Muslim government, a Jew gives superiority to Mosesas over the Holy Prophetsa and speaks in a manner that angers even a soft-hearted man such as Hazrat Abu Bakrra, causing him to slap the Jew. However, the Holy Prophetsa admonishes Hazrat Abu Bakrra and states, ‘Why have you done such a thing? He has the right to hold whatever belief he wants.’” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 6, p. 531)

If this was his belief, he is allowed to declare it.  

Whilst mentioning Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra love and devotion to the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states: 

“Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra relationship with the Holy Prophetsa was one of pure love. When the Holy Prophetsa left Mecca for Medina, even at that time, this bond was of great love, and when the time of the Holy Prophet’ssa demise came, that love was still the same. At the time when the Holy Prophetsa received the Divine revelations of,

اِذَا‭ ‬جَآءَ‭ ‬نَصْرُ‭ ‬اللّٰهِ‭ ‬وَالْفَتْحُ۔‭ ‬وَرَاَيْتَ‭ ‬النَّاسَ‭ ‬يَدْخُلُوْنَ‭ ‬فِيْ‭ ‬دِيْنِ‭ ‬اللّٰهِ‭ ‬اَفْوَاجًا۔‭ ‬فَسَبِّحْ‭ ‬بِحَمْدِ‭ ‬رَبِّكَ‭ ‬وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ‭ ‬اِنَّهٗ‭ ‬كَانَ‭ ‬تَوَّابًا

[When the help of Allah comes, and the victory, And thou seest men entering the religion of Allah in troops, Glorify thy Lord, with His praise, and seek forgiveness of Him. Surely, He is Oft-Returning with compassion. (Surah an-Nasr, Ch. 110: V. 2-4)], which indirectly conveyed the news of his impending demise – he was delivering a sermon and mentioned the revelation of these verses. He stated, ‘Allah the Almighty has allowed for a servant of His to choose between His closeness and companionship, or worldly success. Thus, I have given preference to the closeness and companionship of Allah the Almighty.’ Upon hearing these verses, the companions’ faces lit up with joy and they all glorified Allah the Almighty and said, ‘All praise is due to Allah for such days are upon us.’ However, whilst everyone was joyful, Hazrat Abu Bakrra let out a cry and began to weep uncontrollably and said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, may our mothers and fathers and wives and children be sacrificed for you. We are prepared to sacrifice anything and everything for you.’ Just as a goat is slaughtered for the sake of a sick loved one, Hazrat Abu Bakrra offered to sacrifice himself along with all his loved ones for the Holy Prophetsa. Upon seeing and hearing him weep, some companions enquired, ‘What has happened to this old man? Allah the Almighty gave a man the option of choosing either His companionship or worldly success, and he preferred Allah’s companionship, thus, why is he crying?’ In these verses, the promise of victories for Islam was being foretold and even the great companions like of Hazrat Umarra were expressing their astonishment. 

The Holy Prophetsa was witnessing the approval of the people and the distress of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. To comfort him, the Holy Prophetsa stated, ‘Abu Bakr is so beloved to me that if it was permissible to make someone other than God Almighty a Khalil (an immensely close companion), then I’d choose him as my Khalil. However, even now, he is my friend and companion.’ The Holy Prophetsa then stated, ‘I ordain that from today onward, those whose windows open into the mosque should be closed except for the window of Abu Bakr.’ This is the manner in which the Holy Prophetsa acknowledged the love of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. This love was perfect and enabled him to understand that behind the glad tidings of [divine] help and victory was the news of the demise of the Holy Prophetsa. Upon this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra offered himself and his loved ones as a sacrifice in place of the Holy Prophetsa in that they die, but the Holy Prophetsa does not. Even at the demise of the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Abu Bakrra demonstrated an excellent example of true love. Furthermore, whilst in the Cave of Thaur, Hazrat Abu Bakrra did not express concern regarding the safety of his own life, but was concerned for the life of the Holy Prophetsa. It was for this reason that Allah the Almighty granted him special assurance and comfort.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 16, pp. 814-815)

Whenever he expressed concern, it was due to his love for the Holy Prophetsa.

On one occasion, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra stated: 

“It is recorded in the hadith that once, Hazrat Umarra and Hazrat Abu Bakrra had a disagreement which continued to prolong. Hazrat Umarra was rather short of temperament, which is why Hazrat Abu Bakrra deemed it best to step away in order to avoid the disagreement escalating unnecessarily. When Hazrat Abu Bakrra tried to leave, Hazrat Umarra stepped forward and took hold of Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra shirt so as to tell him to respond before leaving. When Hazrat Abu Bakrra pulled himself away in an attempt to leave, his shirt ripped. Hazrat Abu Bakrra left from there and headed home, however, Hazrat Umarra suspected that Hazrat Abu Bakrra might go and complain about him to the Holy Prophetsa. Hence, he followed him in order to relate his side of the story, but along the way, Hazrat Umarra lost sight of Hazrat Abu Bakrra. Hazrat Umarra thought that he was going to complain to the Holy Prophetsa, so he too went straight to the Holy Prophetsa. Upon arriving, he realised that Hazrat Abu Bakrra was not there, but because he had started to feel regret, he said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, I made the mistake of treating Abu Bakr in a strict manner. Hazrat Abu Bakr was not at fault, in fact, I was the one at fault.’ When Hazrat Umarra arrived in the presence of the Holy Prophetsa, someone had gone to inform Hazrat Abu Bakrra to tell him that Hazrat Umarra was complaining about him to the Holy Prophetsa. It occurred to Hazrat Abu Bakrra that he too should go in order to express his innocence, so that the story was not one-sided and he could present his point of view. When Hazrat Abu Bakrra reached the gathering of the Holy Prophetsa, Hazrat Umarra was saying, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, I made the mistake of disputing with Abu Bakr and I ripped his shirt.’ Upon hearing this, signs of anger were visible on the Holy Prophet’ssa countenance. He said, ‘O people, what is the matter with you? When the entire world rejected me and you were also against me, it was only Abu Bakr who believed in me at that time and he helped me in every way.’ Then he said, in a sorrowful manner, ‘Will you still not leave me and Abu Bakr alone?’ It was just as he said this that Hazrat Abu Bakrra entered.

Whilst mentioning the subsequent details of what Hazrat Abu Bakrra did when he walked in, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states:

“This is an example of true love. (Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra made reference to this incident of Hazrat Abu Bakrra walking in to explain the true love he had for the Holy Prophetsa). Instead of presenting an excuse and saying ‘O Messengersa of Allah, it was not my fault but it was Umar’s fault’, when he saw that the Holy Prophetsa was upset, being a true lover he could not bear for the Holy Prophetsa to be in any discomfort on his account. As soon as he arrived, he fell to his knees before the Holy Prophetsa and said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, Umar was not at fault, rather I was the one at fault.’ Observe the degree to which he was a true lover. He could not bear for his beloved to be in distress. Seeing the Holy Prophetsa displeased with Hazrat Umarra did not make Hazrat Abu Bakrra happy. Generally, when people see their rivals being admonished or reprimanded, they are prone to becoming happy. However, this true lover could not bear to see the Holy Prophetsa in distress, no matter the reason. He decided that he would take the blame instead of seeing his beloved’s heart in pain and so he said with utmost humility, ‘O Messengersa of Allah, Umar was not at fault, rather I was the one at fault.’” 

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states, “If Hazrat Abu Bakrra was able to say that he was in the wrong despite being the one who was wronged, only so that he may ease the pain in the Holy Prophet’ssa heart, then how could any other believer forgo any opportunity to do something which may please God and draw them nearer to His pleasure.” (Khutbat-e-Mahmud, Vol. 27, pp. 313-314)

It is the hallmark of a believer that they strive to attain the pleasure of Allah the Almighty and avoid doing anything that would displease Him. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra quoted this example with reference to this. 

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra then stated: 

“Hazrat Umarra once brought a copy of the Torah to the Holy Prophetsa and said, ‘O Messengersa of Allah! This is the Torah.’ Upon hearing him, the Holy Prophetsa remained quiet. Hazrat Umarra then opened it and began to read from it. Upon this, there was an expression of dislike on the Holy Prophet’ssa countenance. When Hazrat Abu Bakrra saw this, he became upset with Hazrat Umarra and said, ‘Can you not see that the Holy Prophetsa is not pleased with this?’ Upon hearing him, Hazrat Umarra looked towards the Holy Prophetsa and when he also saw an expression of dislike on his countenance, he apologised and sought forgiveness from the Holy Prophetsa.” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 6, p. 253)

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra related this incident in the commentary of a verse of the Holy Quran. The Holy Prophet’ssa displeasure upon Hazrat Umarra reading out a portion of the Torah was due to it being contrary to Islamic teaching, not because the Torah was being read out. If anyone is interested in reading this commentary, they can refer to Tafsir-e-Kabir, volume 6, chapter 24, verse three, under which they can find further details. 

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra states, “The manner in which the Companions followed the Holy Prophetsa is exhibited through an incident relating to Hazrat Abu Bakrra. After the Holy Prophet’ssa demise, when various Arab tribes refused to offer Zakat, Hazrat Abu Bakrra prepared to wage war against them. It was a sensitive time, to the extent that someone like Hazrat Umarra suggested that such people should be dealt with leniently. However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra responded, ‘What power does the son of Abu Quhafa have to abrogate something which was commanded by the Holy Prophetsa? By God, if these people used to give so much as the rope used to tie their camels as Zakat, then I will take that as well. I will not rest until they offer Zakat.’ This is recorded in Bukhari. Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, ‘If you do not support me in this matter, then don’t. I will face them on my own.’ This was the high level to which they followed the Holy Prophetsa even in the most dangerous of circumstances. Despite senior Companions advising against fighting, he was prepared to face any threat for the sake of fulfilling a command of the Holy Prophetsa. Similarly, Companions urged to stop the deployment of Usama’sra army, however, Hazrat Abu Bakrra said, ‘Even if the enemy gains so much power that they conquer Medina and dogs wander about dragging along the corpses of Muslim women, I would still not stop the army which had been prepared for deployment by the Holy Prophetsa.’” (Tafsir-e-Kabir, Vol. 8, pp. 108-109)

Hazrat Jabirra relates that the Holy Prophetsa said, “If I receive wealth from Bahrain then I will give you such and such amount” indicating with his hand. However, the wealth arrived after the Holy Prophet’ssa demise. When the wealth from Bahrain arrived, Hazrat Abu Bakrra instructed a caller to make an announcement, and he said, “Anyone who had a loan with the Holy Prophetsa or a pledge should come to us.” He says that upon hearing this, he also went to them and said that the Holy Prophetsa had made such and such promise to him and so Hazrat Abu Bakrra gave him three Lapp. Ali bin Madini says Sufyan would put both his hands together to show how it was given three times in a Lapp. (Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab Farz Al-Khums, Hadith 3137, Urdu translation, Nazarat Ishaat Rabwah, Vol. 5, pp. 485-486)

Hazrat Abu Sa’eed Khudrira relates that when the wealth from Bahrain arrived, he heard Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra caller saying, “Anyone who had been promised something by the Holy Prophetsa should come.” People went to Hazrat Abu Bakrra and he would give them [from the wealth]. Then, Hazrat Abu Bashir Ma’zani went and stated that the Holy Prophetsa said, “O Abu Bashir, whenever we receive something, come to us.” Upon this, Hazrat Abu Bakrra gave him two or three Lapp which turned out to be 1,400 dirhams. (Ibn Sa’d, Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra, Vol. 2 [Beirut, Lebanon: Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1990], p. 243.)

Lapp refers to both hands being joined and filled.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra was in deep conversation with the companionsra when he said to a worker to bring some water. After a short while, the worker brought water in a clay jug. Hazrat Abu Bakrra held the jug with two hands and had just raised it to his mouth in order to drink it when he noticed that the vessel was full of honey, and also contained water. He put the jug away and did not drink from it. He then turned to the worker and asked him what was in the container. The worker replied that he had mixed water with honey. Hazrat Abu Bakrra looked intently at the container. Only a few moments had passed when tears began to gush forth from Hazrat Abu Bakr’sra eyes and he began crying profusely. His weeping began to grow louder and a state of intense emotions overtook him. People began to console him and asked, “O Khalifa of the Messengersa, what is the matter? Why are you crying so profusely? May our parents be sacrificed for your sake, why are you crying in this manner?” However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra did not stop weeping, rather, upon seeing Hazrat Abu Bakrra in this state, all the people present also began to cry. After they had let out their emotions, the people stopped crying, Hazrat Abu Bakrra continued to weep. When his tears abated, the people asked, “O Khalifa of the Messengersa of Allah, why were you crying? What has caused you to weep so much?” Wiping away his tears with the edge of his cloak and composing himself, he replied, “I was present with the Holy Prophetsa during the days of his final illness. I saw that the Holy Prophetsa was moving something away from him with his hand, but I could not see what it was. With his weakened voice, he was saying: ‘get away from me, get away from me.’ I saw all around but could not see anything. I said to him, ‘O Messengersa of Allah! I saw that you were trying to move something away from yourself, but I could not see anything around you.’ Turning to me, the Holy Prophetsa replied, ‘It was in fact the world, which came before me with all its allure and comforts. I told it to move away from me.’ (He was shown this in a state of vision). The Holy Prophetsa then stated, ‘It [i.e. the world in the vision] moved away from me, but said, “You may have managed to escape from me, but all those that come after you will never be able to escape from me.”’” Overcome with anxiety, Hazrat Abu Bakrra shook his head and, in a worried tone, asked, “I am afraid of this honey mixed with water, lest the world has taken hold of me. It was for this reason that I wept profusely.” (Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra Ke 100 Qisse, [Lahore: Bait-ul-Aloom], pp. 68-70), (Huliyatul Auliya Wa Tabqatul Asfiya, Vol. 1, [Maktabatul Iman Al-Mansurah, 2007], pp. 30-31)

This was the level of his fear of Allah the Almighty within him.

In the conquest of Iraq, the Muslims acquired an expensive cloak [from the spoils of war]. After seeking counsel from the army, Hazrat Khalidra bin Walid sent the cloak as a gift for Hazrat Abu Bakrra and wrote to him to accept it as it was being sent for him. However, Hazrat Abu Bakrra did not want to keep it for himself, nor did he send it to any of his relatives. Instead, he gave it as a gift to Hazrat Imam Hussainra. (Syedna Siddiq Akbarra Ke Shab-o-Roz, [Lahore: Maktabatul Bahrain, 1437 AH] p. 107)

The remaining accounts will be narrated in the future, God willing.

At present, I wish to speak about two deceased members and, God willing, lead their funeral prayers in absentia.

The first mention is of Samiullah Sayal Sahib, who was serving as the Wakil-ul-Zara’at in Tahrik-e-Jadid. He passed away at the age of 89.

اِنَّا‭ ‬لِلّٰهِ‭ ‬وَاِنَّاۤ‭ ‬اِلَيۡهِ‭ ‬رٰجِعُوۡنَ

[Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.]

By the grace of Allah the Almighty, he was a Musi. His father was Rahmatullah Sayal Sahib. Samiullah Sayal Sahib’s family accepted Ahmadiyyat through his father, Rahmatullah Sayal Sahib and he did the bai’at in 1938, during the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra. At the time, Samiullah Sayal Sahib was four years old. When his mother learnt that her husband had done the bai’at, she took Samiullah Sayal Sahib with her and left her husband. When this matter was brought to the attention of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra, he stated to his father that he should file a legal case to be granted custody of the child. And so, he filed a case and was granted custody of the child, who then grew up in the care of his father. Samiullah Sayal Sahib’s father was martyred during the disturbances in eastern Punjab. Thereafter, all of his non-Ahmadi family members tried convincing him to return and to move away from the Jamaat However, he did not leave Ahmadiyyat. Samiullah Sayal Sahib completed his matriculation exams from Talim-ul-Islam High School in 1949.  He then did his BA in 1954 from Talim-ul-Islam College and in 1956 he did his MA in statistics from Government College Lahore. He has two sons; one of them is a doctor in Canada and the other son is Iftikharullah Sayal Sahib, who is a life-devotee and serves in Tahrik-e-Jadid, Rabwah. Sayal Sahib dedicated his life to the Jamaat in 1949 and along with the other life-devotees he sat an exam and also an interview and the exam had been prepared by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra himself. Following this, upon the instruction of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, Samiullah Sayal Sahib enrolled in Talim-ul-Islam College in Lahore to pursue further studies where he first did a BSC degree and then later an MSC degree in Statistics. His initial posting was in 1953 in the offices of the Jamaat and he continued to serve in various Jamaat offices. From 1960 to 1963, he had the opportunity to serve in Sierra Leone. In 1983, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh appointed him as Wakil-ul-Zara’at and San’at-o-Tijarat. From 1988 to 1999 he served as Wakil-ul-Diwan and from 1999 to 2012 he had the opportunity to serve as Wakil-ul-Zara’at and Sana’at-o-Tijarat and from 2012 until his demise he served as Wakil-ul-Zara’at. His total duration of service spanned 69 years. Apart from this, he was also a member of many committees of Sadr Anjuman and Tahrik-e-Jadid. He was also the director of various registered companies. He also had the opportunity to serve as a Mohtamim in various departments of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya for a very long period of time. 

His wife, Amatul Hafiz Sayal Sahiba says: 

“In our 64 years of marriage, I observed that he was an extremely pious and compassionate individual. He always placed his trust in God and was a very loving person. He would always give preference to others over himself in everything and he would give precedence to the instruction of the Khalifa over everything.” 

She further says, “When I got married, he told me right from the beginning that he was a life-devotee and the wife of a life-devotee is also a life-devotee.” 

She further says, “He was very caring towards the poor and extremely hospitable at home.” 

His son, Iftikharullah Sayal, says, “His loyalty and love for the Jamaat was instilled in him right from his childhood. During the disturbances of 1947 when his father was martyred, he was left completely alone. (As was mentioned previously, only his father was Ahmadi among all his family and his mother had also left them.) The rest of the family told him that if he left Ahmadiyyat they would take on all the expenses for his worldly needs and education. However, owing to his love for Ahmadiyyat and having a firm belief in its truthfulness, he replied, ‘Even if I were to die of hunger, I would still not leave Ahmadiyyat.’ Thereafter, he remained firm in his faith. He had an ardent desire for his progeny to also dedicate their lives to serving the faith. And so, when I dedicated my life, he was extremely happy. At the time, he was in London and personally informed Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh of this news. Upon this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh also expressed his happiness and stated that true Waqf [life-devotion] is when this spirit continues through one’s progeny. Whenever he was faced with any religious or worldly difficulty, he would prostrate before God and would pray fervently for the difficulty to be resolved.”  

His son writes, “I never saw him miss offering even a single Tahajjud in all my life. He would help the poor in every possible way he could. Upon his demise, many people came to me and particularly mentioned that whenever they needed any money, they would immediately go to Sayal Sahib and he would always help them. At times, if ever there was an issue at home and at the same time there was an opportunity to serve the Jamaat, he would go to fulfil the Jamaat work and would leave the household matter in the hands of Allah.” 

He further says, “He always taught me to love the Jamaat and to become a loyal servant of Khilafat. He had great belief in every word spoken by the Khalifa of the time. In relation to this, he would mention that when he presented himself before Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra with regards to dedicating his life to the service of the Jamaat, at that time, Churchill became Prime Minister at the age of 80 for the second time. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra said to them, ‘If Churchill can become a Prime Minister at the age of 80, then why can’t you serve the Jamaat till that age as well?’ He would say that from these words he knew that all of the people who were present in that group of life-devotees would certainly live till the age of 80 at least and that Allah the Almighty would grant them the opportunity to serve till the age of 80. Chaudhry Hameedullah Sahib was his colleague and so was Musleh-ud-Din Sahib and they all lived till over the age of 80.” 

His daughter-in-law says: 

“My father passed away while I was quite young, however, I received the love of a father in the form of my father-in-law. In the 22 years of my marriage, I have always received affection and love like that of a father. He was a true devotee of the Jamaat and had a deep love for Khilafat. He looked after the poor and was a very hospitable and truthful person. He would always be occupied in the remembrance of Allah the Almighty and would express his gratitude to Him over the smallest of things. He also played a great role in the upbringing of my children. He would draw their attention towards learning the translation of the Holy Quran and reading the books of the Promised Messiahas and then he would also test them on this as well. Whenever the children would sit with their grandfather, he would narrate to them, accounts from the history of the Jamaat and the love and affection of the Khulafa. Even if a young child came into the house, he would not let them leave until they had been served and taken care of.” 

Basil Sahib, who is serving as Naib Wakil-ul-Zara’at writes, “Samiullah Sayal Sahib was an extremely compassionate individual. He had immense love and devotion for Khilafat. He would also financially assist the workers in the office. He would always advise us to have a connection with the Khalifa of the time. He would always tell us that we should protect every bit of the Jamaat’s wealth and he would remind them that the Promised Messiahas had mentioned that he was not concerned as to how the Jamaat would receive money, rather he was concerned about finding people who would look after it properly.” (Al-Wasiyyat, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 20, p. 319)

He further says, “Whenever a life-devotee, a Jamaat worker or any Ahmadi would come to meet him, he would always tell them that there were great blessings in serving the Jamaat. Those who serve the Jamaat, Allah the Almighty grants them abundantly and continues to fulfil their needs. He would give his own example and say that he was nothing and Allah the Almighty granted him in abundance and this was all owing to his life-devotion.” 

Nasreen Haye Sahiba says, “He was among our most important members of the family. My parents would always show him great respect. He did not have any daughters of his own and when I was around 7 or 8, he and my aunt adopted me and I stayed with them until my wedding. They both raised me like their own daughter and right from my childhood, looked after my needs. They provided me with an excellent education and got me married to a missionary.” 

Mahmood Tahir Sahib, who serves as the Secretary of the Fazl-e-Umar Foundation, says, “He once told me that after completing his BA, in his initial posting, he was sent to pursue an MA upon the instruction of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. At that time, someone in the office expressed their concern to Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra that he was sending him to study for an MA, but he feared that perhaps he may leave [his service for the Jamaat] and find a job elsewhere. Upon this, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra stated, ‘Sayals cannot be disloyal.’” 

Imran Babar Sahib, who is a Waqif-e-Zindagi and oversees the Ja’idad department of Tahrik-e-Jadid, says, “I had the opportunity to work with him for 15 years. He had great control over his emotions. He would never hesitate if he had to speak to a government official. I also had the opportunity to travel with him on the train and he would always do tabligh whilst on a journey and he would do so with a loud voice, so that everyone near and far could hear him.” 

Luqman Sahib, who is serving as Wakil-ul-Maal Awwal, says, “He would always immediately respond to the instruction of Khilafat and would also draw the attention of others to do the same. As soon as the new financial year for Tahrik-e-Jadid would be announced, he would immediately come to the office and make his contribution and also write down his promise.”

Sheikh Haris Sahib, who serves in Tahrik-e-Jadid, says, “When I dedicated my life to the service of faith, he guided me at every step of the way. He was very loving and caring. He was an extremely brave and courageous life-devotee. He would always take great care in saving the Jamaat’s money.” 

Haris Sahib further writes: 

“In 2015, Engineer Javed Sahib, who is the chairmen of Pakistan’s Engineering Council came from Islamabad to especially visit Rabwah. Apart from the various other elders of the Jamaat, he was also introduced to Sayal Sahib. In this short meeting, Sayal Sahib did not let the opportunity for tabligh go to waste and did tabligh to him in a very excellent manner.” 

May Allah the Almighty grant the deceased His mercy and forgiveness. May He also grant the ability for his Waqif-e-Zindagi son to also fulfil his Waqf. May He enable his progeny to remain attached to Khilafat and the Jamaat and grant peace and comfort to those who he leaves behind. 

The next mention is of respected Siddiqa Begum Sahiba, wife of the late Ali Ahmad Sahib, who had served as a Muallim for Waqf-e-Jadid. She passed away recently at the age of 85. 

اِنَّا‭ ‬لِلّٰهِ‭ ‬وَاِنَّاۤ‭ ‬اِلَيۡهِ‭ ‬رٰجِعُوۡنَ

[Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.]

Her son is Abdul Hadi Tariq Sahib, who is a missionary and currently serving as a teacher in Jamia Ahmadiyya Ghana. She was born in Pherochechi close to Qadian. Her father passed away while he was quite young in 1944. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra took care of their widowed mother, Nawab Bibi Sahiba and her children. They were called to Qadian and Hazrat Nawab Amatul Hafeez Begum Sahibara gave them a place to stay in her bungalow. The missionary says that his maternal grandmother had the opportunity to serve Hazrat Nawab Amatul Hafeez Begum Sahibara. He further states that after the partition of India, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra sent his grandmother to Nasirabad in Sindh and that is where they grew up. 

The deceased was the daughter-in-law of a companion of the Promised Messiahas, Hazrat Mian Allah Ditta Sahibra. She was the wife of a life-devotee and also the mother of a life-devotee. She lived with her husband, who was a life-devotee with the same spirit of life-devotion and supported her life-devotee husband in their times of hardship. She never made any kind of demand in all her life from anyone. She possessed countless qualities, among which the most notable were her humility, devotion to God, simplicity, hospitality, kind nature, contentment with whatever she had, covering the shortcomings of others, patience and a great level of steadfastness. In all her life, she never complained about anyone. She never listened to people who spoke about the ills of others and nor did she ever commit any ills. She always treated everyone with love and sincerity. Apart from her five daily prayers, she regularly offered the Tahajjud prayer. Similarly, she would regularly recite the Holy Quran. During the final days of her life, her health had deteriorated a lot owing to which she could not properly pray, she would pray, “O my Lord! Grant me enough health and strength so that I may be able to worship you properly.” 

She is survived by two daughters and three sons. As I mentioned earlier, one of her sons, Abdul Hadi Tariq Sahib, is a missionary of the Jamaat in Ghana and due to serving in the field he was not able to attend his mother’s funeral. 

May Allah the Almighty grant all of them patience and steadfastness and enable them to continue her virtuous deeds and may He grant her His forgiveness and mercy and elevate her rank. 

(Official Urdu transcript published in Al Fazl International, 14 October 2022, pp. 5-9. Translated by The Review of Religions.)

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