Qamar Suleiman, Alislam

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa graciously granted the Alislam team the opportunity to spend a week in Islamabad, UK, from 20-26 February 2024. There were twelve of us and we were accommodated at the Sarai Nusrat Guest House and Tahir Guest House in Islamabad. The hospitality and accommodations were commendable.
The approved plan was to have a group mulaqat with Huzooraa in the MTA Studio in Islamabad on 24 February 2024 that would be recorded. We would spend the week preparing our presentations and rehearsing them and top it off daily by attending congregational salat behind Huzooraa. This was an experience that cannot be explained in words. Our incidental presence for the concluding address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa to Jalsa Salana Ghana from Masroor Hall added to our spiritual uplifting.
The mulaqat was 50 minutes and 50 seconds of spellbounding from fear to awe to joy. We all truly felt the transition from fear to awe to joy. As we presented Alislam work done over the year from March 2023 through February 2024 about the new Alislam AI, Ruhani Khazain search advancements, and Holy Quran search advancements using AI, Huzooraa constantly and keenly engaged in the discussion and provided us invaluable guidance and instructions on how to proceed further.
This was maximised as we rediscovered the blessing of God’s grace in the person of Khalifatul Masih Vaa. It was with great appreciation that we received the prayer Huzooraa wrote on the agenda paper, in which he stated:
[Translation] “May Allah, the Almighty bestow His blessings upon the endeavours of the Alislam team. Masha-Allah, you are continuously making strides towards new advancements. Keep moving forward. JazakAllah.”
We did not want to leave!