On Sunday, 12 May 2024, a delegation consisting of 72 nasirat from Germany had the blessed opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa in a mulaqat, held at Islamabad, UK.
The mulaqat commenced with the greeting of Salaam from Huzooraa, followed by Atiyatul Wakeel’s recitation of the Holy Quran and its German translation.
Next, Huzooraa called upon Elisha Khokhar to present a report in which they mentioned that there were 72 nasirat present who shall be entering Lajna Imaillah next year and added that some of them were meeting Huzooraa for the very first time.
Afterwhich, the nasirat had the chance to ask Huzooraa questions and seek guidance on an array of matters.
Hibatul Kafi Khan asked Huzooraa how she could give true importance to Allah in her life, of which He is deserving. Huzooraa answered:
“Are you aware of who it is that has provided you with everything? It’s God Who gives.” Huzooraa explained that God is Rabb-ul-‘Alamin and that He has prepared all her necessities prior to her birth and has brought her up. Thus, Huzooraa explained that one must remember these things and know that Allah is Rabb, our Lord and Master. “Expressing one’s thankfulness to God is worship itself.”
Huzooraa added that to be thankful to Allah, one should offer the five daily prayers and express gratitude while in worship. Additionally, Huzooraa added that she should be grateful to God for giving her parents who look after her wellbeing.
Maheen Ghumman enquired about the prohibition mentioned in Surah al-Maidah against befriending Christians and Jews. Huzooraa responded by asking if she had read the explanation of the verse, and then proceeded to explain that she should not focus solely on one verse but should instead consider the entire Quran to understand its context. Prior to the verse in question, Huzooraa explained that Allah has stated He revealed the Holy Quran, guided believers, and provided humanity with the greatest of religions.
Huzooraa clarified that God has not forbidden befriending Christians and Jews; rather, it is only when one befriends them that they are unable to preach to them. “Thus, here, God means not to befriend those who have strayed far from religion,” and who can potentially have a negative impact on you.
Thus, the verse should not be interpreted as forbidding or discouraging the fair and compassionate treatment of Jews, Christians, and other non-believers.
Atiyatul Rafi Saqib mentioned the prayer for Allah to save us from the punishment of the grave and enquired whether it is felt in the grave. Huzooraa explained that when a person passes away, their accountability begins, and their soul ascends to the heavens. The essence of being saved from the torment of the grave entails seeking Allah’s forgiveness, experiencing no suffering in the soul, and earning Allah’s pleasure. “To achieve this, one must engage in good deeds. Allah commands worship, hence, one should worship Him. Allah also emphasises displaying good morals, caring for others, tending to the needy and orphans; thus, one should fulfil these responsibilities and interact with people courteously. All of these actions are considered forms of worship.”
Atiyatul Wakeel enquired about the ways the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat could positively influence society.
Huzooraa responded, “If you are pious and devoted in your prayers, Allah shall assist you in blessing the good deeds you perform.” Huzooraa then proceeded to enumerate the aforementioned good deeds, such as caring for orphans, treating others with kindness, and upholding moral values. Referring to their social circle, Huzooraa emphasised the significance of her school as a part of it. He suggested that excelling in studies and focusing on academic pursuits would serve as a visible example of moral goodness to others.
“Moreover,” Huzooraa continued, “engaging in acts of service to humanity, participating in charitable endeavours, and contributing positively to the well-being of others,” Huzooraa cited Germany as an example, highlighting how many there distinguish Ahmadis from other Muslims. He shared that during mosque inaugurations in Germany, he often hears remarks about Ahmadis being recognised as good, righteous individuals, which contributes positively to society.
“Cultivate goodness within yourself, you will inevitably have a positive impact [on the society],” Huzooraa said.
Marwa Khan enquired of Huzooraa how he responds when experiencing happiness or concern.
“When experiencing happiness, we express gratitude to God. When concerned, we seek His help.”
Shafaq Ata mentioned that her classmate told her that in Islam, men and women are not considered equal, citing the example that men are allowed to marry up to four wives.
Huzooraa explained that such permission was granted for various reasons, stating, “God has laid down conditions.” Huzooraa mentioned one reason could be to propagate religion, citing the practice of Prophets marrying multiple wives. Additionally, Huzooraa emphasised the importance of women by noting that even the Holy Prophetsa encouraged learning from Hazrat Aishara, stating that one can learn half of their religion from her.
Furthermore, Huzooraa added that in certain cases, when a doctor advises that a woman cannot bear children, a man may choose to marry another woman for this reason. Huzooraa further cited various reasons backed with points of why men are allowed up to four wives.
Huzooraa added that Allah has endowed men and women with two distinct natures.
However, Huzooraa said that Allah has said that if man reaches the conditions of which he is allowed to marry another, then he may do so. Otherwise, he cannot.
Mahwish Khulood Babar asked how one can be inclined to salat.
Huzooraa referred to his previous answer, and reiterated that recognising God as the ultimate provider and acknowledging His numerous blessings should inspire gratitude within us. He emphasised, “When you express gratitude to Him, it evokes profound emotions within the heart.”
Lujana Naseer asked what to do if there is a difference of opinion with those in authority, whether it be parents or teachers, especially when both parties believe themselves to be correct.
Huzooraa asked her how old she was, to which she replied that she was 15. Huzooraa remarked that her experience was only 15 years, while her teachers’ or parents’ experience was “far greater than yours.” Huzooraa advised that one should not argue simply for the sake of arguing. Instead, he suggested, “You can ask them to explain their viewpoint to you.” Furthermore, Huzooraa noted that there are various matters to consider, depending on the subject of the argument, whether it’s theoretical or related to rishta.
However, Huzooraa said that it should not turn into a matter of one’s ego; if one knows they are wrong, they should accept it.
Tashifa Azeem expressed she is soon joining Lajna Imaillah and sought guidance from Huzooraa on how to become exemplary members of the organisation.
Huzooraa emphasised that becoming a member of Lajna does not equate to unchecked independence or escaping parental guidance, underscoring that true maturity and freedom involve adhering to moral and ethical boundaries set by Allah.
Urging the nasirat to strive for the holistic fulfilment of their duties to Allah, their Jamaat, and society, Huzooraa advised:
“Islam instructs that a proper Muslim Ahmadi girl should be modest and conduct her life within the framework of the sharia. Remember, all your actions should seek to please Allah and conform to His will. This way, you will not only be a good Lajna member but also a commendable person and a responsible citizen. A good Lajna member is also expected to be a good citizen, a noble human being, and dutiful towards Allah. Constantly express gratitude towards Allah.
“Always bear in mind that as an Ahmadi girl, and indeed as a Muslim girl, you should set an example for others. Therefore, it is essential to fulfil your duties to Allah and to people; to engage with others compassionately and courteously, to help the needy, to look after your younger siblings, to respect the elderly, and to avoid being obstinate. Maintain good manners at all times. This will genuinely define you as an exemplary Lajna member.
“I have repeatedly emphasised, as taught by the Promised Messiahas, that we should always remember that Allah is watching over us. Indeed, Allah Himself has said this, and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa reaffirmed that Allah observes us. Hence, everything we do should aim to gain Allah’s favour. If you consider the temporary and limited surveillance of CCTV cameras, reflect on how Allah’s ‘CCTV camera’ is even more encompassing, observing not just our actions but also the intentions in our hearts. Keep your intentions and thoughts pure as well. By adopting this mindset, you will indeed become a commendable member of Lajna.”
Inza Ahmad asked Huzooraa that if the Holy Prophetsa was a mercy to all mankind, why were the Jews of Banu Quraiza killed after the battle of the ditch and why were they not shown mercy.
Huzooraa remarked, “I delivered an in-depth sermon on this. Did you not listen to it?” Huzooraa then proceeded to briefly explain the matter, affirming that the Holy Prophetsa was indeed a mercy to all of mankind. When the people of Banu Quraiza violated the pact made between them, the Holy Prophetsa gave them the option to leave the city.
However, the people of Banu Quraiza refused to heed the Holy Prophet’ssa words and insisted on following the counsel of a certain individual who was a Jew that had converted to Islam. Consequently, the Holy Prophetsa consulted this individual, who declared that the punishment for Banu Quraiza, according to their own scripture, was execution. Huzooraa added that there is disagreement regarding the number of individuals executed. Hence, Huzooraa concluded, no argument can be raised against the Holy Prophetsa for this decision as it was made in accordance to their own book.
Aleena Ijaz enquired about how to handle lessons on LGBTQ, etc. in school.
Huzooraa suggested that while they could listen to such lectures by their teachers, there is no obligation to agree with their content. Huzooraa further explained, referencing religious texts, “This topic is discussed in the Bible, even more than in the Holy Quran, particularly regarding the people of Lot,” with both scriptures denouncing the actions of such people.
Yusha Shezad asked Huzooraa what is the right age for marriage.
Huzooraa stated, “The first condition is maturity.” Here, the law dictates that one may do so when they are 18. Islam, however, states that marriage is permissible upon reaching the age of maturity. Huzooraa explained that the age of maturity for women varies in different countries. Nevertheless, it is recommended that when a woman reaches the age of maturity, she may consider marriage. As per the country’s law, if it specifies 17 or 18 as the age, it is advisable to consider marriage around that time. However, even then, one must pray for a suitable match – “a partner who is religious, God-fearing, and will take care of you.” Huzooraa emphasised that all women should make this prayer.
Thereafter, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa extended salaam to everyone and the meeting came to an end.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam)