Zubair Khalil Khan, Director Humanity First Germany

During the last couple of days, German states of Rhineland, Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia were worst affected due to relentless rains and storms which caused rivers and reservoirs to burst their banks, flooding homes and bringing down buildings.
These floods are considered to be the worst floods of the country in living memory.
The German Army deployed 900 soldiers who are helping the victims. As per the latest reports (16 July 2021), 125 people have died, while 1300 are still missing.

The moment news of the flood disaster reached Humanity First Headquarters in Germany, the Chairman, Mohammad Athar Zubair Sahib immediately called a disaster relief meeting on 16 July 2021.
Formulated groups were sent to make assessments and to render help to victims in affected areas.
Stefan Haerter Sahib, Usama Ahmad Sahib, both Directors of Humanity First Germany along with the team of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany visited the city of Hagen, Wuppertal and Schuld.
On the spot physical help was rendered in removing the dirt and stuck slumps in basements and houses. A care centre was immediately established for the victims in the city of Nuerburgring and victims were given cooked, hot food.
Visits to more cities for assessments and to render help to victims will be enhanced in the coming days.

According to the assessment of Humanity First Germany and MKA teams, the main support is needed to remove the slumps and damaged material from the buildings’ basements and ground floors. For this, everything has to be done manually.
Therefore, Humanity First Germany along with MKA Germany are planning to reach to all the Jamaats of affected regions and will urge healthy male members to come forward and assist the victims in getting the aftermath of the floods cleared from houses and buildings.
In order to provide cooked food to victims, an appeal for donation has also been circulated. For the victims in the area, a digital and printed version of a contact card has been distributed among the residents. This card has a WhatsApp and mobile number on which any victim can contact us for help and assistance.
A large number of Khuddam also reached flood victims in Koblenz and its surroundings. Meals were cooked in the Ahmadiyya mosque and taken to a care centre for distribution among flood victims.
In a very large number, members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Germany volunteered for humanitarian services. Huge donations were also offered by members of the Jamaat all over Germany.
There are many areas that are still out of reach due to raised water levels. Humanity First Germany and Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya teams are trying to reach more areas, and Insha-Allah, during the coming days more flood victims will be helped.
Readers of Al Hakam, especially in Germany, are requested to present themselves to Humanity First Germany so that we can work on cleaning the dirt and rubble, as well as to donate generously for food donations.